Medical Patient In Need of High CBD Content Strain Seeds......


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am a medical user in WA State, I have chronic degenerative disc disease and I am looking for a strain that is high in CBD so that my caregiver can grow it and make tincture oil out of it to help manage my pain.

I have looked/called/e-mailed all over California and WA State to try and find some seeds that are rich in CBD such as:




etc..... but I can't seem to find them anywhere, they always seem to be out of stock.

I was wondering if anyone here has any seeds they could send me or know where I might be able to order some from, I would be forever grateful. :thumb:

Thank you for your time,

- Aeternus
northmann - Yes, I have looked on all of them, I can't find any Harelquin, Harle-Tsu or any other CBD rich strains on those seed banks, they either don't have them or are out of stock.

Nobody on here has any CBD rich strains that they could send me?
It is my guess that these seeds are very sought after now and you should try talking to the seedbanks and explaining your situation.

It is sad that they are not more available especially after all the talks about the benefits of cbd over thc rich strains. I hope you can find something an will keep my eyes and ears open for ya.

good luck
Go to any single seed center and find a strain called Cannatonic (14% CBD), it's been bred in Spain and has many good reviews. Try also find a website of CBD Crew - they carry CBD reworked strains only using CannaBiogen and Mr. Nice stock.
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