Mites in my cut/trimmed purple nugs help!

Retired One said:
Freezer is a bad'll freeze the trichomes, and by extention, weaken the bud...i solved the problem of post harvest infestation by vacuum sealing the bud for 24 hrs...nothing lives without air.

I agree 100%

Vacuum sealing will kill the mites but not do any damage to the buds and more importantly, the trichomes that are responsible for the potency. That sticky substance is resin, and freezing it will change it's structure and cause it to crumble and detach from the stalk it is attached to leaving you with a dusty bag of less potent weed! ;)

I store my bud the same way I store my fine cigars and pipe tobacco. In a humidor that is moisture controlled using Humidipaks. Would you freeze a $20.00 cigar until you are ready to smoke it?

Didn't think so! :laughtwo:

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