More of a question, if anyone can help




Congrats on the partial harvest, on getting a loupe, on the rest waiting to be harvested. Its a long road but you’ve learned a ton, and you have a better idea of what’s going on, future grows will become easier.
Hopefully they will lol. Smoked a joint of it last night and I was blasted like very stoned considering that it was only the trim lol. Hopefully the purple punch doesn’t get nute burn SO MANY times. Thanks for all your help guys
Week 5 of flower (this is my first grow I don’t really know what the fook I’m doing) my question is why tf are the buds so small? It says it’s a fast flowering under 8 week yet I’m pretty sure she’s got like a lot longer than that left. Photo below
Belive me the sellers of the seed class the 8 week flower period as an estimate can take up to 12 maybe more looks good though! Fattening up very soon
they’re all doing good, only problem is I have absolutely no idea what the strain is lol. Week 3 and just started feeding nutes and already got nute burn, something must be wrong with these nutes should I half the dosage?



There are thousands of strains nowadays so there is way to tell the strain by looking, no nute burn seen on your plants. The indicator of nute burn is your leaf tips turn brown - not seeing that on your crew
Sorry didn’t take a photo closed up the leaf is curled a bit and there’s bronze tanning going on, not sure if it’s 100% nute burn?

Week 5 of flower (this is my first grow I don’t really know what the fook I’m doing) my question is why tf are the buds so small? It says it’s a fast flowering under 8 week yet I’m pretty sure she’s got like a lot longer than that left. Photo below
That's not always the ultimate time. I say 8 weeks at least, I promise!
As far as I know nute burn is leaf tips only but not the edges like shown in your pics, see what else comes in
Hmmm, I see. If it helps at all I did have this on my last 3 plants I might be something to do with wind burn? That’s currently the closest one to the fan and none of the other plants are showing signs, (last grow I switched them around everyday so they would all get wind)
I hope that’s it
Got a Q too, does cfl affect how much a plant stretches once flowering is underway? The last one the ak I feel like it only grew like 4 inches the full time in flower..
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