Multi Strain Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I've started 3 Barney's farm seeds. Blueberry og, peyote critical,& critical Kush.
Medium, mostly organic soil mix .
Indoor tent with HID lights with a choice of a 400w as well as a digital 250/400/600w unit. I'm looking at 2 hoods both running 400w as plenty of light in a 5ft sq tent!
Canna bio rizo and nutes.
Bio bizz top max bud boost.
Other fertilizers.
Currently at the three seedlings near all growing at the same rate as eachother.
Will post photos when the lights are back on.
Will add more after thinking. Where does everyone get the tokin emojis? I'm not on any pc. Just android phone. :ganjamon::yummy::thumb:

I've got 5 monster clones. Triple cheese and cookies Kush , which I have been potting on. In the middle I have the three seedlings. Not a good picture.. I'm at the mercy of the wheather to a point with the set up I have. I always grow at night. Cooler in summer and warmer in the winter. Currently I have 71% humidity and 21/ 23 temp. Normally humidity is around 60% but like I say I have to contend with atmospheric influence as is without any extra kit .
The seeds are in my soil mix which is literally just that. I collected some soil from below the layer of composting apples in a un touched orchard. I then killed several cuttings with it before adding some lime. I was advised to use 20% of the soil maximum in a mix. So I bought a couple of bags of coco natural, & a big bag of cheap wood chip compost ( I now know, mistake, I sieved it best I could.) And mixed it together almost 33% of each.. I've a bag of John innes no 3 ready to recharge it at some point. I've put a bag of tropical bat mix, which is the same as I have made+ guano. .
I'm using 7gal imperial fabric pots stood on old commercial seedling trays.
Currently vegin under a dual spectrum 250w CFL . Hope to be using a 250wMH self ballasted bulb asap.. the soil is sort of hot certainly not til free. Funny watching the old flowering leafs get nute burn and the reveging new growth sucking up the nitrogen.
I've got a inlet and exhaust system, simple and nescassary. All top and bottom of a long window.
Where does everyone get the tokin emojis?

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I've started 3 Barney's farm seeds. Blueberry og, peyote critical,& critical Kush.
Medium, mostly organic soil mix .
Indoor tent with HID lights with a choice of a 400w as well as a digital 250/400/600w unit. I'm looking at 2 hoods both running 400w as plenty of light in a 5ft sq tent!
Canna bio rizo and nutes.
Bio bizz top max bud boost.
Other fertilizers.
Currently at the three seedlings near all growing at the same rate as eachother.
Will post photos when the lights are back on.
Will add more after thinking. Where does everyone get the tokin emojis? I'm not on any pc. Just android phone. :ganjamon::yummy::thumb:

I've got 5 monster clones. Triple cheese and cookies Kush , which I have been potting on. In the middle I have the three seedlings. Not a good picture.. I'm at the mercy of the wheather to a point with the set up I have. I always grow at night. Cooler in summer and warmer in the winter. Currently I have 71% humidity and 21/ 23 temp. Normally humidity is around 60% but like I say I have to contend with atmospheric influence as is without any extra kit .
The seeds are in my soil mix which is literally just that. I collected some soil from below the layer of composting apples in a un touched orchard. I then killed several cuttings with it before adding some lime. I was advised to use 20% of the soil maximum in a mix. So I bought a couple of bags of coco natural, & a big bag of cheap wood chip compost ( I now know, mistake, I sieved it best I could.) And mixed it together almost 33% of each.. I've a bag of John innes no 3 ready to recharge it at some point. I've put a bag of tropical bat mix, which is the same as I have made+ guano. .
I'm using 7gal imperial fabric pots stood on old commercial seedling trays.
Currently vegin under a dual spectrum 250w CFL . Hope to be using a 250wMH self ballasted bulb asap.. the soil is sort of hot certainly not til free. Funny watching the old flowering leafs get nute burn and the reveging new growth sucking up the nitrogen.
I've got a inlet and exhaust system, simple and nescassary. All top and bottom of a long window.
Ok I give up trying to attach photos when I am having to go into edit open the camera and by the time I sit down to write about the pictures I,/ my phone goes tits up. So I have popped 3 Bf seeds and 2 are getting leggy .is this over watering?? They are currently 3inches tall or more. The third I damaged trying to pop it out the blister pack. Yes I broke out a chunk of shell and consequently?the seedling is lurvely and short/ 5 to 10mm?? I've got enough light, they're not stretching for that. Do I always over water. Is it the basic cause of leggy seedlings. A little help here and I will be alot more into committing to this. I'm going nowhere. Gonna follow this through as 420 community has all the know how to get my grow right. I have, I think, put relavant pictures so we say in UK l8r.
Ok I give up trying to attach photos when I am having to go into edit open the camera and by the time I sit down to write about the pictures I,/ my phone goes tits up. So I have popped 3 Bf seeds and 2 are getting leggy .is this over watering?? They are currently 3inches tall or more. The third I damaged trying to pop it out the blister pack. Yes I broke out a chunk of shell and consequently?the seedling is lurvely and short/ 5 to 10mm?? I've got enough light, they're not stretching for that. Do I always over water. Is it the basic cause of leggy seedlings. A little help here and I will be alot more into committing to this. I'm going nowhere. Gonna follow this through as 420 community has all the know how to get my grow right. I have, I think, put relavant pictures so we say in UK l8r.
Every picture but the right pictures sorry .but it's mearly two 3inch tall plus 3 days old inch a day. In dirt.?? I'm overgenerous with water.
I've started 3 Barney's farm seeds. Blueberry og, peyote critical,& critical Kush.
Medium, mostly organic soil mix .
Indoor tent with HID lights with a choice of a 400w as well as a digital 250/400/600w unit. I'm looking at 2 hoods both running 400w as plenty of light in a 5ft sq tent!
Canna bio rizo and nutes.
Bio bizz top max bud boost.
Other fertilizers.
Currently at the three seedlings near all growing at the same rate as eachother.
Will post photos when the lights are back on.
Will add more after thinking. Where does everyone get the tokin emojis? I'm not on any pc. Just android phone. :ganjamon::yummy::thumb:

I've got 5 monster clones. Triple cheese and cookies Kush , which I have been potting on. In the middle I have the three seedlings. Not a good picture.. I'm at the mercy of the wheather to a point with the set up I have. I always grow at night. Cooler in summer and warmer in the winter. Currently I have 71% humidity and 21/ 23 temp. Normally humidity is around 60% but like I say I have to contend with atmospheric influence as is without any extra kit .
The seeds are in my soil mix which is literally just that. I collected some soil from below the layer of composting apples in a un touched orchard. I then killed several cuttings with it before adding some lime. I was advised to use 20% of the soil maximum in a mix. So I bought a couple of bags of coco natural, & a big bag of cheap wood chip compost ( I now know, mistake, I sieved it best I could.) And mixed it together almost 33% of each.. I've a bag of John innes no 3 ready to recharge it at some point. I've put a bag of tropical bat mix, which is the same as I have made+ guano. .
I'm using 7gal imperial fabric pots stood on old commercial seedling trays.
Currently vegin under a dual spectrum 250w CFL . Hope to be using a 250wMH self ballasted bulb asap.. the soil is sort of hot certainly not til free. Funny watching the old flowering leafs get nute burn and the reveging new growth sucking up the nitrogen.
I've got a inlet and exhaust system, simple and nescassary. All ducts are breathing via top and bottom of a long window. Sounds like the kitchen window of some restaurant.( Cheap extraction fans. My partner has fibromyalgia which was diagnosed after our daughter was born. We are life long advocates of marijuana and now it's replacing a toxic regime of pain killers. I now have a painkiller problem with the presence of them combined with being a carer to my partner . So. I'm in need of getting our harvest strong and bulky. It's only after I started this journal? I realized it was a brilliant way to get serious on my girls.
I'm experimenting with the small seedling pots and venting the sides with a work blade . I make slashes down the side in a high/ low staggered pattern. I get root's that are down then spread.


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If you are down in the USA, check out RootMaker propagation trays and inserts. Their RootBuilder series seems to be similar to Air-Pots.

If anyone is thinking of Air-Pots, have a look at MaXX Yield "Power Pot" 6 PACK! of 5 Gallon Equiv Air Root Pruning Flower Pots on e-Bay. They also have other sizes.
I geuss it's kind of a control grow with a variety of different plants. Giant daisy , camphoraceous lemon geranium, hanging basket of unwatered supermarket cheap to go variety! V.pleased they are fed at least seaweed extract possibly the odd drip of top max.
FIRST FEED canna bio vega & canna rhizotonic.

they're at least 3days old. All of them are within 24hrs of eachother. I've put about 4ml of vega & as near as good 3ml rizo.


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5moster clones . Each one of them as hermaphrodited as the mother's. Amidst the cabbage and partially reveging, there remained a great urge to keep flowering. Almost certainly as I didn't know to remove the flowers until after a fortnight I got suspicious of the budlets. I cut off any flowers left but alas as I did I could see one had hermied. Should have been a wake up at what was happening to the mother's in flowering and exposing leaks of odour around the lighting hoods.still thanks to soil and the fact I'm impatient and had them on near 11/13 I've got a roughly 4oz crop of gc zkittles and cookies Kush plus a pile of Popcorn and longer thin branch tops of triple cheese,a cross inc blue cheese. All I think while grinding a bit is hubbly bubbly / juicy fruit. For the mature e no's fans.
E no's are a European title of listed food additives: e420for example would be thc . Famous for making stuff nameless and associated with ADHD and on because of this.?
So I have been to check the seedlings are ok and found that I left the CFL 250w giant bulb , four feet away after I gave them a dribble of feed last night.. One was laid flat , I geuss she has tried to stretch for the light? I've been terrible for getting seedlings secure. I'm using over rich soil I suspect
FEEDING. I'm using canna rhizotonic bio canna vega bio . I am going to use silica. Should be already.tiny amounts. Seaweed extract also when I next can include it.
this isn't a real journal, just a hippy talking to himself about my shortcomings as a successful gardener. I've got a mix pack of indica dominant seeds. 10 real mixed seeds no feminised just male or female assured that they are all big yield indica dominant seeds and indeed the sales pitch is' Play geuss the strain' .weed seed shop Amsterdam. So I geuss I should bring the myth??? The story of how the female contraceptive pill. Used in water influences the seeds sex to females. As I'm aware there is no actual science to explain just what determines the sex the seeds grow as?? So I have this old story and there must be safer sources of female hormonal influence for experimental seed soaking. Sense ????


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