My First Grow... Afgan x Mazar

ok, i'll try resizing. I have a mac, and i'm not used to it yet (kinda new), so i gotta figure out how i can manipulate the picture file sizes
well, unfortunately workin on a mac is a real pain for a windows geek like me... i keep duplicating the damn images, and so now i hav elike 5-6 copied of each photo scattered throughout the computer... annoying.

But i got them all uploaded!!!
Here's the grow room

Here's two pix of the AxM


And here's a pic of the Bagseed

Like i said, they're doin great, gotta get the new camera and my mac figured out, but this week is so damn hectic... i might not get pix up again till thurs or friday thanks!
wow, it's crazy those pix were only 3 days ago. they are really starting to come into their own, pix tomorrow!

UPDATE: checked plants at 9:23 and noticed what look like little burn marks/brown spots, maybe a millimeter or two wide, but only on the bagseed plant and only on the 3 star main leaves. they are on the same spot on each leaf, tried taking pix, they'll be up here soon, gotta upload. the MazarxAfgan is doing good, no worries there. also, the bagseed seems to be drooping a bit more than the AxM.

These are the pix of the brown spots.


And this is a pic of the AxM.

I'm not real worried about the little brown spots. Just asking a question or two, more preventative than anything. I'm going away for 1 week, 1 week from now and I want everything to be in balance before I leave. I plan on watering heavily with distilled stuff, and leaving some in the blue bowl for the plant to suck up. I am worried about them drying up. any advice??? I might have to transplant before I leave too, so if i need to change pots, that's fine.

UPDATE3: HOLY CRAP! I just looked at the pix i posted, i finally found a way to keep the high resolution and keep the file size low!
ha! that's funny, on the top pic, of the bagseed, you can see the deformed/never formed side leaf of the 3 star leaf
Personally I'd transplant now and get them acclimated before you go.
even at this small size?
damn, i guess i gotta replant, i'll go to walmart and get another pot and some soil...
okay, i decided not to transplant, though a few of you have advised. I'll do it wed sometime. They don't seem big enough to me i guess.... i dunno, but i think i'm gonna wait. I got a bunch more pix today, mastered the art of cropping and compressing the 10mp files so that they are under a MB a piece, without sacrificing quality.

Grow closet:

Afgan x Mazar:







Take a look, tell me what you think.

So I have a big question about the veg cycle. I'm thinkin about switching to 12/12 by the end of the week, beginning on wed after i transplant. I could transplant on tuesday and start switching to 12/12 on wed if that's a better idea. I'm gonna grow them in 8" pots. I gotta get a few more CFLs as well, probably two more to complement the two I have now. Also, I need some advice on an easy watering system to take over for the week I am leaving... HELP!
I agree with you on not wanting to transplant yet - I would do it just before you leave, water the crap out of them, some half-strength nutrients if possible, and you'll be good to go. take a look through my transplant pictures, before and after are night and day - they perked up immeasurably. Even though I haven't watered since the transplant, they are doing really well going on 5 days so far, and given that the soil is still just the slightest bit moist, I think I can safely say that 7 days isn't an unrecoverable gap in watering as long as you saturate them beforehand.

I do not agree with flowering just yet - wait till at least 2 weeks post-transplant just to make sure the roots have had time to grow. here's my suggested timeline:

transplant the day before you leave for a week, water the crap out of them and try introducing some nutrients, leaving the lights on 24/7 for this period.
when you come back a week later, water and feed again.
a week after that you could consider flowering, or wait an additional week or two, and wait out the inevitable growth spurt that comes from a bigger planter/more food/more roots, possibly reaping a larger harvest.

just my $0.02 on the matter, based off my recent transplant, and @Cherma's great advice.

I agree with XSVBuds on not going 12/12 right after transplant, give the roots time to grow first. I waited a week after transplant with my grow, thay showed roots in drainholes by that time.
I also agree with Cherma on transplanting very soon, after i transplanted mine into fresh moist soil i didnt have to water for a week (after both transplants it was about a week before i had to water). I bet you got roots all over those cups by now :)
you think? i don't know how much roots spread, so that's great advice guys! I'll transplant this thurs, switch to 24/0 now, get another 8" pot and two more CFLs to give more intense light! that's gonna run me about $40 tho, i'm kinda poor, so that's a good amount. I'll keep up with pix up untill my vacation, then none for a whole week! you'll have to be in as much anticipation as me! hahaha, can't wait to come home from vaca and having those lil ones growing like mad!
get the Y adapters for light sockets like i have for your CFLs...$1.88 at walmart each, i have 8 CFL's totaling 12,800 lumens in my flowering box running off two light sockets(4 each) that works quite well. also, anyway to set up a cheap webcam to autocapture and post to the web? at least you could see your girls while away, and then when you got back, you could make a small movie out of the captures of the plant's progress over a week! just an idea.
i don't know if the y adapters would fit with the lamps i have, but it's worth a look
So I went out and got the two extra lights, it def puts more light on the plant while staying a bit farther back, and the light is from different angles, so more is spread :) awesome! Let me know if it's a good setup! If i should change some things, this is the final week to do so.
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