My first grow


New Member
This is my first grow and I would like for anybody who is growing dwc style to tell me how I'm doing so far. I'm using two 350. Cfl. And I'm wondering if my lights r too far or to close from my babies.
dont do DWC but they look good to me:)
as far as how far away to keep your lights, the closer the better. but to close isnt good. you should be able to hold the back of your hand under the light with out discomfort for a few minutes. so move them till it dont burn or feel hot on your hand and as they grow raise them:)
By looking at your temps, you could probably use a little ventilation. It's kinda hot in there.
they look fine to me. i am journalling a dwc grow if u need any advice, just post in there. Get lights close as u can, cfls dont usually get hot i'd have them inches above. they great for getting roots going while keeping growth steady in early veg but u want to switch to hps as soon as roots established.

Oh and u'll have issues if u keep them all in that same res, simply because of the diff sizes, theres quite a diff there.

Temps running a little high, do u have extraction? u got any pics of the roots? are u chilling res? If not u need enzymes in to prevent root rot or i'll guarantee res be too warm running at those outside temps.
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