My plant has buds but still tiny


Active Member
This one was didn’t grow big and is already flowering do you know why. ?

This one was didn’t grow big and is already flowering do you know why. ?

Might be because of outdoor lighting plants seem to be finicky with natural light seen this happen too a lot of my outdoor plants.
(ask me how I know)
OK Phyloplankton, that question needs a follow up, even for someone who has been growing cannabis longer then the age of half of the folks who participate here at 420. lol

So here it comes; How do you know?
So here it comes; How do you know?
Perfect example, I planted 4 auto seeds, they had just popped and were about a week old when I had to leave town for two weeks, had a friend watching the house/dogs/plants. He did a great job with the house and dogs, but was so worried about the plants that he brutally overwatered them. When I got home I had four 3 in high plants, with drooping burnt lower leaves, and they were now 3 weeks old, I got the water issue taken care of, but the stress was too much. I now have four, 5 inch tall plants in flower! Needless to say they went outdoors and I planted 4 new seeds. The new plants are already taller than the others, at ten days! With autos, the start is key, because you only have 3-6 weeks to veg and get some size to them. Photos are more forgiving in that respect, you have time to correct any issues, not so with autos.
Perfect example, I planted 4 auto seeds, they had just popped and were about a week old when I had to leave town for two weeks, had a friend watching the house/dogs/plants. He did a great job with the house and dogs, but was so worried about the plants that he brutally overwatered them. When I got home I had four 3 in high plants, with drooping burnt lower leaves, and they were now 3 weeks old, I got the water issue taken care of, but the stress was too much. I now have four, 5 inch tall plants in flower! Needless to say they went outdoors and I planted 4 new seeds. The new plants are already taller than the others, at ten days! With autos, the start is key, because you only have 3-6 weeks to veg and get some size to them. Photos are more forgiving in that respect, you have time to correct any issues, not so with autos.
As always there is savvy mixed into your post's, the type that I personally can use. I'm a new grower when it comes auto's and if nothing else, I'm learning when you goof up on a strain, within a few days it can be replaced (assuming there are extra seeds for usage) with another seed and a short time later it is on its way to maturity.

As always, nice chatting with you Phytoplankton.
If it is healthy then the answer will be genetics. Not all seeds are created equal. I have 13 blue dream autos growing, there is a 2 1/2 foot tall a couple 3 feet a couple 4 feet one is purple and one is growing like Russian sage lol. I also have 14 Super Lemon Haze Autos growing right next to the blue dream and they also have a variety of different sizes. All in same soil, same size pots, same nutes, same environment and each strain are under the same light. With most plants their genetics is what it is.
This might help. Look at the two pic of all the Super Lemon Haze Autos and you will see different growths do to pure genetics.

Hope that helps take care.
If it is healthy then the answer will be genetics. Not all seeds are created equal. I have 13 blue dream autos growing, there is a 2 1/2 foot tall a couple 3 feet a couple 4 feet one is purple and one is growing like Russian sage lol. I also have 14 Super Lemon Haze Autos growing right next to the blue dream and they also have a variety of different sizes. All in same soil, same size pots, same nutes, same environment and each strain are under the same light. With most plants their genetics is what it is.
True! for me the variability is part of the fun of growing from auto seeds.
Even seeds from the same Mom and same Dad can show large differences.
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