N deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of pics of one of my plants. The bud sites look good and green but the leaves are turning yellow, I am wondering if it is a deficiency or burn. Growing in soilless mix #4, ph the water to 6.0, this imparticular plant has been in the bud room since march 15th. Growing temps in the low 80's. I have a few plants starting to look the same.




All 4 pics are the same plant, you can see the bud sites look good still, but the leaves are dying. any help would be appreciated.
Looks like N deficiency, if you have fish, add some fish water to ur plants. or buy a nute that is made to increase ur N lvls, i like fish water because it wont over power the plants in the flower stage, most flower feeds dont have high N lvs and you loose out on them and plant will loose the chloraplast in the leaves
Hey snyp, I'm a new indoor grower, but a life time gardener and see you have beautiful plants that may be optimized by using a very low powered (N), but to only use P H adjusted water from here on out would work, maybe better! Being a new grower I make mistakes at most every turn and have negatively effected 2 plant due to nutrient up-take and high temp. A high in (N) plant food isn't the only toxic potential and getting a handle on my plants life cycle and needs does require focus and lots of reading and observation. Good luck on you grow, looking good.
Hey snyp, I'm a new indoor grower, but a life time gardener and see you have beautiful plants that may be optimized by using a very low powered (N), but to only use P H adjusted water from here on out would work, maybe better! Being a new grower I make mistakes at most every turn and have negatively effected 2 plant due to nutrient up-take and high temp. A high in (N) plant food isn't the only toxic potential and getting a handle on my plants life cycle and needs does require focus and lots of reading and observation. Good luck on you grow, looking good.
We have been feeding with liquid ferts for the whole time, the first wave is on just water and should be done in a couple of weeks. These ones are three weeks behind and really starting to yellow. I am a little concerned. We pulled a bunch of the yellow leaves off though, hopefully that is not a problem (I would hate t kill it at this stage). Will hit it with some more nitrogen and see if that helps
What nutrients are you using in bloom they still require small amounts of the grow nutes along with the 7 other most brands have out there , lol. Had some BlackCherry Soda plants that i did not know I needed to add a small amount along with the bloom ferts. Just wondering mine came back once Icorrected that, hope that helps OG.
What nutrients are you using in bloom they still require small amounts of the grow nutes along with the 7 other most brands have out there , lol. Had some BlackCherry Soda plants that i did not know I needed to add a small amount along with the bloom ferts. Just wondering mine came back once Icorrected that, hope that helps OG.

I want to say we are using a General Hydroponics (???) liquid fertilizer (3 part), we were given a feeding schedule from the company itself (dad has a license to produce, and he just called and asked them). We are giving them what was recommended and the first wave of plants didnt do that, they are still nice and green, starting to yellow as they are a couple weeks from harvest and we cut off the nutes. So i am expecting some color change. this particular plant has been under 12/12 for 2 weeks and is going yellow, I think it is a little early to say it is from the flowering.
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Thanks, looked at that thread last night, but couldnt figure out what I did different this time than the last time I put pics in a thread. also, why is the last pic upside down, It is right on my computer, but when I added it to this site it was upside down?? could not find a rotate button lol.
Just add more grow off t he 3 Part. It's def N def. it shouldn't be yellowing 2 weeks into bloom. Each grow is different so just because the first bunch of plants didn't yellow doesn't mean it,ll Be the same every time. These plants must be using the mutes up faster. Good thing is that N def is prob easiest to fix of all def,s. u should see a rapid improvement wen adding the N.
Start with 74 not low 80's and your given her to much food and pots too small roots have no room
would love to get the temp down, but having a hard time keeping it cool, we have a 420cf/m exhaust and a 120 cu/m intake as well as leaving the door open to the room, just cant' keep the temp down. Good thinking with the pots though, never considered the root system. I will look at a transplant in the next day or so maybe.
Start with 74 not low 80's and your given her to much food and pots too small roots have no room

IDK why you say he is feeding too much because he didnt give size of pots and from looks they are lest 5 gals. Which is plenty size to flower in, if he is having a def then its that he is not feeding enough of what the plant wants, in this case N.

temp should be fine, but you need to get a RH reading and make sure that isnt too high
Start with 74 not low 80's and your given her to much food and pots too small roots have no room

With respect I have ran 2litre pots at 2.8 ec with great results. That's prob around 1500 ppm or more. It's not size of pot that's got anything to do with it. There's multiple variables and I'm pretty certain that's not the issue.
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