Nauseating smell from freshly dried buds


Well-Known Member
Hi! I almost finished my first grow. Most of plants are dried (50~60 RH, 17~20 degree celsius, 5 days, inspected carefully to make sure there is no mold). All seems good but instead of the rumored freshly cut grass I got this really strong smell that I can't describe, so strong I feel my head spin a bit after a whiff in the jar. The strain is Cheese Auto from RQS

Is it normal? Am I doing something wrong?
If you put them in the jars too wet-they can start to rot in there,usually
but not always accompanied by a white "fuzzy" coating on the affected buds.
Hi! I almost finished my first grow. Most of plants are dried (50~60 RH, 17~20 degree celsius, 5 days, inspected carefully to make sure there is no mold). All seems good but instead of the rumored freshly cut grass I got this really strong smell that I can't describe, so strong I feel my head spin a bit after a whiff in the jar. The strain is Cheese Auto from RQS

Is it normal? Am I doing something wrong?
I have one growing right now. Is it an auto? Mine just getting preflowers and she stinks lol mine is RQS. BTW if you're looking for a huge vigourus grower try tge Sweet Tooth from Barneys Farm
You wont be dissapointed OMG!

Btw a glimpse of what you will get from Royal Cheese Auto. I don't know if yours is a photo or auto but it should perform better than this. I messed up a bit because I didn't anticipate the stretch so there are foxtails all over the place.


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