Need a quick answer regarding decarb & trim


Well-Known Member
From my last 2 harvest i placed all the trim (before drying) in mason jars right after freshly cut from the plant. Placed into freezer for 4-8 months. I am now pre-baking at 240f for 60 minutes and the weight went from 40 grams of trim to 11.2 grams of trim after all that water evaporated.

So my question is this. Do i need to start adding much more so that the final tally comes out to 28 grams of trim ? This is for a cannabutter recipe that calls for 28g of trim.

edit: either way i put the stuff that pre-baked into the microwave to just sit until the next batch that i threw on a pan and into the oven is done. I had that suspicion that alot of it was gonna be water weight since i was measuring it frozen. I was adding 40 grams of trim instead of 28g to hopefully make up for it, however it still went way down to 11.2 grams. Maybe if i start doing 80 grams of frozen trim it'll come out to 20-28 grams of baked trim haha.
Assume all recipes are referencing dry weight unless they specifically state otherwise. "Dry = 1/4 wet weight" is a good ballpark estimate (but it is only an estimate). It's pretty difficult (IMHO) to do a quick heat decarboxylation on wet cannabis because unless/until you evaporate the water, it's going to affect the heat (place three pieces of beef into a pot of water and you'll never heat that beef above 212°F while there's still water in the pot, lol) .

"Elegant but simple" solution: Dry it, weigh it, decarboxylate it.
Thanks ^^ I had figured as much but i wanted to hear it i guess haha. Total weight came out 18.50 grams after bake. should be my strongest brownies yet haha.
From my last 2 harvest i placed all the trim (before drying) in mason jars right after freshly cut from the plant. Placed into freezer for 4-8 months. I am now pre-baking at 240f for 60 minutes and the weight went from 40 grams of trim to 11.2 grams of trim after all that water evaporated.

So my question is this. Do i need to start adding much more so that the final tally comes out to 28 grams of trim ? This is for a cannabutter recipe that calls for 28g of trim.

edit: either way i put the stuff that pre-baked into the microwave to just sit until the next batch that i threw on a pan and into the oven is done. I had that suspicion that alot of it was gonna be water weight since i was measuring it frozen. I was adding 40 grams of trim instead of 28g to hopefully make up for it, however it still went way down to 11.2 grams. Maybe if i start doing 80 grams of frozen trim it'll come out to 20-28 grams of baked trim haha.
I would up that oven time to 110 mins
Not sure I understand your question fully .

But decarb 240f for 110-140 mins with tin foil over top and underneath on a pan . Let cool for hr or so then place in fridge I think they say overnight ? Or you can use right away too.

But if you don’t have another 12 grams of trimmings or whatever to get to 28 grams you could try to reduce recipe ratio to half dose least get that thatbwouod bring it to full dose for what you got ?
It pretty much just comes down to i need to pre-dry my trim next time before i freeze it. From this point on all my trim will be dried in a drying rack in closet for 3 days, then into jars and into the freezer. That should give me accurate amounts when it comes time to cook with it :D

Thanks for the input everyone ^^
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