Need help desperately


Well-Known Member
I posted yesterday on FAQ and received no response .
So I'm trying here because I am in desperate need of advice.
I am sick and going into surgery in 10 days.
My plants are sick also, I haven't been able to keep up with them because I'm so sick.
What should I do
It's week 7 flowering.
They are Autos both.
In soil
Being flushed now.
Afgan Auto
Northern Lights Auto.
I only have 10 days before a serious surgery.
Should I chop and dry ?
Thanks please help.


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If they need more re time, you could Chop just before you leave to go into surgery, hang to dry whilst surgery happening, come back to dry smoke..
Hey @Wulves! Sorry to hear you are so sick. If you could chop them the day before your surgery they could dry while you are gone. Have you got an idea of how long you will be recovering in the hospital for?
How long will you be in hospital for after surgery? Plants are in soil? If its to early to chop, only week to ten days in hospital, give them a good wetting before you leave, leave some for them to wick up...
No it depends on the surgery.
The same day but I'm pretty sick and weak.
That's why the plants became sick.
I just couldn't get to them with the care they needed.
But I will consider the chop day closer to my chop day.
Thank you.
Give them straight ph adjusted water..
Trichomes are mixed clear cloudy.

What percentage are cloudy?

Keep looking after them as best you can. When to chop depends on how you think you will be feeling coming home from surgery, how long you will be hospitalized, and the trichomes. If the trchomes are more than 80% cloudy before surgery, chop them. If not, give them a good drink before you head in for your surgery. They should be able to go three or four days without care while you recover. I would not chop from five days before your surgery until the day before your surgery. That will let them dry before you go in, or while you are in the hospital. Your plants can go a week or more after the trichomes hit 90% cloudy. They will develop more of a couch-lock effect during that time, as the trichomes turn amber.

You have options...

I wish you a good outcome from your surgery, and a speedy recovery...

Good advice as always.
What a time for this to happen.
I still have the Unknown plant growing from that seed I found in that bag of soil if you remember.
It's really huge , here is a photo of her.
She is twice the size of the Afgan and Northern Lights autos.
Thanks for the help buddy.
I'm a nervous wreck.


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You're plants aren't sick. The leaves on trees do the same thing and turn colour in the fall. You do have deficiency issue, but it's nothing really. My plants always look like this and turn out fine. I'm what you call a dirty farmer. I keep it simple cause I'm lazy.
Chopping too early is always a common mistake. I'd wait as long as you could. She will only get better with time :)
I also prefer a 50/50 mix of Amber/cloudy. I love the couch lock effect. Cloudy means anxiety for me lol
You're plants look good. Don't panic.
Good luck
Thank you my brother.
I could use some Ribs Wings Combo.
And a Corona and some good meds and a beach in Boca and...
Sorry carried away.
Thank you buddy.
Welcome to 420.
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