Need Help Growing! can any probowl hitters help?


New Member
i took six good light green colored seeds outa of my dime sack and planted them in my backyard yesterday, how will they grow or what kind of plant will they turn out too? will bud come out of them? and how long is the whole processes? i have the time,water, sunlight for them. and the dime was just good bud! haha but yea i need helpfull tips and warning common mistakes please.
Re: NEED HELP GROWING!! can any probowl hitters help??...

10% of my questions lol, yea i know its only me but i wanted to know what type of plant will it grow out to and will it bud because i pulled it out of the 10 bag
Generally lime green seeds are premature and will not sprout.

You want the bigger, harder, brown or "tiger striped" seeds.

if its female it will bud if its male KILL IT!!!
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