NEED HELP! power outage

Lard Bernard

New Member
sorry to post this on the forum without going through the proper avenues but i would really like some advice/peace of mind right now...

ok so here is the deal

the power is out and has been since this afternoon. it wont be cut on until tomorrow afternoon.

i have 10 plants in various stages of flower. their lights on is 8pm lights off 8am. so the flower is going to be off for 36 hours before lights go back on. i think i read somewhere that too much light is worse for the plant than too much dark. so i am not that concerned with the plants herming but its the cold i am worried about. i am in the SE U.S. and it is going to get down to 31 degrees tonight.

if it gets below freezing for 3-4 hours tonight what are the chances everything lives through the night?

also since the power is going to be out 24 hours on the veg i am going to have to flower all of that. not really prepared for that but i am going to have to call an audible and make it work.

any opinions will be greatly appreciated.
You should be able to pick up right where you left off with out too many worries. How ever the temps maybe a concern. not really a whole lot you can do though with the power out. I wish you the best of luck. Let us know how it turns out.
ya, the lighting should be fine, it may cause them to slow up for a day, but thats it. As for the cold, if you think it may drop that low inside the room, Id do anything I could to help stop that. Try hanging out in the room, body heat may help a bit, if you can insulate the girls somehow, make a makeshift tent from blankets, make it small and maybe burn a few bigger candles in there. safely of course, but anything you can think of to help keep them warm is worth the trouble for a night. Good luck, and I think youll be fine. maybe try and acquire a small tent heater that uses propane for emergency use. I have a Mr. heater buddy jr. it works great for a night or two if needed, and uses the little green propane tanks you can get at walmart, and even has anti tilt cut off so if it tilts, or gets to hot it shuts down.
Same thing happened to me , my first grow last winter.. babies came out just fine.. so I would say "relax".. and the cold issue.. well they wont like it, but they wont hurt for it either... Shock em I say!!
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