Need help


New Member
hi there i'm doing a 4x4 600W HPS grow and i'm not sure what size of pots and how many pots to put in what would you recommend
lol... lots of variables there. Most of us start off with solo cups, move up to 1 or 2 gallon and then up to 3 or 5 or 7 or 10 gallon containers. The number that you can fit in your 4x4 will depend on that final size. I find 6 plants at the 7 gallon size is about right for me, but 4 might be easier. If all your plants are only 3 gallon, you could probably get 12 of them in there without much trouble.

Sounds like you need to do a lot of reading. Start off looking at beginner grow logs and try to learn by watching these other new people making mistakes and learning from them. Read everything you can on growing these weeds, start up a grow log so we can help you as you go along, and dive right in! No one is an expert at first, so set your expectations realistically and see what you can do! I guarantee that you will learn a lot during your first grow! Good luck, and know that a lot of fine people are here ready to help you when and if you get into trouble.
This is a pix of 4 plants in 5 gal pots in 4x4 area to give you an idea of what space you have to work with.

Here are the four plants outside of the tent.

Four plants will keep you busy.

Or you can raise two bigger plants.

Myself, I like to raise four plants in 5 gal, last two pix were last grow and had 10's for pot size.

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