Need your help once again


420 Member
Hey guys, its Bark again! I need your help again! By the way the last crop is curing slowly in masson jars:) not as dense as i would've liked but still pretty good i think! So, i planted 3 seeds a couple weeks ago while my last grow was finishing and i am not sure why but these seedling are looking extra weird. Firstly they are really small and the fan leaves dont seem to get as big as they should. Also, recently ive noticed trichomes appearing on the apex of the plants... ive read that plant under stessful conditioms or shocked plants can display those lind of behaviours but i dont know why they could be stressed? Too much light maybe, i have a 300w led in the tent? I know i havent fed them too much or gave them too much water. Any suggestions about whats causing this and what i can do about it?

I don't see trichomes,but there's pistils on all three,so they're flowering at 2 weeks old.
(those aren't preflowers)
Are they autos? - If not,what's your lighting schedule?
Hey guys, its Bark again! I need your help again! By the way the last crop is curing slowly in masson jars:) not as dense as i would've liked but still pretty good i think! So, i planted 3 seeds a couple weeks ago while my last grow was finishing and i am not sure why but these seedling are looking extra weird. Firstly they are really small and the fan leaves dont seem to get as big as they should. Also, recently ive noticed trichomes appearing on the apex of the plants... ive read that plant under stessful conditioms or shocked plants can display those lind of behaviours but i dont know why they could be stressed? Too much light maybe, i have a 300w led in the tent? I know i havent fed them too much or gave them too much water. Any suggestions about whats causing this and what i can do about it?
Well Bark let me start by saying :welcome: to :420:...

Okay now about your plants...first those ain't trichomes...they're pistils...are they autos? And yes you are feeding too much...I see the burnt tips...and 7.5 PH is too high for anything...PH for soil is 6.3...PH for hydro/coco is really need to follow the format on "how to ask for Grow support"
We don't know specifics to be able to help a whole lot otherwise :hmmmm: peace and good luck
Thanks for the answers everyone! Yes they are autos, i have a 18/6h light schedule. The thing is man i am not feeding... I havent put any kind of fertilizer in the soil. I will try repotting and lowering the ph.
You should probably also start feeding some bloom nutes from here on in.
Start with a low dose and slowly work your way up.
When are you planning on putting them in bigger pots?
The spread of your leaves is wider than the cups.

You guys know more about growing indoors than I do because I have not done that in over 30 years, but I would think that the roots need more room than those little cups once the plants are that big.
Thanks for the answers everyone! Yes they are autos, i have a 18/6h light schedule. The thing is man i am not feeding... I havent put any kind of fertilizer in the soil. I will try repotting and lowering the ph.
I would put them in something a little less translucent IMO...And...what kind of soil... some soils have nutes in them...I use FFOF base for big'uns (has nutes)...and FFHF for clones (has less nutes)...and Jiffy organic seed starter (no nutes).........
So yeah "not putting nutes in" might not mean what you think it does...
You should probably also start feeding some bloom nutes from here on in.
Start with a low dose and slowly work your way up.
Ok sounds good, thanks!:)
And Then... :rofl::rofl:...Dude where's my car...:rofl::rofl:

I really wouldn't add any nutes until you have that burn under control...if the whole leaf was yellow...yes...but not crispy burnt tips like that :nerd-with-glasses:
I really wouldn't add any nutes until you have that burn under control

You're right-I was looking at the flowers and not the leaves...
"if it was a snake,it would have bit me"
When are you planning on putting them in bigger pots?
The spread of your leaves is wider than the cups.

You guys know more about growing indoors than I do because I have not done that in over 30 years, but I would think that the roots need more room than those little cups once the plants are that big.
Actually they're fine in that size...(not see through though IMO) long as you have good light penetration to the bottom growth...when the leaf tips start curling down for no obvious reason and the bottom leaves start turning yellow is when I up pot...or if she's thirsty way more often...then it's time to up pot :peace:
There is no way this plant is flowering at 3 weeks old it is just showing it's sex (female ) get the ph to 6.2-6.3 and back off on the nutes , she is burnt badly all I would give is water and a tiny bit of calmag for the next 2 weeks , she needs the larger fan leaves to store food in before she hits flowering , auto s need less nutes than photo plants and get those plants into at least a 3 gallon pot for that size of plant .temps 73-79 and rh at 50 % , you want the leaves pointing straight outward , that's when you know you have hit the sweet spot of lighting , watering and nutes .besure to water till you have at least a 10 % runoff and then let it dry out for 4-5 days and re water again , no nutes only a tiny bit of calmag , she will not fix what has already been burn but the new growth and the leaf lifting up to receive light are good signs she is on her way to healthy growth , no tip burn on the new growth at the top .
Alright so recap - No nutes, keep it simple until the plants are back on tracks. Get the pH under control and then start to slowly add nutrients. Repot when the pot start drying out to fast. I'll keep you guys posted! Thanks alot!:)
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