Negative pressure


New Member
how do i create negative pressure i have a 4 inch exhaust pulling outside through carbon ilter with no intake my grow is in a closet i just made a whole at bottom o door to intake HELP ME lol
Sounds like you have already created negative pressure.I would think if the intake is smaller than the exhaust it would work.I have a 4 inch inline fan in a 3x3 grow tent that has 4,4 inch openings for intake and it still creates negative pressure...
Not to sound silly but any leaks in the exhaust or filter?

thanks my original issue is that im still smelling WEED lol and i dont understand why lol
Have you tried sucking through filter and blowing out filtered air ( filter inside cab) ?

yeah blowing the exhaust into a 4 inch carbon ilter
its a closet in a bedroom its 7' high 5' wide 2.5' deep 400 watt hps light 4inch extractor to exhaust just a hole at bottom passive intake as i said exhaust blows through carbon ilter got 4 northern light girls in there going great i got ona blocks around the bedroom not sure much air is being pulled
thanks i been creating some room today so tomorrow im going to put the carbon filter inside the grow room guess it was a newbie mistake having it outside cheers you guys make it sound so easy
Close your cupboard light a lighter or match outside your intake if it sucks the flame towards/into the cupboard you have negative pressure. I also use this method to check my tent, ducting etc for leaks. If not you will need to seal as many gaps as possible sticky back foam may come in handy and a heap of ab-duct tape.
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