New one here

Well since I will be able to get high today for the 1st time since August, today is a great day. Had to keep clean so I could pass my drug test to get a job, finally got hired on Monday and have my drug test out of the way.

Hope your day is going as well as mine ;)

That makes me angry OG, it's horrible you had to deprive yourself of this medicine for so long, unjustifiably.


Welcome drobinds3, I'm doing great, but not as good as OG here!

That makes me angry OG, it's horrible you had to deprive yourself of this medicine for so long, unjustifiably.


Welcome drobinds3, I'm doing great, but not as good as OG here!

I agree that I should not have to be deprived of something that lessens my aches and pains, but on the bright side when I was able to partake yesterday it was a big treat, though I had planned on doing the taste test for the bud washing project I was working on in my journal and I totally screwed that up, though it did make for a funny little entry in my current grow journal.
Hope everyone has a great day and is free to medicate when they feel they need it. Woke up a little stiff this morning but not in near as much pain as yesterday, me thinks today will be a great day to redo my taste test from my last grow. Cheer everyone.
Wish you were here droblinds3 we could start the day off with a bowl and both enjoy this great day :high-five:
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