New problem need help? Three weeks flower and yellowing dying lower fans?


Well-Known Member
Never had this that early and bad
Ro water cal mag. Ph 6.7
sensi grow bloom a,b 4ml to liter.
Led lights
A lot of lower leafs are turning and dying.
I have plant in there 4 weeks and almost all fans gone. Feed,water,feed every second day. Maybe alittle to much water,but never seen it this bad and all plant and there at different stages two weeks apart.


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Too much water and too much food. The weekly chart for Advanced says 4ml/L. Think about it, you are feeding full strength 3-4 times per week! You have signs of too much N among others. That will kill yield in flower. I have used nothing but the Advanced Sensi line for the last 3 years or so. I use the whole line through "grand master". Trust me, you are feeding way to heavy and your soil/medium is full of salts.
Some plants are more tolerable than others but obviously this one isn't. It took me a year to learn that if I feed 2-3 times per week with Advanced, my plants are always bigger and far healthier at the end if I use 2ml/L when feeding several times per week.
I stated that wrong. I feed every other watering so that is twice weekly. Say I feed Monday then water wed then feed Friday and water Sunday so twice a week. And I do cut it in half. 4 gallons of water has roughly 16 liters. I times 16 x4 =64 so I cut that in half to 32 so that’s what I feed when I feed. About twice a week. I may have overwatered but not really sure.
I’ve been told I went to fast to bloom. I waited a week in flower and then went from grow to bloom. Someone has said to soon should use grow for 3 weeks in the flower? I’ve always done this and never seen this so I’m leaning against that?he says not enough nutes and it’s consuming itself? It may be locked out?i don’t know?
Water only when they need it, not when you want to. I heft my pots to tell. I suggest that you get a pot the same size, fill it with soil out of the bag as is. Then put that in a plastic bag, and use that to compare to your grow pots. When they feel the same weight, water.
That’s what I do and also have a meter. I’ve looked this morning and there sadly thirsty and light and meter shows little water. So let me get pics. One plant is week out from done. One on left is 5 4 weeks in. And the back ones are only couple weeks and yellow leafs


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You can see thirsty. But excessive yellowing and dying fan leafs especially lower. I guess they are suppose to get feed tonight. But I can lighten it, but then again are they starving and consuming backup?
One thing those that feel it necessary to let a pot dry out before watering dont grasp is that's what makes the salts condense around the roots.
You're in a fabric pot, cant tell but I assume they are raised up with airspace under them.
Unless your soil is pure heavy mud then your pot should be at this point almost more root mass than soil.
A plant that size in flower needs lots of water.
If it were me I'd water the hell out of them.
Plain water on Monday, Tuesday give about 1/4 to 1/2 nutrients, Wednesday plain water and so on.
I'd keep them moist and keep the salts moving through.
Better still stop using salt based nutrients altogether.
It’s not to much water pots are smart pots elevated. And light I let them go another day and they wilt like no other and look at the yellowing. I been giving a liter per water ? Should I go more there 5 gallon pots? Yellow all the way up tonight I gave 1/4 nutes


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...I think Nunyabiz is right in that it is a nutrient salt build up in your soil, ...Also in the last pic you posted on this thread it looks like its over watered or something is going on with the root ball not gettin enough oxygen to the roots maybe from the soil being to acidic for that specific strain. Once you flush them with a clean fresh no nute water let them go with out any water for a few days, It will allow if over watered the excess moister to come out of the soil and if its salts build up it will flush them and give the plants a rest from over nutrients if that's the case. :)
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