Now taking recommendations and inspiration


New Member
A buddy and I are going to have a little contest with our plants. A little Iron Chef if you will with plants. We will both be growing Purple Haze with clones from the same mother. I am looking for ideas for judging criteria, rules for the grow, etc. etc. Any other fun ideas you guys can come up with will be cool too to make the grow a little more of a challenge. :hmmmm:
Would be an interesting grow journal.
Indepentant taste tester(s) of course. Judged on taste, appearance, bag appeal.
Winner take all the harvest? (if there is any left after the judging)
First you should establish goals, like biggest yield, or best tasting meds etc... Because those two goals may be counterproductive. Then set the parameters for the competition so that it is a fairly level field. Size of grow space, wattage of lights used number of days to complete, whether CO2 or other enhancers can be used.

Then you need to set the judging criteria, for example on the total yield you may have a "quality of bud" stipulation that only weighs the top-buds and not the popcorn fluff from the bottom. Or grams per watt, grams per sq ft.

Since taste and strength are going to be subjective, I would find 3-4 friends that can do a blind comparison test for you. Create a grading sheet (smell, taste, appearance, affects, length of affects etc...). Have your esteemed panel of judges try one strain on one day and the other two days later. Don't tell anyone whose strain they are testing, do it like a blind taste test.

Sounds like it can be a fun, and educational contest. Make sure you guys keep good records, I am sure there will be a lot of very useful information that you get from this.

Best of luck.
Cost of equipment, watts used for lights and total setup, time, space in area and volume, yield in grams, cleanliness of product (does it burn well with no sparkling and reduce to a fine light ash?), taste of product.

Up to you to rank the judging criteria in order of importance.
Would be an interesting grow journal.
Indepentant taste tester(s) of course. Judged on taste, appearance, bag appeal.
Winner take all the harvest? (if there is any left after the judging)

The journal idea is a great one and if you need a taste tester I am available!:grinjoint:
I agree that a journal would be interesting to follow. What equipment are you both using? There's just so many factors going into this haha... but I like TortuedSoul's idea as a general guideline for the contest/grow.
Wow so many factors umm how bout we all fly in together and just be guest judges!
Are you gonna have the same equipment? There better be a journal For this one boys! Can't wait!
When my dad died, he had 20 plants under a light in a bedroom....He never smoked a joint his whole life.He had been having a grow contest with a friend for 20 years. kind of a hillbilly pride thing. It started when i got a job as a fireman and i told him i would not be growing anymore in his garden.but the neighbor would be growing ,so he says give me the seeds. lol the contest was on..thanks for the retired now and have a great greenhouse and my medical pot card....I never thought it would get here. But i did notice at the doctors office, everyone was my age. lol
I'm with you on that one. I'm retired myself and am surprised at how many of the "patients" at the Dr.'s office are in my demographic. I was a bit apprehensive when I went in 2 years ago to get my card (having just spent close to 24 years in uniform), thinking that the place would be filled with a bunch of stoner kids looking for a way to get baked legally. What I found was a professional atmosphere and the majority of the people waiting to be seen well dressed and professional looking. I see the same thing at the local dispensary. You do have your handful of "stoners" but the majority are people who really depend on MMJ for relief.

My perspective has really changed from just a few years ago, thanks to sites like this and the message being spread by reputable spokespeople (vote for Dr. Ron Paul).

I'm kind of like your dad in the respect that I grow, but very seldom smoke. But the occasions that I do, it is the only thing that takes care of the pain and lets me sleep.
You know I think there is an added health benefit to the whole growing process. Maybe someday studies will find that simply growing pot is good for your health, whether or not you smoke. Tending and nurturing plants, or any other living thing must be good for more than just a soul. UMMM?
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