Nutrients....Were do you start?


New Member
So I found 2 seeds in some meds I bought (orgasmic og) and the 2 seeds I found sprouted. I am not familiar with where to start when trying to figure out what N-P-K ratio is best for this strain. I know this is a really good indica strain and that's all I know. With so much guano out there where do you start when trying to figure out what to give your new babies? I know if I do it right the end result should be awesome, I just don't have a bunch of generations of plants to experiment with so I am hoping someone can help me....:roorrip::thanks:
I am in the Fox Farm camp also. You keep asking what N-P-K ratios will be best, well, until you gain experience, Ms. Fox has already answered your question. Fox Farm has a 3 part nutrient system, you use Grow Big during veg (it comes with the correct NPK ratio), then swith to Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom during flower (again, they have the right NPK ratio for flower)
more important, what type of soil are you using? There are some really good stuff out there and there is some really bad stuff out there. Depending on what you are using, you can kill your plants before they get going
I am in the Fox Farm camp also. You keep asking what N-P-K ratios will be best, well, until you gain experience, Ms. Fox has already answered your question. Fox Farm has a 3 part nutrient system, you use Grow Big during veg (it comes with the correct NPK ratio), then swith to Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom during flower (again, they have the right NPK ratio for flower)
more important, what type of soil are you using? There are some really good stuff out there and there is some really bad stuff out there. Depending on what you are using, you can kill your plants before they get going

i used miracle grow potting soil for seedlings. i don't think it has to much added to it, they seem to be doing well right now, so i guess it will be a while till i feed em. is this the fox farm you are talking about?

FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company
i used miracle grow potting soil for seedlings. i don't think it has to much added to it, they seem to be doing well right now, so i guess it will be a while till i feed em. is this the fox farm you are talking about?

FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

Yes, that is the Fox Farms mentioned by Ms. Fox. A lot of folks here swear by their Ocean Forest potting soil. It's a little more expensive than the rest but seems to be well worth it. I vegged my plants in Fox Farms Ocean Forest (FFOF) and had good results. You wont need any fertilizer for the first 3-4 weeks with the FFOF.

Miracle Grow does not seem to work well for growing cannabis. The problem is that there are time released nutrients in there. Unfortunately, you don't know when they are going to release. So, You might have just fertilized when the MG lets go with its ferts and then your plants get burned and/or die. Miracle Grow is selling an 'organic' potting soil now that is probably OK. But if you are using the regular MG potting soil, you might be in for trouble.

Ditto what was mentioned before regarding Fox Farms nutrients. They are available at many nurseries. I have been using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow (veg) and Bloom (flower) with their Liquid Karma and I have been very happy.
i used miracle grow potting soil for seedlings. i don't think it has to much added to it, they seem to be doing well right now, so i guess it will be a while till i feed em. is this the fox farm you are talking about?

FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

These guys are right untill you got more growing under your belt don't bother going crazy over the NPK
but to put your mind at eaze i'll share some basic info
N=Nitrogen- for seeds/ cuttings you really want this number also low as possible. And when in the Veg stage, as high as possible
* but please do your own research for your strain
P- Phosphors- This is what u want more of for the seedlings and when trying to get those big buds in the flowering stage
K=Potassium - i know is good for roots and strong plant cell walls. maybe ok for seedling too but check yourself
I got to agree with Fox. for now just pick a company and stay loyal, its only your first grow :)
me myself i using Fox Frams and earth juice

Im about to start some seeds myself and been reading about Fox frams Light Warrior soil, it says its good for seeds because its organic and has bloodworm and gauno in it already. wanna try it together :p
I would also strongly sugguest u get a couple more seeds
hate seeing people grow only 1 or 2 seeds, almost always ends quick and sad.

If the strain is really that good &rare u really should it. and if your gonna grow it, you might as well grow it good. so for the love of bud Visit a hydro shop. travel a bit if u have to :)
So, now that everyone else has told you all you need to know... let me issue a VERY IMPORTANT warning.

1. Don't use Miracle Grow potting soil, for eactly the reasons already mentioned.
2. Don't use ANY SORT of Miracle Grow Soil (even their "Organic" mix has fertilizer in it. Hell, even the perlite they sell has fertilizer in it.
3. If you do (or have) used MG soil, don't add anything to it. You run a real risk of burning your babies or causing a nutrient lockout situation.

I recently switched to mixing up my own soil. I was using MG soil (cause I'm REALLY lazy) and had been unhappy with the results.
I made a small mistake one morning when I had plants growing in both MG and my own mix. I added neuts to the wrong bucket... should have seen it coming. Anyway... 1 overfeeding caused a neut lockout issue that did HUGE damage to the plant and completely ruined it.

Ms. Fox (cheers!) is spot on... wait until you're very experienced before you start playing with exact NPK values.
PotPie's comment is spot on... except for the MG Organic part.

Miracle Grow does not seem to work well for growing cannabis. The problem is that there are time released nutrients in there. Unfortunately, you don't know when they are going to release. So, You might have just fertilized when the MG lets go with its ferts and then your plants get burned and/or die. Miracle Grow is selling an 'organic' potting soil now that is probably OK. But if you are using the regular MG potting soil, you might be in for trouble.

Cheers... and good luck!
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