Odd symmetrical growth


420 Member
I am guessing this plant was started from a clone? Plants that start from seeds usually hold their symmetry along the main stem until they get taller then as they branch out the symmetry gets lost. I have had some plants from seeds lose their symmetry earlier than others however. When growing from a clone the symmetry is usually already gone depending on where and when it was taken from the mother. Most clones are taken from branches where symmetry is already lost and not usually the main stem early growth which holds it symmetry.
I am guessing this plant was started from a clone?

i assumed clone right off as well. a closer look shows the same stage leaf at several nodes.
I am guessing this plant was started from a clone? Plants that start from seeds usually hold their symmetry along the main stem until they get taller then as they branch out the symmetry gets lost. I have had some plants from seeds lose their symmetry earlier than others however. When growing from a clone the symmetry is usually already gone depending on where and when it was taken from the mother. Most clones are taken from branches where symmetry is already lost and not usually the main stem early growth which holds it symmetry.
A clone indeed. Thank u!
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