Perpetual Persuasion is the Occasion

Lucky bastard with all that yard space

HAHA that isnt yard space my friend.....its just some unknown!

These plants are remarkably healthy considering I did not prep the soil at all this year. I been using FF marine cuisine and feeding with some guano/casting teas and planted them straight into the ground. They look good I think. Peace homes :peacetwo:
Hell yea!! Guerilla styleee maahn! That's wassup. And nothing like well grown outdoor. I've had a few outdoor bags from friends that were actually pretty higher quality than some of the indoor stuff alot of people claim that outdoor cant compare to. Wish i could pull off an outdoor grow. Cant do it where i'm at though
Same here, I live near some woods but yea ppl would deff see me venture off into the mist and it would look even more suspicious because im black in a suburban area so i deff cant pull that off where i reside.
Your journal is both impressive and practical. Thanks for all the details.
So here is an update of my venture into organics

9 days ago

Left to right, gigabud, cheese, pineapple..1, 2, 3

And a bud shot of down below the table.
Hey bro where could i buy ff products. Would home depot or walmart have it or anything similar. I want to buy some basic nutes to start of with so if you got any advice much appreciated. BTW plants look amazing and ur outdoor ones are gonna be massive!
Thanks a lot i'll try out online see how it goes. Keep up the good work bro peace!
Its been a while since I posted an update.....I've been super busy, well super busy growin and I just dont manage the time to snap photos..-my bad.

Classes just started so also got that on the plate...taken organic chemistry and microbiology, that should tech me a thing or two about this plant (indirectly) we all love.

ANYWAYS, enough babbling on my end...I have some cool stuff to show you that I am excited about! :smokin:

If you remember this photo from about a month ago....8/7/10 to be exact...It's a rooted clone I took from a heavy flowering plant......................


Now look at her, present day



so all in all this girl took over 60 days from the time I cut her to the time she shown the first stage a vegetative growth.

I don't even know what to do with my self!!This is going to be so so awesome and I am not sure what I intent to do with her.....I'm thinking one huge pot and one huge screen with a massive veg phase. Ill have to wait and see because I don't have the room right now, I'll have to come up with something.

Now just some photos of things....peace 420!

One fatty pineapple express (my favorite plant/strain)

Flower tent

Check these out-
I dont know if you can see what Im taking about but the second row of plants from the closest to you are being grown in an organic soil I blended myself.

If you look closely you will notice they are far more green than any other plants. I am assuming that means they are far healthier, the cool part is all I have been giving them is pure RO/DI h2O. The soil is keeping them fed; its something new Im trying out to see if it is worth switching over to being completely organic. So far it is, by looking at the plants and the ease of maintenance with not having to constantly mix up $$ bottle nutrients....Im digging the results so far.

Organic gigabud

organic pineapple

Here is another rooted clone from a while ago

And here she is again (right plant)...I didnt veg this girl at all, just right into flower and this is what she turned into. I single nug emerging out of the soil.




Here is something I have never come across in my grow tent...its a mushroom growing out of my purple lady mom plant. This is also the sick looking plant that has not grown any in the last 3 weeks. I have one of her own offsprings vegging to replace her with. Mushroom though, kinda interesting I thoght...


The momma plants


Here soem 1.5gallon smart pots I am trying out for the first time along with the organic mix I whipped up.

And those same got a little burnt off the start but is doing fine now and loving life...I dont think I let the soil cook long enough originally.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
great grow cant wait to start my perpetual..learned a few nice choc chunk..heard it a good sog strain with 60 -65 day flower
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