Pyr0's Perpetually Perplexing Presses Of Pleasant Surprises

All caught up here now mate, damn you grow some amazing looking plants :thumb: Looking forward to the next update :)

Cheers mate, welcome along. not much traffic here and I'm way behind on the updates.
So considering you're all caught up, here's an interesting update.

Remeber the Sweet Soma that hermied and put out some male flowers ? well I was going through the Purple Mazar with the polyploid trait, tons of airy tiny buds, but smokes nice but very oily, as you smoke a joint the oil begins to roll down the skin, so this is probably best to use for canna butter or something else.
Anyway I came across these

3 seeds so far, so I guess they are a cross of the Sweet Soma and Purple Mazar.

I had a few other plants sharing the same area (well ventilated greenhouse outdoors), but haven't come across anything yet on them.

So I'm like, I grew this plant and it came with 3 free seeds, bonus :)

more updates coming later, including GG#4 flowering update, some Zamaldelica LST and finally my Amnesia Haze harvest.

Seeds are always are bonus, especially when it's only a small portion of your plant not the whole thing :thumb: Should be an interesting cross all the same. Pollen can travel up to 300km so it could be from anywhere in a 300km radius but yeah nice one man! :)

It'll be good to see a fresh update. That Amnesia Haze looks awesome, great coloration and frosty as all hell. Seen so many grows of the Zam, must be another great strain from Ace yes?

Keepem green and happy bro :)
That's awesome. The buds didn't look nearly that big in the earlier pics. The one with the bic in it threw me for a loop.


Thanks mate. I'm very happy with how this turned out. Great yield for a tad over 2 square feet with limited height.
I'll have the final dry weight later, I'm not expecting much as I cobbled up almost 50g a couple of days ago.

Quick update on the Amnesia Haze harvest, I never weigh my wet buds, just normally see what the final dry weight is, so I'm going to have to guess what my total yield is as I cobbed up around half of it.

I left the buds dry for almost 2 days before I made the cob with 48 grams and the rest I just let dry as normal.

oops, don't know why this is sideways.

So 53 grams, but it's still got a bit of drying to do, I'll be happy with 45 grams.

I didn't chop the whole plant, .

It's in with a bunch of autos in my currently-in-progress-room-build and getting way too many hours of light, but I don't care, it's starting to push out male sacs and here's hoping it will polinate the Kush and Diesel it's sharing the space with.

For bud rot, spray your plants with Horsetail Fern tea starting early on in VEG can start after say 3 weeks after seed pop all the way into flower and beyond. Can find your own local Horsestail... it grows pretty much everywhere even that far north.

It's been a cure for bud rot/blossom end rot/mold since the 1800s - Rudolf Steiner and his merry gang of horticultural crazies were using it a few centuries ago. It works. I live in Philly where summer time temps are 100F and 80-90% RH. Gonna have bud rot pretty much every time unless we use chems or organic forms to treat. The horsetail fern tea is easy to make. Handful of dried leaves into a quart mason jar. Add boiling water and make a tea. Let steep and cool. Add 1-2 cups to a gallon filtered water and spray... can add kelp tea or any other goodies and spray entire plants 1-2 times a week. No more bud rot/mold. The results come from treating plants early in veg on into flower.

This is the best tip I have got for dealing with bud rot.
I had never really had a need to forage for Horsetail, so I looked up it's natural habitat, comonly found near water, and there's a little stream 200 meters from my house and bingo, lots of horsetail, so I made some tea and I have been using it mixed with a little bit of organic cold pressed seaweed extract as a foilar spray and it is working wonders.
I've moved my outdoor autos indoors into a new under-construction room, but still suffering with high RH. A couple of days ago an auto Kush (Seedsman) started to show a bit of bud rot, in the past I would have panicked and chopped it, and if gone unoticed within 24 hours it would spread throughut the bud. anyway I've been spraying it with my horsetail tea and it's just amazing.

In the middle of this pic is the bud rot part post treatment - see the lighter brown area, it has dried off and died and the rest of the bud is fine. It's wet in the pic as I am still spraying it, but this is working great and has saved me a good few top buds already.

Cheers for the top tip buddy @bobrown14 :thumb:

ok, I've been busy trying to build my new grow space with temporary lights and plants, so it's taking time and I still need to finish off my lights.

Anyway here's a few pics, mostly of my soon to be harvested GG#4

will update later.

Diesel Auto

And I'm trying to re-veg what's left of my Amnesia Haze

so it's been flowering well over 14 weeks now.

more later

Drive-by with a couple of more pics.......

GG#4 there's buds popping out of the buds

The early sample I took at a little over 9 weeks is quite nice already.
I'll probably let it go another few days, make it 11 weeks 12/12, but keep having to check for bud rot in those dense buds and also noticed it's throwing out some male nanners, so I've been pulling them out, hopefully my other girls haven't been hit.

Well it's a long time since I updated anything here, lots of news and don't know where to start.

I've been working on my new diy lights using mostly freebies from electrical installations of commercial led luminaires. I'm a cheapskate with time on my hands and I enjoy making things.

So some testing pics

4 x deep red 10 Watt led mini cobs rated at 12 v 800mA max, I'm running them at 700ma, 4 in series so around 8.3 Watts each

Adding in some led strips that I salvaged from 600x600 ceiling LED panels, each strip has 99 x 0.5w leds at 4000k, and I'm running them at 25 Watts, 3 strips per 2.1A driver,

and finally adding in my diy panels that I used in my now defunct micro cab grows, each one is approx 55 Watts and made up with deconstructed LED bulbs, various cheap led bulbs from 5W up to 13W, mostly 3000k but some 2700k also.

So this rig is rated at approx 300W. I will be installing it in my tent over the weekend and will be interesting how my Zamaldelica will respond with 7 more weeks of flowering to go.

Update on my Amnesia Haze that I harvested back in August, I left quite a few lower buds and attempted to re-veg it.

Here it is now, you can still see the original buds with the new growth.

Looks like I'll be able to take a fair few cuttings for cloning soon, I'm going to try just vegging them for a week or so and then straight into flower in 2 liter milk cartons and see what happens.

:thumb: great news on the reveg!

Man that light is great! Such an awesome project - kudos to you :D
It’s gonna be great watching your plants enjoy it.


Cheers Amy, I'll be installing it tomorrow, this will be for one half of the grow area 3'x5', the other half will have similar wattage but mostly with various cob leds from the Citizen Luminex range, bit of an oddball mix along with some cheap Chinese 220v cobs (modified), so I should have around 600 Watts for the whole area. I'm really looking forward t the extra light and height with my current and future grows, especially my Zamadelica and also my little Blueberry for the communal grow.

I'll try and update more regularly, life gets in the way at times ;-)

It's about time for an update on my Zamadelcia from Ace Seeds.
This has become my favourite plant I have ever grown even though there is still 4 to 6 weeks left, the smell and aroma of Mango, Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang and whatever other terpenes is just amazing, I could sniff it all day, like a cat with cat nip :cool:

Here she is, just around week 9 of 12/12 - now at 11.5/12.5 but will decrease daylight to 11/13 next week to help her finish.

I don't think I needed to repot it to such a big container, I reckon 7 gal is a good choice to maximize grows in the space.

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