RDWC System Top Ups and Draining


Active Member
Hey everyone. I just upgraded my RDWC system from 4 sites to 12 sites. In total I have around 80 gallons of water between the 12 buckets and the res to get a good top up.

Now im just looking for some insight on what you all would do because if I have to change out my nutes every 7 days it is going to be very very very costly.

And 1 problem I encountered is that on top of floraseries I am and have always used 4 boosters. 1 of these boosters have to be added weeks 1-6 in bloom. 2nd booster needs to be added weeks 2-4 of bloom and the 3rd booster needs to be added 3-6 of bloom and the 4th last boosters needs to be added weeks 6-8 of bloom.

This lineup works wonders for me on small a scale but right now just to top up my res i am using around 450ml Floramicro - 600ml Florabloom and 150ml Floragro and this is only 50% strength and this is not counting my boosters. And if i have to drain it all off and feed every 7 days its gonna be running around 1 litre of nutes every 2 weeks.

each day i am having to top up with around 15 gallons of water so i am wondering because of all the clean top ups it is necessary to completely drain my system every 7 days or would i beable to run these same nutes until the end and only add a bit during water top ups??

any suggestions would be great.
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