Rebuilding Room


Active Member
Hello 420 Community.I feel need to share my plans of rebuilding my basement grow room to get possible input or improvement hints from you, which i will appreciate.So my recent grows was under 3x 400w MH for veg and 2x 600w HPS along with one 400w vertically positioned in middle of em.Place was 250x120cm lengthwise from Corner to corner to use walls for better reflection of light.i 24 plants in 11L pots under net for better manage of height bending etc, but my back suffered when i was trying to reach back line of plants (8) cuz zero free room from sides.Things went kinda well, last time i got 1385g of buds which i am happy for.Anyway i purchased 2x 1000w DE bulbs with one Phillips E-papillon balast with open hooded reflector and one Sunpro ballast also with open/closed hood (adjustable).I added 8 more plants to try if it will add some numbers.So i got 32 plants and i am thinking about putting them in middle of a room under 240x120 frame covered with same size net.ill get free space around for better acess to all plants but sacrificing ammount of light reflected from walls which is not that huge tax for better overall manipulation and air Movement.I hope i didnt forgot anything i had in my mind.I will update some pics from past/now/drawings of this idea for better understanding of my words.Thank u for watching!

I had it like this


This time i had it like this meanwhile preparing for big change


Epap on its place waiting for end of stretch


I expect it to be like this


I draw this that i have on my mind


New equip

I am also curious if second passive intake will bring any benefits?

Ufo exhaust efficiency is better if its mounted horizontal or vertical?

And 240x120 screen is for 2k W and 32 plants too small or too big?what about height where scrog net should start with 200cm ceiling?

Anybody? Please? :)

Edit: Thank you for moving this thread into different topic! I wasnt really sure about this one and i am sorry.Next time ill be more precise with choosing right one.
Time to update how it went and still is going.Sadly i expected some input before i finish this round xD Nevermind..Enjoy!

My poor clones that were taken in about 30 days in flower period, keepin them alive with not much effort until finish of my flowering crop.


31of 40 clones survived and developed roots over one month, so i transplanted them few days before chop of my flowering plants.Luckily my friend was able to give me one Critical clone so i could fit number of my capillary hoses that i prepared.


After harvest i has taken them into my grow room in basement.



Girls started working on their look.



Transplanted them from 1l pots into Final 11L pots and few 8L root pots which i wanted to try.



More torture.



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Hey Sleepy.
Good size space you have there man.

In regards to scrog height for a 2m ceiling you'll need to factor in min clearence for size of your light I like to add 2' onto this for any growth through the scrog frame. That's what i do so hope the info is helpful.

Is there any reason your trying to scrog so many plants? Phenos or different strains? I've found it considerably easier to scrog less but bigger plants.

Good luck man and it looks like you have your hands full.
I get an idea at this point to make tray from my unused tent construction.I have also co2 tank from previous round where i tried to maintain some co2 levels just with timers and this was not the way for me.Too much humidity and hot enviro i could stay barely for 5 mins and this was holding me back from havin fun with plants.So this round i will it sit there until i get co2 controller.

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Looking awesome, that’s a beast area u got, it’s above my pay grade to give input on a space like that lol

Thank you very much ! look forward for more, ill keep adding pics as i am already 1 month in flowering (I dont know how much days from switch, i forgot to make note xd)
Hey Sleepy.
Good size space you have there man.

In regards to scrog height for a 2m ceiling you'll need to factor in min clearence for size of your light I like to add 2' onto this for any growth through the scrog frame. That's what i do so hope the info is helpful.

Is there any reason your trying to scrog so many plants? Phenos or different strains? I've found it considerably easier to scrog less but bigger plants.

Good luck man and it looks like you have your hands full.

Thanks mate! Finally someone sneaked in so i can share my pleasure :p

I am doing scrog because it looks good xD mainly for height management and i like more plants cuz i can flower sooner instead of long veg, i can also put branches in direction i want em, if some outgrow others ill pull them on the side and little one let in middle.This round i had let them veg a bit long cuz my bad organization and changing whole system while plants runing there, and i also read that space betwen 1000w DE and canopy should be 3 feets.That tent frame is exact 100 cm from ceiling so i have already less then that cuz space betwen lights and ceiling is not possible to avoid, i am losing there like 20cm.
Pushed them down with net and planed to add second level for double height check xd


Trying to maintain these 3 400w MH lights as low as possible above the canopy to reduce stretch.On every place i was looking for info ppl was not recommending 1000w for 7ft ceiling.So i feel now heroic without fear of challenge xd

Added second net


Little pruning



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I sensed the time to continue with HPS finally ! mounted it and started with 2x 600w over regulation knob.Still one MH betwen.Which i put out later as i was scaling the HPS lights up.


Looks like white/blue day light right? this photos are taken over lumii glasses that i purchased to save my eyes from hell.


Hope u enjoy, i am gonna go smoke now, then i will return with rest of pics :p
So you went for them regardless? Fair enough.

Well it sounds like you are asking q's but have a plan already so good luck with your grow.
I'm out.
Well i had something in mind, but there is a room for improvement for sure so i asked if there are some things to tweak.And direct answers i put i still dont have resolved (Ufo position, 1 active and 1 passive intake any benefit?i was not sure about dimensions for 2x 1000watts and still i am not.Distance betwen this 2 hps is right?Idk :D if there were some input i am sure it could affect my decisions and i would add more questions over time, but my thread was dead here since i created it so i just did what i did and i am curious about results :D so lets see in few weeks.

I feel like i ofended u somehow from your last post or have i just misunderstood meaning cuz my brain is already tired? I definitely dont want to drive away my first visitors.You are my honored guest here.If u went just to bed then i wish u good night buddy :D

edit: oh i get it now, its not like i were asking questions and then ignoring ppl advices, i was just googlin additional info that was already told over internet while lights was already in my home.I also plan to get AC unit and maybe sealed grow for next run with exhaust going over night period.Anyway plants dsnt look like it hurt them under this lights and if it is i will focus more on training next time to leave tops even lover.I can see now that i may sound like an asshole but its not like that :) also this lights can be regulated from 600w up to 1125w and 1150w for pap.Now at 2000w my temps dsnt exceed 86 degrees.I wanted to kick it on in flower peak, now i am gonna slowly go back ending with 600w again in last stage.Maybe i will purchase 10K finishing bulbs to last 14 days too.

Purchased this 50cm floor fan to blow under canopy slightly up towards that blue fan hanging on the wall, which is directed towards exhaust..on the corners and midle of sides i got 6x 40cm oscilatin fans.Maybe next time i wont do scrog at all and just fill whole room with plants with such a lights.
I almost forgot i have found an issue on leaves which might be causing maybe warm water from reservoir? i dont have any other opinion where to put my res.Can u please help me clarify what is the issue ? But if i remember correctly i have had always this spots on leaves pretty much every round.Still didnt figured out whats doing this :adore:

maybe some mold issue? what do u think ? when i tune down the lights back to 875w i am gonna kick on dehumidifier.

This is pretty much everything i got for now.Tomorrow I will make actual pics.Here is little bonus from my camera. I am looking foward some wifi device which will control my enviro via phone app, better then this cheap piece of plastics :D

And few pics from last run :)

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