
Seedsman! Look for specials or order a few and you get a bunch free. I have ordered twice and received as much or more free than what I ordered. I do cash and shipping was decent. They do a bulk shipment and then send yours individually once it hits the HQ in the country.
I just ordered from The Vault (a sponsor). I'll let you know who it goes. What part of the world would they need to be delivered to, just out of curiosity?
If you are in the US, I've ordered a bunch of seeds over the last 5 years from the EU, and didn't have one problem.

I'd pick one of the sponsors, and then just order. This place wouldn't let anyone sponsor if they were turds. So checkout one of the sponsors and see what seeds you like.

That will get you to sites that sell seeds that can be shipped here to the US. Then there is the breeder. I highly recommend Barney's Farm and Royal Queen. I've tried many, many others, but those two are solid in terms of all seeds germinating and getting to a decent harvest.

Just my two cents!

Welcome. Great to have you. I’d personally look at Dope Seeds first. The prices Are hard to beat especially if you use their brand of seeds
Seedsman is a great place to start. They have lots of well known breeders. Venture out and look for different ones after you have a few grows under your belt.
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