Sexing help


Active Member
So from what I read this is a male and should be removed from females
I cut some of the sacks off and put them in the freezer got them from michigan seed exchange they seem reputable I read that stress can do it too don't know if it's true but my first gro and during germination didn't have anything started then everything went to shit about tweets before I got an adequate light just now started to be able to control environment so I know they were probably stressed alot well see in the days to come I'm almost positive one more for 100% a male looking into getting some clones too
I cut some of the sacks off and put them in the freezer
That is a bummer about the unwanted male, unless as Momma's Kitchen suggests you want to make some regular seeds, altho you'll still need a female for that!

On your comment of cutting off some sacs and freezing them, I am not sure but it may be best to let the pollen sacs dry out, open up, and then collect the dry pollen before you freeze it sealed with some grains of rice.
That is a bummer about the unwanted male, unless as Momma's Kitchen suggests you want to make some regular seeds, altho you'll still need a female for that!

On your comment of cutting off some sacs and freezing them, I am not sure but it may be best to let the pollen sacs dry out, open up, and then collect the dry pollen before you freeze it sealed with some grains of rice.
That makes sense could I just move them to a different room my plant are in a grow tent right now
:love: Yes as I believe it the pollen has to mature. Popping sacs when they aren't mature will not be strong. Moisture kills pollen. That's why you remove the sacs/plant (holds moisture) material from the pollen prior to freezing.

Let the male plant continue to grow and the pollen sacs mature, open, collect some pollen. Add some rice, once all plant material is removed from the pollen and freeze.
One plant creates a lot. Then when you find a female you like. You can pollinate one branch to gets seeds or pollinate the whole girl. It's up to you. If you have time and space.

Otherwise, our Dope Seeds is great sponsors of ours. I have run a few of their seeds and was very happy with the results.
So over crowded my tent trying to sex is a pain about how long do you have from when the pollen sackes apear till they open
Often read here that the time till mature is from a week up to 3 weeks. I think that 10 to 14 days is more on target. They should start to open up first and then in a day or two or three the yellow will start showing. A day or so after the yellow the pollen will show up on the surface of the area around the banana shaped male plant part.
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