Smell help


New Member
Hi just starting a 2nd grow, but as it is getting warmer and the wind as gone, i am worried about the old neighbors smelling it out side. I have the carbon filter pushing it out the top of the house. In the loft you can small it and as you walk in the house, will the rvk150 fan 6 inch do a better job as i am using a cheap one of ebay. just dont wont people sitting in there gardens smelling it . anyhelp pls
You will need a sealed room within your home that is climate controlled.
You could just leak sewage so it maskes the smell ; P

but for real,

:goodjob: Pics are very useful.

Here's the one am going to make and have seen work well

flathead screwdriver
tin snips or wire cutters
duct tape (I like Gorilla brand)

Items needed:
hardware cloth $7
stuffing (pillow, etc) $5
4 inch duct connector $3
4 inch end cap (an elusive item) $4
6 inch end cap $5
4 x 6 inch reducer $5
ring clamps (4 @ $1.50) $6
activated carbon (2-28 oz bottles @ $6.50 ea.) $13
nylons or stockings (from the $ store) $1
total - app. $49







You are going to construct two tubes (one 4 inches in diameter and one 6 inches in diameter) using the hardware cloth. Begin by cutting a piece of the screen (hardware cloth) to measure 15" W x 18" H. Cut another to measure 22" W x 18" H. Take the 15" W screen and form it into a tube around the 4 inch duct connector (at the top) and the 4" end cap (at the bottom). Leave the top half of the connector protruding from the end of the screen. This end will fit into the 6 x 4 reducer. Use two of the clamps to secure each end. Cover the outside of the tube with one stocking and secure it to the top with some duct tape. Construct the other tube the same way using the 22" W screen, 6 x 4 reducer (top) and 6" end cap (bottom). But put the other stocking on from the top (leave the open end at the bottom).
Here's a drawing of the completed tubes:

Loosen the bottom clamp on the 6" tube and stuff the padding down into the 6x4 reducer leaving the opening clear. Slide the 4" tube (connector end/top) down into the reducer opening. The padding should be thick enough to hold the carbon, without extending up to the open screen. Now fill the space between the tubes with the carbon, and be sure to shake/tap/vibrate the particles into a tight fit. Leave a little room for the stuffing at the bottom. Pack the bottom with stuffing, replace the 6" end cap, and cut an opening in the stocking at the top of the 6 x 4 reducer. Connect it your fan/ducting and prepare to eliminate all smells. You can even scrub smoke from the air.


Hope this helps someone.
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