
If you can tell us the brand of the topsoil that would greatly help. I would adjust your ratio to 60% soil, 15% vermiculite and 25% perlite, the extra soil should give the roots a better 'grip' and it will also hold more nutes over time, meaning you should use less in the long run. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
Hey man I'm new to all this, but I'm currently running all organics in soil. I might switch my verm for coco coir, and I agree with Stealth add maybe 10% more soil, or I would add 20% earthworm casting. Hope this helps:)
Vermiculite retains moisture, works a little bit like a sponge sort off.

Doesn't help much with drainage either but ye i may think twice about it or at least use a small 10 to 15% ratio of vermiculite...

But would be inclined to watch for signs of over watering if ya do add it or at least you might not have to water so regular on the bright side of things !
Its just top soil from ACE hardware. There brand I guess.the ingredients: reed sedge,peat and sand. I'm going with fox farm if I can pawn this crap off on my wife for her flower bed. Hehehe!
Both coir and vermiculite both suck actually. In place of coir use SPM, in place of vermiculite and or perlite use lava rocks/pumice.

It'll take some homework to figure it out, I'll leave that up to anyone so inclined. I've done mine already. A base mix of 1/3 humic material, 1/3 aeration, and 1/3 SPM is ideal for an organic soil.
Hey Co, I'm new to all the beauty that is organic growing, I'm currently running a Blue Hash in a TLO container. Obviously I've got a long way to go and a lot to learn in organics, but will never go to synthetics (just personal preference). I was wondering why you feel coir is no good? Besides the sea salt that has to be washed out of it,I've had pretty good experience with it. Though the ultimate dream is growing without outsourcing, ie. Make my own compost, EWC, and grow my own nutrients, and leaf mold I don't exactly have the space for all that now. That is the main reason I have to supplement with store bought stuff. Oh and me being the novice I am what is SPM.
Lighten up on the vermiculite, or use none at all, I use fox farm soil with 1/3rd perlite, been doing this for years and it works great for me.
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