SoilGirl's Organic In & Out Journal 2015

So much fun on that update. I love laughing my way through with you. I can't even wear nail polish and I keep my nails short. I admire women who do otherwise.

Your soil mix shouldn't be a problem uncooked. At least not anything the soil community can't overcome.

From what we're learning about the SWICK, I'd advise grow monster roots with wet/dry cycling and then throw those babies on the working SWICK. I'm convinced there's something going on in these pots of LOS that hasn't been taken into consideration in the ongoing discussion. You've only to look at my Cheese Candy to know there's more to the story than we've covered.

You just transplanted these into the big pots, yes? I'd do wet/dry for a couple weeks and then fire up the SWICKs and let them ride to harvest. Just my two cents worth.

Your wounded child will probably go into survival overdrive and grow the most amazing trichomes in your garden. Just watch. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have a Jamaican a Dream waiting to be planted. I'm going to try like hell to learn to train them like Graytail. Hahaha! Every time I say that, somewhere in the back of my head, a little voice shouts out "Bend 'Em Like Graytail!" Hahaha! Makes me laugh every time. I really need to learn to be more respectful. :laughtwo: It's OK, he should be used to it by now. He's been so helpful in figuring out how to make the Kit sing. Can't say enough about the man. I want to learn to make plants look that pretty. :battingeyelashes:

Ok, I've rambled enough on your journal. It was nice to visit. Tell that puppy of yours to be more careful next time. Blood and feathers - thank goodness you bud wash, eh? :rofl:
If you can't beat them, join 'em...

Whatever this isn't about nails its about weed! the (prettier) nail pics are just a bonus, this site needs a feminine touch every now and then huh? :circle-of-love:

I concur...

You're looking at my Animal Cookie and Flo babies, right? :loopy:
Re: If you can't beat them, join 'em...

So much fun on that update. I love laughing my way through with you. I can't even wear nail polish and I keep my nails short. I admire women who do otherwise.

Your soil mix shouldn't be a problem uncooked. At least not anything the soil community can't overcome.

From what we're learning about the SWICK, I'd advise grow monster roots with wet/dry cycling and then throw those babies on the working SWICK. I'm convinced there's something going on in these pots of LOS that hasn't been taken into consideration in the ongoing discussion. You've only to look at my Cheese Candy to know there's more to the story than we've covered.

You just transplanted these into the big pots, yes? I'd do wet/dry for a couple weeks and then fire up the SWICKs and let them ride to harvest. Just my two cents worth.

Your wounded child will probably go into survival overdrive and grow the most amazing trichomes in your garden. Just watch. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have a Jamaican a Dream waiting to be planted. I'm going to try like hell to learn to train them like Graytail. Hahaha! Every time I say that, somewhere in the back of my head, a little voice shouts out "Bend 'Em Like Graytail!" Hahaha! Makes me laugh every time. I really need to learn to be more respectful. :laughtwo: It's OK, he should be used to it by now. He's been so helpful in figuring out how to make the Kit sing. Can't say enough about the man. I want to learn to make plants look that pretty. :battingeyelashes:

Ok, I've rambled enough on your journal. It was nice to visit. Tell that puppy of yours to be more careful next time. Blood and feathers - thank goodness you bud wash, eh? :rofl:
:laughtwo: I loved your ramble, no worries Sue :) I hope the soil does well too. So far inside the 5x5 things have gone pretty slowly. I was expecting to come back to more growth but oh well, might've stressed out those little ones more than I thought. Soil's probably hot for the seedlings still and they're taking time to get used to the new lighting and environment. At least they're alive though. :Namaste:

I'll definitely be keeping SWICK in mind for later on in their lives. :)

hahaha I did my nails for CO's party and they're already ruined again. Argh.

As for the wounded child..... we'll see. I'm expecting less and less as the days go by, it seems like a drained plant. :S no will to thrive again. I have half a mind to chop the whole thing but then all this time would've just been a waste, so I'll see that reveg thru to the end if only to learn a bit. :\

:rofl: bend 'em like GT! I'm sure he won't mind that he's inspired us. :)

As for blood and feathers >.< Still finding a few feathers here and there lol. Definitely going to be washing all my outdoor girls for better or worse. Indoors I'm not so sure about. Thanks for the response Sue, so glad you enjoyed the update. :love:
Great update SG! What else are you growing outside, eh?
Thanks CC! We've got broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, berries, potatoes, melons and squash and on and on and on :) also every kind of herb imaginable. I've been really enjoying our stevia and spearmint in a little tea. from the garden, the peppers and melons have been phenomenal. Especially the jalapenos and anaheims. sunflowers have been doing great too :)
Lovely update.

Nice on goimg lighter with your soil amendments.

My flower room has been raised on new soil plus water... I plan worm compost when I reuse the soil ... We'll see how rounds 2 and 3 look :)
I'm sure rounds 2 and 3 will be very exciting Rado. :love: thank you for stopping by with your kind words.
I concur...

You're looking at my Animal Cookie and Flo babies, right? :loopy:
:rofl: them and only them MS.
Great toe nails MysterySeeds :love: Your plants look nice too :circle-of-love:
:laughtwo: :passitleft:
Re: If you can't beat them, join 'em...

Hi everyone! Got back from CO's party the other day, and have been putting my head back together LOL. I left that party with a lovely little stash (thank you CO you rock!) and quite the ongoing buzz. :rollit: OMG, you guys should see the way his bubble hash melts into a good bowl. I might just have to share a couple pics of that soon. :roorrip: Was very cool to meet CO and hear a few of his rants first hand. :laughtwo: I learned my fair share about growing over the trip, and its worth mentioning that he's quite the dedicated party chef too! at times it was hard to tell whether his buds or his food was the center of attention. Probably since his buds made us so hungry :rofl: woulda been nice if a few more of the expected guests showed up but eh, maybe next time.

I left with a free mini-bong, 8 Crop King beans + a t-shirt (2 Early Miss autos, 2 Candy Cane autos, 2 Crown Royale, 2 White Cookies - so excited to try all these! Probably gonna drop 2 auto seeds asap), five 32 Pusher beans I'm very excited about as well - his own back-crossed/stabilized strain with a strong grapefruit flavor and a nice hybrid effect. He wouldn't tell the genetics in it yet since he has high hopes for the strain but he told me it grows more like an indica than a sativa, maybe he'll share more in the future. :)

... I also left with a cornucopia of buds and some of the most beautiful bubble hash. I paid for some of it, but definitely got more than my money's worth. For other fans of CO's in here, I have a little of his Godzilla and Mothra plants (THC Bomb and Hawaiian Haze), I've tried his new Super Silver (freaking crazy flavor! Not like any other SSH I've tried), Berry, Ice, Trainwreck (though he wasn't happy with the outdoor one), his own backcrossed Train x Big Bud which is phenomenal, along with its hash, Highstepper, and quite a few others on top. I'm a hard critic about buds and his were really good, definitely better than most dispensaries around by far. a couple were a bit old or sub-par compared to the others, but he warned me about those ones. If you could try his Ice or Big or Stepper, you'd know its a bit much to have every single bud turn out like those heavy hitters. :volcano-smiley:

The new Mars Hydro Epistar light was quite the light to see too. If I can get my hands on a big one I'd love to run it in a 5x5, I'm sure the light penetration would trump the Mars II.. plus its 100% programmable, with dimming features just as advanced if not more advanced than Intelligent Gro's. I think Mars Hydro is very lucky to have CO there to review their lights and ask for adjustments before they mass market anything, he's very no-nonsense. With their new lights they're doing away with those crappy old hanging joints instead hanging right from the sturdy frame thanks to his feedback. He also mentioned a few other helpful adjustments. I left that party with a healthy respect for what CO does. :Namaste:

Anyways I will get some updates soon, I'm gonna split the updates into indoors and outdoors from now on probably. I hope everyone is off to starting a lovely week. :love:
I'm glad you had a good time. Real life time. :laughtwo: It'll be fun to watch you grow some of those seeds.
Bummed I missed out on the party. It would have been great to meet you and COF and sit there like a sponge soaking up all the advice you and Colorado Finest have to offer. You would think here in the Springs I would have more friends that like to sit around, shoot the shit and smoke good bud. Of course I live up in Briargate and most of my buddies are military or straight laced military vets. I'm in my own world with the wife when it come to smoking. Making big plans for a greenhouse out back and hopes to go organic so I am getting a lot of information from your grows! Your Journals are awesome, informative and fun.
Indoor Update 8/11

Hi everyone! Been very busy lately, have a date with a fireman tonight ;) and my connection to the 420 server has been very touch and go, wish that would clear up, but right now I finally managed to upload a few pics so heres a look indoors, no time to crop the pics so they'll all be small for now, at least they're high res haha.. :love: I'll do a nice outdoor update soon, so pretty out there. :Namaste:

Lets start with the clones, we have a rooting winner that might surprise you guys, definitely surprised me! :) The Cheese clone that only got dipped in Aloe gel right from the leaf rooted yesterday.


Here it is today. So it rooted in 11 days, not too shabby, if I may say so myself! :rollit:


Here's the rest of the clones, you'll see our winner front and center.


I also popped an Early Miss Auto and Candy Cane Auto bean from Crop King (Thanks CO! :ciao:) into these little coir cups of starter soil, with holes poked in the bottom so they'll hopefully grow right on through into those ~3 gals of LOS. Hope they sprout, cross your fingers with me, I so want to try autos! :goodluck:


Now in the 5x5 tent things were off to a really slow start these last ~12 days, but new growth is finally coming around. Back left Ultrasour, back right Euphoria, front left White Master Kush, front right Super Silver.


Here's Super Silver, who I thought might die for a couple days there. (By the way I topped all these plants at transplant in a not so patient stoner moment :lot-o-toke: wouldn't recommend doing that to others haha, adding stress to stress) ... now the top is taking, although one top is trying to grow over the other. I'm sure in a week or so it'll take off now that the stress period is almost thru.


Here's White Master Kush - who I accidentally FIM'ed resulting in 4 tops apparently. Same slow start and age as Super Silver, but I think managed the stress a bit better.


Ultrasour has some whack growth on it down low, but up top I did an accidental FIM which is starting to take. I can't tell whether its a 3-top FIM or a 4- top one yet, because 2 outer nodes are trying to dominate and the newer growth in the middle is very jumbled together. probably just a 3-top. I'm hoping it will take off in the next week or so.


Euphoria recovered a few days earlier than the others from the top/transplant stress, I think because its older, just had a very slow start to life. New nodes are stretching out bit by bit all over + the top took and 2 tops are starting to go vertical pretty well. Hope the others take after her. I've also noticed some nice molds over the tops of these soils, they're cooking away for sure :)


That's all for now gotta run, thank you for coming by! :circle-of-love:
I'm glad you had a good time. Real life time. :laughtwo: It'll be fun to watch you grow some of those seeds.
It was very nice Sue. Maybe one day you can come out and join us :) or if fate decrees that the whole USA should have legal weed, maybe we'll have a little weed party closer to your mighty Monongahela. I have some pics for you from the trip I'm still waiting to upload. I'll get to those later. :love:
Good evening SoilGirl

Awesome journal with lots of good information, enjoyed the read. I will definitely be following along now ;)

I am going to visit Sue's next but it is going to have to wait a bit, my eyes are buggy now LOL
Sue's will be a great one to join in on, and thank you for joining us here TheCelt! be warned though, both our journals will leave many eyes bugged :laughtwo: Hope you'll make it through! :love:
Thank you very much Rascio! :passitleft: :)
Bummed I missed out on the party. It would have been great to meet you and COF and sit there like a sponge soaking up all the advice you and Colorado Finest have to offer. You would think here in the Springs I would have more friends that like to sit around, shoot the shit and smoke good bud. Of course I live up in Briargate and most of my buddies are military or straight laced military vets. I'm in my own world with the wife when it come to smoking. Making big plans for a greenhouse out back and hopes to go organic so I am getting a lot of information from your grows! Your Journals are awesome, informative and fun.
Haha I'm sure it would have been great to have you there Griz, I'm sorry to hear about your family issues that stopped you from making it. We definitely had no lack of chat or smoking bud :) sorry that your immediate community is a touch conservative though, I know how that goes. I'm so glad I've been able to help you out a bit :love: I'm sure you'll find everything you could possibly need here at 420 mag to help you with your growing endeavors. If I could do a greenhouse, I would look into trying hugelkultur beds on the cheap like COorganics set up before he left the forum. That sounded so cool. I will try that one day. :Namaste: If you have any Q's feel free! Thanks for coming by Griz! :volcano-smiley:
Have fun Baby. :love:

If you think about it, CO started that cloning with aloe thread before he left. It would benefit from a post on your cloning success.
Welcome to my Indoor/Outdoor all organic soil grow journal. :) I'll be growing quite a few strains all in organic soils; mostly LOS/ROLS (Living Organic Soil/Recycled Organic Living Soil - just search either of these terms and there's a wealth of information out there for beginners) ... but I'll also be experimenting around with some other soils that might not qualify for either of those exclusive labels, haha. =]

I'll do my best to keep this up to date, relevant, helpful to all comers experienced or just starting, with a respectful, friendly atmosphere in the spirit of 420. :Namaste: And just a warning, this will be a long intro since I hope to pack as much info for beginners in the first post as I can. Sorry if its a bit much, hopefully it'll help someone. ;)

STRAINS...So far:
*Jamaican OG from Cali Connection, a mostly sativa heavy hitter with great reviews. Genetics are Jamaican x OG Kush. Flowering time 50-70 days, around 67 recommended.

*Dinafem Diesel, a 60/40 Sativa dominant strain I enjoy very much. I think its very underrated, there's a sweetness in it I think other Diesel's really could use. I recommend 55-70 days in flower, the taste is better earlier on but you get a more hybrid effect towards 70 days. I'd also highly recommend it for beginners; good yield, very easy to grow, strong against pests and mold.

*Dinafem White Widow, an Indica dominant hybrid with a flowering period of 50-60 days. Brazillian and Indian genetics.

*Dinafem Cheese, a 60-40 Indica dominant hybrid with a 54-60 day flowering time. Dinafem backcrossed some Cheese with some Afghani, and voila, Dinafem Cheese. Pretty good reviews, and I'm a big fan of cheese, yay! :)

*UltraSour, (from my friend's 2014 grow, found in a bud from a TH Seeds mother plant - hopefully decent stock, but a hermie can't be ruled out, and I can't be sure that its still pure UltraSour. Either way, I wanna try it out.) MK Ultra x Sour D, 59-70 days in flower, 70/30 Indica dominant.

*Medicann Blue Blood, a 1998 Blueberry x OG Kush high CBD strain, 6-10 week flowering time, 70/30 Indica dominant. Same cut as from my last grow. A pic of that plant is at the bottom of this post, the buds get a little foxtaily for my taste but very aromatic, with a nice relaxed smoke/vapor experience. My parents really like it, and say my other strains are too strong... I think the CBD mellows out the effects of the THC a bit.

*OG Kush (from a private reserve seed), the same cut as from my last grow. It's very exotic, smells and tastes very citrusy with some turpentine and sandalwood in there, clearly a Sativa dominant pheno by the way it grows and by the high. This plant also happens to be my first re-veg, a big one at that. I'm excited to see it outdoors.

*Euphoria (bagseed), from the same bag as I got my awesome Euphoria last summer. I loved that one, can't wait to see how this does. 80-20 Indica dominant says the bag, and I remember that it has a beautiful taste and high once all the sugary fan leaves look nearly 100% amber (trichs). Great citrus flavor.

If soil... what is in your mix?

"Clackamas Coot soil mix:

"Equal parts of Sphagnum peat moss, some aeration deal (pumice, rice hulls, lava rock - whatever is sitting in the garage) and finally some mix of humus - my compost, worm castings some black leaf mold I bought from the local 'worm guy'
To each 1 c.f. of this mix I add the following:
1/2 cup organic Neem meal/cake
1/2 cup organic Kelp meal/cake
1/2 cup Crab meal/cake (or Crustacean meal when available - it has Shrimp meal with the Crab meal. It's a local product from the fisheries on the Oregon & Washington Coasts)
4 cups of some minerals - rock dust

After the plant is in the final container I top-dress with my worm castings at 2" or so and then I hit it with Aloe vera juice and Comfrey extract. Or Borage. Or Stinging Nettle. Or Horsetail ferns. Whatever is ready.

The Rock Dust Recipe
4x - Glacial Rock Dust - Canadian Glacial (Gaia Green label)
1x - Bentonite - from the pottery supply store
1x - Oyster Shell Powder - the standard product from San Francisco Bay
1x - Basalt - from Redmond, Oregon (new product at Concentrates - about $18.00) ."

I believe that this recipe allows for some substitutions and that the biggest thing is to stick to the 1/3 SPM, 1/3 aeration, 1/3 humus and the amendments at the specified ratios. I have seen people (including myself) vary the actually "rock dusts" but don't if you can help it, and certainly don't omit the oyster shell flour in place of something else.

Living organic soil is very rewarding to grow in, give it a try, no one has ever looked back after going this route." - Thanks to COorganics and CC for this quote.

- I follow CO and CC's advice for my soils, most of my LOS pots have different soils in them but they follow this basic idea. I'll be doing some experiments of course, but specifically, my basic mix right now is: a base of Sunshine Mix #4 Advanced/Organic (containing: Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, perlite, coir, dolomite lime, gypsum, organic fertilizer, proprietary blend of endomycorrhizae, and organic wetting agent. Read more here: Sunshine AdvancedSunshine Advanced Growing Mix 4 Tech Talk - Updated) ... I'm also trying one or two plants in a base of Kellogg Garden Organics All Natural Garden Soil, as seen here: Organic Gardening Soils | Kellogg Garden Organics | Kellogg Garden Products

I amend these bases with those afore-mentioned Clackamas Coots' LOS amendments, and I also use Mykos and Azos, some Yum Yum mix, ground eggshells, homemade composts and worm castings and leaf mold, some Azomite and Excellerite, vermiculite, a little FFOF, and once the soil is mixed and in a large enough pot (preferably 7-10 gallons) I top it off with a top cover living mulch blend of seeds.

Cooking your soil: if you want to get your soil charged with microlife prior to planting, cook it. Just bin it, mix it well with some micro-inoculant like good worm castings or leaf mold or compost, and water it until its decently moist with water with a touch of blackstrap molasses, cover it, and let it breathe once or twice a day for a couple weeks to a couple months is my method.

Size of light? I have a Mars II 1600w LED, 2 Old Model 100x3w LED's, 1 Sunshine System 90w High Powered GrowUFO LED, 2 4 ft. 4 bulb t5 fluorescent fixtures, and several sizes of CFL.

Is it aircooled? no

Humidity/Temps? we'll keep an eye on that once I replace my meter >.< left it in the rain...

Any Pests ? ugh are there any I haven't had? Lol. Gnats, mites, caterpillars, leafminers, ants, mealybugs, black soldier fly larvae to name a few. Luckily I also have predatory mites to help keep them at bay.

How often are you watering? All the time. LOS must not dry out. I know this may sound scary to those used to a wet/dry cycle (which I know has its benefits), but in LOS, the fungi and microlife are paramount to your grow, and if you ever let your soil crust over, dry and stale, they're all gonna die. Indoors this is a potential issue for gnats, but can be dealt with a number of ways, like using a SWICK, or BT dunks, or certain top dressings that gnats hate.

Nutes? No classic nutes. I'll use top dressings of rich compost or worm castings or good organic amendments. I'm growing aloe vera for aloe vera juice. You just take a leaf, split it, scrape the gel out, dilute it and mix it with a bucket of water. It has a million benefits, its a great fertilizer as far as NPK, the salicylic acid fights pests and increases plant resistance to stress, helps start to break down organic matter.. Good stuff :)

I'll also be using Sprouted Seed Teas often, and probably botanicals. SST's are cheap, easy and great for your plants, full of enzymes and goodness. You can actually use pretty much any old seeds for SST's, all sprouts have enzymes and little bits of nutrition for early growth, but I'd recommend using organic popcorn and barley (or malted barley which sounds way easier and better) ... I sprout mine by soaking them overnight in a cup of water, then I dump the water out, rinse them and return them to the cup (don't fill the cup back up with water lol); then rinse twice daily with rainwater or the best filtered water you can find, distilled perhaps, I stick with rainwater. We've had plenty this year haha.

Maybe I'll even finally get into bubbled/aerated teas... still getting there... my LOS buddies might have to keep pushing me in that direction.

Old Grow Photos

Euphoria last summer:



Dinafem Diesel cabdriver from my last journal:



Dinafem Diesel mother from my last journal:



Medicann Blue Blood clone from my last journal:



My OG Kush PR from the last journal, in the process of revegetating... doesn't look like much here, but you'll see what it turns into next... thanks to Reg (B A R - the reveg master!) for convincing me to try a reveg with his beauties! :)


Alright that's quite a start. But apparently the pics I took on my phone are facing the wrong way for now >.< I know what I did wrong and will get some new photos today, those are already 2-3 days old lol, wow this took me a long time to do... ok well. Welcome to the journal! :circle-of-love::volcano-smiley::hippy:

Girl you got it your the personification of the farmer's daughter cause i would love to see your cheese, for me thats my next grow i picked BIG budda CHEESE my alltime favorite...
Thank you for all the kind words, it was great having you all up there. I hope you enjoyed your self at my Breck house, Sorry I could not stay for the whole time. Work called and I had to go early. I wish you the best on your seeds and you are welcome to join me at any of my other gatherings. Take care and talk to you soon, Good luck with the fireman.
Enjoy your date.
Have fun Baby. :love:

If you think about it, CO started that cloning with aloe thread before he left. It would benefit from a post on your cloning success.
I did very much MF and Sue :) we're going to do it again this weekend since he has a couple days off. My mom says I act like a crushing schoolgirl after being with him too much. :laughtwo: oh well he seems to like me anyways. :Namaste: Most schoolgirls probably don't babble about all the things I do... ;) I guess its in the way you babble. hahaha.

Sue I will stop by very soon thanks :) forgot about that one.
Girl you got it your the personification of the farmer's daughter cause i would love to see your cheese, for me thats my next grow i picked BIG budda CHEESE my alltime favorite...
Aw thanks so much RSG :rollit: welcome to the party. That Dinafem Cheese is doing lovely outside, I'm about to do an outdoor update so you'll see that, I'm so glad the Cheese clone already rooted, can't wait to grow more of it. Even in veg it was stinky. :) The Big Buddha Cheese sounds like a nice strain, hope it does awesome for you! :love:
Thank you for all the kind words, it was great having you all up there. I hope you enjoyed your self at my Breck house, Sorry I could not stay for the whole time. Work called and I had to go early. I wish you the best on your seeds and you are welcome to join me at any of my other gatherings. Take care and talk to you soon, Good luck with the fireman.
Hi CO, thanks! Definitely enjoyed myself. No worries about leaving early I'm sure you have a ton to do, and I'm sure the seeds will be great, I'll be glad to join in on more of your gatherings. I'm puffing on some of your Ice in the vape as I type, so spicy and earthy, kinda stoney high, I'm really enjoying it. :volcano-smiley: I'll be in touch soon. :Namaste:
Outdoor Update 8/12

Lots of pics so I'm just going to get on with it. :Namaste: I guess lets start with my reveg Diesel mother plant, who unfortunately lost a few lower branches recently to a clumsy passerby. oh well, you probably won't even notice, flowerings coming along nicely, though its pretty packed in that bush haha. One of the weirdest plants I've ever grown, but revegging definitely is worth trying, plus it allowed me to save the genetics. :)


Now here are the Diesel clones, which I've supercropped a little. I want to spread them out horizontally while they're young then let them shoot up for big colas like it grew for me indoors a few months ago. After revegging their mother didn't really go with that plan and turned out like a blanket of buds haha.


African Buzz was moved outdoors and into one of the 10 gals of LOS cooking out there. I also topped and the 2 tops were hardly slowed down at all, this strain is doing great in the recent heat. I'm worried how long it might take to flower though. :S we'll see how things go.


Fool's Gold also got moved outdoors and into a 10 gal pot of the cooking LOS. I didn't top this one though, it struggled a bit in the heat at first, so even though I topped AB they're neck and neck.


Cheese is doing great, and starting to flower. Has a nice stink I'm still trying to identify haha, we'll see how it matures. What a nicely branched plant if I may say so myself. :)


Jamaican OG mama, though unfortunately re-attacked by chickens once again due to sins of the father, (the chicken was unnoticed by dogs this time, phew) is coming around. ;) I gave it a strong compost tea drench of half and half my own vermicompost and boogie brew and it seems to be responding well. Here's a few bud shots.


Now here's the Jamaican OG clones... the supercropped one just went right back up vertical again and I gave up finally lol, after SC'ing most branches 2-3 times. some had 4. The branches are getting too brittle, and flowering is going differently than its fellow clone who got LST. Dunno why they're progressing differently so far being the same cuts taken at the same time planted in similar LOS pots grown next to each other, but they are.



This is the LST'ed JOG clone that I let grow very vertical on one main node, then trained out the lower nodes. Weird shaped plant, with pistils coming out more singularly than the clusters of her fellow clone that got supercropped. This strain is stubborn. :passitleft:


Ultrasour (bagseed) is doing wonderfully still. Quite the bush for that 3.5 gal bucket, makes me wonder about the size notions of LOS containers. Pistils are being packed on :) huge fricken leaves everywhere... I love this plant.


White Widow has also started to flower, and I supercropped all 4 main branches a few days ago right when the first pistils were showing up, this strain responded perfectly to the SC's. I'll keep that in mind for the clones. :Namaste:


Blue Blood has Not enjoyed the heat, and has an ant problem that I'm struggling to eradicate. I've lined the pot with neem oil a few times which gets rid of quite a few but they come back.... we'll see how she turns out, I'm not giving up on her yet.


Euphoria is getting a bit lanky, and today is the first time I'm noticing pistils on her, its a girl, yay! :)


OG Kush (PR) is struggling along a bit still, lost a few more branches that just seemed to wilt and give up in the heat, but the others are putting on new pistils again (new pistil/trichome growth went to a dead stop for a few weeks, I think I F-ed up the photoperiod moving her outside at the wrong time for this particular strain. dunno) ... not giving up still.


And a quick peak indoors at the cheapo clone dome: we have another Aloe-only clone showing roots after 14 days for second place, White Widow! Only 3 little teeny roots poking through, but I'm starting to have some faith in this Aloe gel right from the leaf for cloning stuff :) though I think I'll combine the aloe plus Root It gel, or my liquid rooting concentrate, until those two run out. After that its all Aloe for me since I can grow as much as I need, though I'm also interested in looking into organic honey for clones.



Alright rest your eyes lovely readers :love: hahaha. Thanks for coming by.
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