Spots on leaves never seen this before!


Active Member
Hi guys got some spots on my leafs they look healthy other than these spots it’s not nute burn I’m just not sure what it is can someone tell me exactly what it is I’m thinking maybe it’s genetics but of course I could be completely wrong thanks in advance broskis


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Hi Krypto are you feeding your girl any cal/mag? Looks like cal/mag defficiency to me off the top of my shiny but not that big of a brained head.
Not odd, typical symptom we see here all the time. Way more common for this type of thing to occur because of defficiency as opposted to bugs. I know because I done gone through both!

Get some cal/mag going in your grow and you will see that stop happening on new growth. Those leaves won't repair but they are fine as they are, still little power generators!
Ok thanks mate I’ll try and get some cal mag introduced I also had another question about soil for my next run do you need to ph the water for buffered water? Ph perfect range?
With that said I am not a pot doctor, nor do I play one on TV. I just grow alot of weed! It certainly could be other things, but that's my take. CHeers! :yahoo:
I dunno about buffered water, I try and keep my water under 7, as soil tends to turn hot over time, or at least mine does. I use vinegar but other people like pH down. My water (well) is like 7.5, with a tablespoon of vinegar in a gallon I can get it to around 6.8. That helps me keep my soil right around 7, which is a touch high but the vinegar just wont push it any further and it's good enough for rock 'n roll!
Strange that they're circular. Looks a lot like leafhopper or four lined plant bug damage, but unless you live in a area where it's already warm outside I wouldn't think they'd be active right now.
Have you sprayed the plants with the lights on? Could that have burned them?
I was thinking that too @CanadianJim I have sprayed the multiple times with the lights on LED’s but I didn’t think that would matter or cause any bad symptoms
The droplets can act as a lens, like a magnifying glass. I found out about that growing a variety of hot peppers with purple foliage. They started to grow with green leaves, so I thought they were the wrong seeds. The weather was still cool, but the spots where water droplets had landed from watering them turned purple by the next day. When the weather got warm all the leaves changed colour. Kinda the opposite to purple cannabis that way.
The droplets can act as a lens, like a magnifying glass. I found out about that growing a variety of hot peppers with purple foliage. They started to grow with green leaves, so I thought they were the wrong seeds. The weather was still cool, but the spots where water droplets had landed from watering them turned purple by the next day. When the weather got warm all the leaves changed colour. Kinda the opposite to purple cannabis that way.
The droplets can act as a magnifying lens but the drop has to be up off the surface of the leaf. Just like the magnifying glass has to be raised up off the piece of paper before it starts to burn a hole. Lay the glass on the paper and no matter how bright the day the paper does not get a burn hole.

Thinking about all the times it rains and then the sun comes out before the drops dry up. Yet we do not see burned up leaves on trees, shrubs, flowers, or other plants.
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