Starting In Dirt


New Member
I've started 3 plants for my backyard grow. 1 haze/kush hybrid, and two Afghan. I germinated them in a paper towel, and then transplanted into solo cups with a blend of mushroom compost and manure. I was maybe a little hasty, and did not realize I could burn seedlings in the wrong soil.

Q1: will this mixture be ok for young seedlings

Q2: if not, can I carefully remove from the soil and place in rockwool till they get a little older?
The mixture seems a little "hot" for seedlings, esp with manure in it. For now, I would gently remove them from the soil and replant in a good starter mix, heavy on the drainage (more sand or perlite) and if the soil doesn't already have fertilizer added, then make a VERY DILUTE mixture of compost (weak tea) and water them with that every other watering.

But give them a couple of weeks to recover after you transplant before resuming a feeding schedule. You will know when they are ready: they will show new growth.
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