Stix Test Grow

Re: StiX' Test Grow

Well, I went out and bought another rainforest and drip system. Info and pics will be posted in my hydro grow thread.

I moved my plants from the rainforest into the ebb & Flow system for its first day of flowering!!!!!:allgood:

I have it set to water 4 times a day 6 hours apart for 15 minutes each time. It takes about 10 minutes to fill the buckets to the top. Is this a good watering schedule????

my nutes are about 660 PPM. Nutes will be replaced and pumped higher every 7-10 days.

Nute Breakdown per gallon of water
FloraGro 6 ML
FloraMicro 6 ML
FloraBloom 10ML
Hygrozyme 8ML

PH is 5.58

I have 1 400 watt HPS (Hortilux Bulb) on the 5 plants now. 12/12 light schedule

I filled the 55 gallon resevoir with only 20 gallons nutes ( it's only 5 plants)

I will post pictures just as soon as my camera charges. I left it on last night by accident.
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Here are some pics of my pretties in the Ebb & Flow System. :cheesygrinsmiley:

DAY 1 Flower




Re: StiX' Test Grow


man you're gonna catch a gang a ganga...

those plants look so thick and healthy!!!! :headbanger:
Re: StiX' Test Grow

yeah, those are some of the bushiest plants if seen ont he sight, GREAT WORK!! lol the bag seed might turn out better than the white widow, hope not, but good pot is good pot regardless of the strain. Keep it up bro, and again good luck with those WW seeds
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Yeah I agree it's pretty insane how bushy those girls are. Just shows what good light and some TLC will do for your plants.
Re: StiX' Test Grow

yeah, I would say these plants are very above normal when it comes to how bushy they are. I talked to the hydro store guy about it. He says its probally because of the hygrozyme. Everyone in that store was raving on how great it was. They call it liquid gold. So, some of you other hydro growers may wanna check it out!
Re: StiX' Test Grow

quick question

Is it a good idea to cut those big fan leaves off the plant to allow more light to reach the center? I do plan to make hash from all the leaves and stems, probally not this grow but the next bigger grow. Will the fan leaves get resin and trichomes and all that good stuff?
Re: StiX' Test Grow

The fan leaves dont get trichomes on them often or to much .You can trim fan leaves so other bud sites can get better light . But dont chops tons off because as u know thats where they get there energy
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Your better of just leaving them on there in my opinion. The plant put out energy to build those and if you let them stay on then when they die off the plant gets to recoup some of that energy. Plus trimming off the leaves creates open wounds in the plant which can invite disease. Only time I ever trimmed leaves off was if they actually touched a bud, because moisture can gather there and cause mold.

Oh yeah who makes that hygrozyme?
Re: StiX' Test Grow

NO NO NO NOT YET.... I'm sorry didn't mean to yell.... I wouldn't cut your fan leaves unless they're fried and dying. If at all possible try to tie them up or tuck them under other branches. Those are the main powerhorses for your plant. You grow is friggin awesome to be your first. You definately got the green thumb. A little LST will help them to get more light and increase your budsites as well as a little pinching. I tried the Pinching with LST my last grow and OMG... If I can post a pic for you I will but she ended up almost 4ft tall and had been stressed into about 5-6 S's. If I can post the pic you'll know what I mean. Cola's were sick and thick. Wow... I'm impressed.. Good work man keep it up.

Week two of flower. Began LST in veg!!!
Re: StiX' Test Grow

I forgot to add that yes... That is one plant!!
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Wow, that plant looks NICE Queen!

Thanks everyone for the replys on my wanting to cut the fan leaves off. I really didnt know that they were the power house for the plant. I'm learning more and more everyday :cheesygrinsmiley: I'm not gonna touch them right now. I have 2 plants that are pretty much the same size. In a week or 2 I think I'm gonna tie down one of them and see how much it helps at harvest time.

Hopefully I will be able to find out who's female and who's not on tuesday. I have never actually seen a male in person. I'm gonna need some professional eyes to help me out!:grinjoint:
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Impressive KushQueen, what is LST. . . Happy Thanx Giving!!!! great time for the munchies
Re: StiX' Test Grow

LST is Low Stress Training.

Here's this article I found on LST I think it's pretty good.

Lumbo's Guide to LST

Low Stress Training (LST) simply involves tying the plant’s main leader down, so it is more or less parallel to the ground. This allows the side shoots to develop into leaders, which eventually become colas. The result is a bushy plant with multiple colas. The more shoots you tie down, the bushier the plant becomes.

LST is an alternative to topping your plant and more advanced topping techniques like FIM. While topping a plant will split the leader into two new shoots (and FIMming can produce even more), some growers notice that their plants seem to stall out for a few days after being topped or FIMmed, while plants that are trained with LST don’t seem to slow down at all. This is a hotly debated topic, and the purpose of this FAQ is not to take sides. All I really want to do here is show how LST is done. All growers should experiment with a variety of propagation techniques to see what works best for them.

I plant my seeds in the corners of square pots and wait until they are about 2 weeks old before I start tying them over. By two weeks they generally have 3 or 4 nodes and the stems are thick enough to be pulled over without collapsing or breaking. The first two pictures are a ten-day-old ThaiTanic growing in an unferted mixture of Canadian spagnum peat, perlite, worm castings and dolomite lime. The third is month-old White Rhino.

There are many different ways to tie a plant, and there’s no “right” way to do it. When I first got interested in LST, I developed a technique involving a rubber band and some nylon string. All you do is run a thick rubber band around the rim of the pot, tie the plant’s leader with the string, then tuck the other end of the string under the rubber band and pull the plant over. As the plant grows you have to retie it periodically to keep the main leader down, but you can easily make adjustments with just a little tug on the other end of the string.

The flouro part is important, because you need a dense, even canopy when you’re trying to flower under fluorescent lighting. LST makes that possible, because you can tie down as many new leaders as you want. You can produce plants that look like they’ve been scrogged if you really get into it.

Personally, I usually just go with one tie-down, keeping it in place until flowering begins. When you pull the strings and “let ‘er go,” be sure to untie the string(s) from the plant. If you don’t, the plant will grow around them (like a tree grows around a strand of barbed wire), and it will weaken it.

One common question about LST is: How long can I train my plant? You can continue training it for its entire life if you like, but in most cases, there's not much point in continuing once your main colas have been identified.

When the main leader is pulled over, my plants develop between 5 and 8 main colas, which is bushy enough for a 4-plant grow in a 3x3 space under a 400 watt hps. Once your colas are established, it’s up to your skills as a grower to make them as fat as possible.
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Thanks Stix. She was grown and smoked with love... I love LST... I do it till about 4th week of flower then I let her loose and watch out!!! I wish I had picks of her right before I cut her, but here is a pic of one of the "smaller" buds...
Re: StiX' Test Grow

Can't wait for your next updates Stix. Ya doing an awesome job with your grow so far. Hows the second rainforest working out? Did you settle on the number of lights?

Thanks for the love erybody. Just sharin to spread the love of fruitage... :)
Re: StiX' Test Grow

thank you for the info NoDirtm and beautifle bud kush, you guys have been a great help just now with tha info, because i am growin under floros and it said that LST helps flowering under floros, so i'm gonna give LST a shot, seems pretty ez. peace
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