Super Silver Haze & White Widow DWC 2019


Well-Known Member
I am starting a week late on the journal, but im in a 5ft by 5ft by 7ft grow tent using reverse osmosis water with a 1200 watt phlizon led( plus another 600watt when needed) using 2in by 2in rockwool cubes, im going to be using GH flora trio with rapid start, superthrive, hydroguard, and silica blast
Germinated via paper towel method, both cracked in 12 hours, they were then placed in rockwool cubes 2in-2in and placed in the dwc system they popped out by the 3rd day humidity was at 55% ambient air temp at 78°F light is 26in from top of plants on 18 6 light schedule
Week 2
Started feeding lightly but quickly found out its a no no. Flushed rockwool and hydroton, so now the resivor is at 150ppm cal mag 2mls rapid start 4mls hydrogaurd 1ml superthrive ( those are per whole res not gal) hand watering once every 2 days


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Nice start to the journal. They are looking ok at the seedling stage. just have to nurture them for a short while . changed res out. wise move mate. You can also add your grow journal to your signiture so people can link straight into your grow from it. The green writing below my posts are an example of linking. you do it through your profile . highlight your grows web address and choose copy then click on signiture and paste a copy of your grows web address as your signiture. simple.
Welcome to the world.of journals.
:thumb::goodjob::passitleft:anytime mate
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So i just got home after work and went to check on the babies, so i opened the res up, FLOATIES EVERYWHERE slime was covering my air stone and idk what it is. I just changed my res not even 24h ago. Im using ro water with a starting ppm of about 6. The temp of res is 70° and its a 3 gal res there is only calmag (150ppm) hydrogaurd (6mls) superthrive(1.5mls) and rapid start (1.5mls) total ppms about 165. The slime didn't smell or appear brown, its clear, almost white. Is this normal?
Slimey and white. not seen that. could be the superthrive. it is a hormone and there is controversy about its use with weed. I have used it for a short ti.e but stopped when i found out it could feed the bad bacteria in the grow environment. You also have to make sure there is no ligjt at all getting into the buckets, even down throught the baskets and balls. 70°f (21°c) is the point the dissolvable oxygen is most available BUT this is also to the bad shit too and perfect for pathogens to form. With the superthrive and perfect conditions for them , this could be a bad sign. You need to lower the res temp to no higher than about 19°C even cooler is better . Use frozen bottles of water in the res maybe , try and reflect ligjt and heat aqay from your bucket lids and sides with reflective material , Maybe use your input hole for air pump to put a pipe from outside your growspace to bring colder air into the buckets too. Hosepipe fits a few air pump inlets perfectly , or adapt a little. This saves pump pulling warm growspace air into the buckets raising the temps.
Yea i cut the superthrive in half and got my ambient air temp at 74 to 75 witch puts the res at 69 to 70 so i trew some ice bottles, got it down to 68, plus i hooked up another air pump and air stone with the pump sucking cool air from outside the tent. Got some reflective tape gonna put on buckets tomorrow. Dont see no light getting through, they are black buckets and the hydroton is fill alll the way up, got some 30% hydrogen peroxide i will throw into it if this doesn't work, cuz i know it kills my beneficial bacteria too right?
Hydroguard can be great if used at full strength of 2ml per gallon. maybe a beneficial root cleaner like great white shark to help the colonies build quick too. It frustrates the shit out of me that rdwc system manufacturerers use black plastic when they know it attracts heat for the buckets. covering them with reflective material at least helps stop that. More air is good too. i made "soaker hose" air rings and dumped my stones. they are too central and only give off a small vubble curtain too , and they clog. The air rings are pictured with a parts list too , on my last grow in my signiture " barneys farm bonanza " click on the link and it is on the post page 2 i think at bottom and also a bigger picture on page 3. they are great for air and cover the whole buckets base. found pics.
Thats funny, right before i got your reply, i just ordered some great white, and yea, i definitely noticed the stones clogging that is a great idea for air, i will be making some this weekend. I really appreciate the responses, you have been the only 1 who has took time to help
my pleasure mate. getting dwc working as it should isn't as easy as everyone says it is at first. I think they forget their own panics and screw ups when starting. This issue your having is very common now and i had to deal with exactly the same issue when i converted from coco and other mediums my last crop. ( worth scanning my last grow " barneys farm bonanza" ) It took me three months to hit harvest time due to the same issue. I had feeds way too strong , differing ages in seedlings , 100lt water spills onto my loft floor flooding the bedrooms below , a nearly dead crop BUT thankfully ,a couple of experienced members with rdwc walked me through the best route and nute use. Once you have it right , and you will soon enough , then it is a piece of cake to maintain and understand. I am a true convert now and was stoked at the control and ease to spot issues before they became a problem. The res issue of sterile or beneficial seems to rage on among the dwc community and i have not found the " best" between them so Hydroguard rescued me and my girls but i had damaged the root structure by the time i had got it right. i got a good harvest of 21oz from 9 ladies of different strains ( some amazing bud porn on the journal !!) which sadly should have been a lot better but i also had a 600w bulb failing slowly on top of the stunted roots.
There are so many journals that i think trying to get people through can be hard. I found that by commenting and asking questions on other forums and journals , members pay an interest in your grows too. Dont be worried to jump in on any conversation, anytime. The members here are friendly and helpful so should make it easy to join in.
happy to ride along mate. love seeing the successful results and the confidence of growers taking off.

A handy tip i got was to put the airpipes through your net pots into the res , this will avoid tearing roots when you lift the lids to check roots as the stones/rings come up with the lid.
I do have a great feed chart for gh trio , it has already been adjusted for rdwc use so you dont have to halve doses or convert stuff. It uses american gallons not EU so be aware of this if using it. It works to 500ppm veg and roughly 800ppm flower so is ideal as a base feeding. it uses calmag too. You still add your own additives as you want to it but it works 100%.
here it is below
BE6D3284-65DC-4EE2-BCFA-9C1442F9287C (1).jpeg
Awesome thanks you so much... well after the white floaty issue i came in today and this is wat i found, i JUST changed and bleached it not even 24h ago please help i dont kno wat this is... my temps are perfect, no light getting in, humidity is on point, i just dont know and am getting really discouraged


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If could be the superthrive. i cut mine out totally when i had my issues. It is a great vitamin but can be so easy to overuse. It is very very strong and in a dwc , is even more available to ANY enzymes ect.. I only use it in veg occasionally and NEVER in flower as it can produce hermies. The floaty bits will be dead root matter possibly from previous issue. zym product would eat those up as they happen. I have used a kids fish net to clear the res and buckets before now. handy little tool to keep pumps / pipes free running.
Would 30% hydrogen peroxide neutralize the superthrive? And idk how it could be dead root matter as there is no roots sticking out yet. If u get the floaters out will it be ok to run? And im definitely gonna try cutting the superthrive cuz last time i tried to grow i didn't have that issue
good point on the roots but the pics are hard to see properly as purple The white foamy bits will be the superthrive and hydroguard i reckon. possibly a battle for supremacy of the root zone if that makes sense. The great white will help the root zone directly but with dwc it loses some of its effectiveness as it is circulated. The powder is more designed to sit in coco/soil around the rootzone.
With this issue at moment , how are the leaf tips looking? any signs of spots or drooping ect ??
also, bleach stays around and is toxic as hell . the hydroguard at 2ml per gallon should easily take care of the zone with no thrive in it. i would not use the peroxide and trust the hydroguard. as no roots yet ,how are you getting water to them ? If top feeding to rockwoll cubes then roots will not need to look elsewhere for water and will not jave to leave the cube for it either. Ideally the bubbles from your dwc should pop and mist the bottom of the net pot to tease the roots out quicker. Just a thought , sorry of mistaken.
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