The Cannabis Project

Sooooo, I got this hash and I'm thinking how great this could be IF I could Vape it in a vape mod that I've got.

Took roughly 3G of hash and poured VG into a dubble boiler for 2hrs at a rolling boil, then strained it and bottled it. Waiting for it too cool down to test this out... made almost 120 ml bottle. Pure Vegetable Glycerine and Pure Hash mixed in this bottle.

That chuck of hash is what's left over from squishing the cheesecloth, not sure if its spent completely so I kept it for now.

So ya think it worked? Curious as to how this turns out.

Ohhh, maybe? It tastes like hash, smells like hash and it vapes perfectly. I took likely 15 hits off it and? Maybe I felt more relaxed is all. Sorta of disappointed. I can play around with it and see what's what. Maybe it needs a day or two to step or something.
Ohhh, maybe? It tastes like hash, smells like hash and it vapes perfectly. I took likely 15 hits off it and? Maybe I felt more relaxed is all. Sorta of disappointed. I can play around with it and see what's what. Maybe it needs a day or two to step or something.
I used to vape. It was the only thing that got me off the cigarettes after dozens of times trying to quit. I made my own juice as well. Like everything else that catches my attention and appeals to me I jumped in head I've read a few articles on cannabis extraction into vg but its been a while. I see you used a double boiler. Do you know the temp you reached before stopping? Would that make a difference? Maybe it does need to sit a maybe a month. I remember flavors not showing up till it sat a while. Speaking of flavor. Did you add any to offset the cannabis?
I used to vape. It was the only thing that got me off the cigarettes after dozens of times trying to quit. I made my own juice as well. Like everything else that catches my attention and appeals to me I jumped in head I've read a few articles on cannabis extraction into vg but its been a while. I see you used a double boiler. Do you know the temp you reached before stopping? Would that make a difference? Maybe it does need to sit a maybe a month. I remember flavors not showing up till it sat a while. Speaking of flavor. Did you add any to offset the cannabis?

Glad to see someone els that vapeing helped them out. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for 21 years, till I was sure I was dieing, I'm sure vapeing saved my life or atleast didn't shorten it. Been vaping for 6yrs now.

I've done cold VG extractions before, takes 30+ days. I've also used PG but that will rip your throat out hahaha. I just boiled it for about 2hrs on rolling boil. Maybe I should have either cooked it longer or maybe used the instant pot to complete the extraction. I only added the VG and hash, nothing els. I'll give it a week of steeping and check it out. Maybe I'll redo later on.
Kosher Daddy going into flower mode.

Doing my best to finish these in the party cups ;)
I know they wont get big or give large yields but it will give me a great idea of how Kosher Daddy grows out and makes buds.
Drinking 1L of water daily and eating up nutrients well.

I like that Kosher Daddy has a thick stock, strong smell, eats up the nutrients and so far is a healthy plant by all means. Still holding her own against strains that have been around a long time. I know, I know. Shes got a ways to go before the world will consider her to be a winner. But hey, it's all about the bragging rights ;)

Both Kosher Daddy Fems going into flower.
Look at how well the stems have "wooded up"
Nice and thick main stock, able to hold heavy flowers. Smelling stronger already. Seems to have two height structures, Assuming the taller one has taken more of the Sativa Dominant Genitics while the other has Indica Dominant Genitics ;) When this round is over, it's time to pheno hunt...
Lately I've noticed Kosher Daddy plants are starting to get some yellowing of the leaves.

I've already got them on flowering nutrients and I know for sure they are seriously root bound.

Next time I will use my 3gal pots, but I really wanted this round to be "quick" and obviously I wanted to stress them alot, to make sure no hermie would happen. Just looking for some tester buds to see what type of value she will hold inside. Not much else going on, just feeding 1 liter of water daily to each plant and waiting for the finish line ;)


Some bud structure on the Kosher Daddys here, just took off a load of yellow leaves before this photo.

The roots dispite being 200% root bound are still very healthy and white.

These drink about 1 liter of water a day. I'm watering 2x a day since these cups dry out super fast.

This stress test is going very well, no signs of hermie or self pollinating.

The smell is pretty strong and musky and dank to my nose. It's a cross between hash and musky indica smell.

Cant wait for these to be done to try out the buds, for now just feeding and waiting.

Ps. The Sour Diesel smells AMAZING, smells almost like the sour powder you get on sour key candy, it's a sweet, sticky and strong sour smell. I'm soooo growing this one again and making seeds.

On the Critical kush plant, I've found 1 single caylex that looks to be growing a seed... I've checked all plants, esp this one and the only 1 I can find.... soo one of two things have happened. #1, a rogue pollen from Kosher Daddy was lingering in the tent? #2 Hermie and self pollenated.. I've not found any evidence of either scenario tho and definitely no nanners.

No other plant is showing signs of making seeds at all. Even the critical kush is fine, except that single peice I'm showing here.

Other then this, im thinking 3 weeks max and all the plants will be done growin and get chopped down.
I’ve had the odd plant produce “false” seed. Calyx swells like it’s growing a seed, but nothing in it but an empty husk.

Hopefully haha. Kinda wanna pluck it off and the same time let it grow.
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