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Hey fellow Deep Water Culture

I just returned from my 2 week whirlwind tour in China, visiting the following cities;

For those who may remember, I had a quest to find the jade bong I had seen in an earlier trip, but I was unsuccessful in finding it on this trip. Oh well.

Anyway, I'll log back on later. Right now I have the ultimate case of jet lag. Flying from Beijing to Chicago took 13 hours, another 2 hr layover and 2 hour flight to Boston, and a 3 hour car ride back home. I am burnt.


I must say that while I was gone, the wife did an excellent job watching and caring for the aunties. I am now in week 9 of flower and everything is excellent. Will Harvest either this Sat or next, depending on the trichs.


i know that this isent really necessary but would it increase anything if AFTER the roots hit the water take out the pump tubes and replace the tubes with misters in the corners of the res??im just bored thinking and decided to ask,,i know there is no real reason for the pump after they hit the water because of heat/clogging and ph issues but just a thought.

You're mixing metaphores there. The misters would be redundant. In dwc, the bubbles do enough splashing that the atmosphere in there is extremely wet, we just add the tubes at the beginning to increase the rate at which the roots hit the water.

Aeroponics uses a spray of water similar to what you're talking about. This is what I'm doing in my new setup. I'm copying the Deep Water Culture system at the start when I have my spray directed right at the net cups, once all of my roots hit the bottom of the tube I'll redirect the spray downward at a 45 deg angle.
I must say that while I was gone, the wife did an excellent job watching and caring for the aunties. I am now in week 9 of flower and everything is excellent. Will Harvest either this Sat or next, depending on the trichs.



great to hear from you Sam! Nice to hear about your trip, you'll have to fill us in once you've had a chance to catch up on some sleep.
You're mixing metaphores there. The misters would be redundant. In dwc, the bubbles do enough splashing that the atmosphere in there is extremely wet, we just add the tubes at the beginning to increase the rate at which the roots hit the water.

Aeroponics uses a spray of water similar to what you're talking about. This is what I'm doing in my new setup. I'm copying the Deep Water Culture system at the start when I have my spray directed right at the net cups, once all of my roots hit the bottom of the tube I'll redirect the spray downward at a 45 deg angle.

ok see i thought misting the roots would double the oxy being put in and thought the mist on the roots plus the bubble might help in some way like i said,just a question.thanks man
Ben I love that you always have questions and ideas. Some will work, some won't and some will jump start the great minds around here to come up with a good idea.
I ordered a pack of nutes from SH last week over the internet, they were delivered yesterday. All 3 zip-lock bags of nutrients were labled "Bloom". Fortunately I have been using their products for a while and was able to distinguish the micro-nutes from the veg nutes from the bloom nutes.

Welcome retired. Hope you stay and share your knowledge with the group.


well this is what ive cam up with on the new room design,,im going to keep using bubbles but im upsizing to 40 gal res's(xl rubbermaid roughneck) they look like they could hold 8 plants comfortably (if im wrong tell me) , 6 gal comes to 3 in of water,so 12gal comes to a little over 6in ,its about half full at 6in so i think i should be good on root space ,,im gonna make a veg and flower room and find room to make a cloner so i can hopefully keep a repeating grow

thanks alien8,always trying to give a little back,(might not always work but i try lol)
Ben, the new design to me looks better. We don't know the details which I am sure some will need to know if it will work. I use a 10 gallon tube about about 7 gallons of water when the roots aren't big and displacing the water. I leave about 2" which is what I believe is suggested between the bottom of the net cup and the water.

BTW what program do you use to draw. I used to use auto sketch when I was in school but I forgot everything on how to do drawings. I am just curious. You got skills.
oh and ive got new pics of my grow to here is the top veiw,

there are more pics on the journal

google sketchup its free ,i just messed with it until i figured it out lol its not hard tho


Your grow looks very healthy.


Thanks roseman, so there is no certain l/p/m needed? I am taking that as no since thos whispers put off a low amount but still work good.

I've never seen any numbers or statistics for air volume.
Its debatable, air pumps, water pumps lights, etc like many thing.

Some gorwers use and buy much more expensive air pumps than I buy. Maybe theirs will last for ten grows adn mine for only 3 or 4 grows. But they pay twice as much and I pay half as much so when I replace mine, I still come out ahead in costs.
Hey Bendog, as you know I like the idea of 2 rooms. Just remember when you plan the space that you will need a bigger room for flower than veg. Think about what size the plants will be a each stage. (looks half and half in your sketch) And you should be able to keep the cloner in the veg room I would think.
Hey Bendog, as you know I like the idea of 2 rooms. Just remember when you plan the space that you will need a bigger room for flower than veg. Think about what size the plants will be a each stage. (looks half and half in your sketch) And you should be able to keep the cloner in the veg room I would think.

the rooms were already seperated but ive got a door going between the rooms(2 closets) ,im going to make the seperater wall a double door halfway down so i can switch the tanks,im hoping that the room is big enough,i think it should be ok,,if it becomes a problem ill try to handle it lol
Thanks Ben. I am not sure what detail people will need to help you. I suppose if you aren't doing a traditional grow and are going to pump water in and such they will need to know all that.

Your plants look great.
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