The Hand Me Down Set Up - First Time


New Member
"The Hand Me Down" Set Up
(2) 150w hps (Free)
(1) Osculating Fan (Free)
(1) Ph Meter (Free)

Organic Soil Mix (Free)
First Aid For Plants( Canopy Spray)
Recipe for Success Starter Kit by Technaflora

(Blue Dream)
(Fire Og)
(Big Bud)
(Super Skunk)
Total Money spent: Nutrients $50, Genetics 75, Lights Free = $150

Okay So For Veg I used One single 150w Hps
For the Flower Cycle I used the Two 150 Watters For an Extra Kick!

Alright Guys So This Is My First Time moving things indoors and thanks to my Big Brother he gave me his old personal set up for FREE since now hes a Big Commercial Grower but anyways Considering Branches being broken, Over Watering A small Heat Problem and, those damn indoors bugs(WTH)-I seem to have things fixed and dialed in and all things considering i hope a get a decent yield for all my hard work and if anyone sees a problem please Let me know ! Enjoy More Pics Coming Soon ! Who New Indoors Would Be So Different !
Begining of Week One
Week 4 Topped (Blue Dream) Super Croped (Head Band)
The Little Baby Up Front (Fire Og)
All the Ones in the Big bucket are Super Skunk Start of Week Three (Sex Unknown)-Blue Dream is in Front on the Right and its the Beginning of Week Seven And On the Left is (707 Headband) In Week 7 Of Flower (Peace Out)
Re: "The Hand Me Down" Set Up (First Time)

Hey Everyone I Just Pulled the first Male that rared its ugly Head on Day 15

Not to bad for 12/12 and Hps Only!
Re: "The Hand Me Down" Set Up (First Time)

Thanks Mark That Girl Has Been Threw Hell and High Water But:goodluck:On Your Grow It Looks Great So Far:bravo:
Re: "The Hand Me Down" Set Up (First Time)


that's some hand-me-down setup! I Think I need some family like you've got man.. All my brother ever gave me was a hard time! ; P

Things look like they're getting pretty close to completion, Those buds just have a bit more filling in to do.. I can almost taste it!

Isn't it amazing how resilient plants are?.. I've broken branches supper cropping and all it takes is a little strip of duct tape and a couple days of recovery time. I wish I was half as tough as my little cannabis plants sometimes lol..

Things look great, can't wait to see how things turn out!

Thanks Man...Yeah My Brother Grows For the Clubs in North Cal While Im Stuck Here in SoCal Learning The family Trade so One Day i can Join The Family Business But Like My Bro Always Said It Starts At home!
My Bro Just called Me and Said Hes Gonna Throw me His high output 250w
That i Configured for him To throw out 55000 Lumens Just Like 400w How i Did this you Ask Just go to a Electronic Contracting College and you'll figure it out!
(Happy Growing):thumb:
Your plants look really nice. You're doing great with the hand me downs, wish I had someone to give me something like that. But as I like to say, nothing beats free. Just wondering since your closet looks kinda like mine, how is the heat with those lights? Getting a 400w soon.
Well My Temp is usually at a consistent of 82* with the doors open In My Kind Of Large Closet(3ftx6ft) I have to keep the doors open since my only Ventilation Is a Osculating Fan Blowing The Hot Air into My Room n Then Out of an Open Window That is Usually Always Closed Unless It gets to Hot Or i want More Fresh Air Circulation!

Just Get a 250w and Pimp it out like it did Back in the day but i did it the Old School Way for My bro when he was getting started because he wanted more energy efficient lights and since Im an Electric Contractor Id though id help him out but now you don't even need to know how electronic systems Work To have Rewire Electronic Systems Because LSE Rewired the Bulb For You!

The New LSE 250w Hps Bulb puts out 42,000 Lumens and combine it with the "Grow Reflector" Them on the Internet or Ebay Almost Like every other Damn thing now a Days!..But if You do the you'll be Putting out just as much light as a 400w just with less heat, less power consumption and less vertical penetration witch means IF you did Pimp out a 250w the new school way it would only make sense to run the system in a Scrog Set Up!

The Only Why I Mention This Is Because there's No Way You can Run a 400w Hps in your Closet without cutting holes in walls for proper ventilation SO this is a great Way to Have Maximum Efficenty without messing up your pad!
Well My Temp is usually at a consistent of 82* with the doors open In My Kind Of Large Closet(3ftx6ft) I have to keep the doors open since my only Ventilation Is a Osculating Fan Blowing The Hot Air into My Room n Then Out of an Open Window That is Usually Always Closed Unless It gets to Hot Or i want More Fresh Air Circulation!

I plan on putting my light in a closet that is bigger than the one I am working with now. I don't know the measurements. But it has two sliding doors, I know as if that is really telling you something. I do have a big fan (you can see it in my journal). Ok, the closet is 7 feet by 2 feet, so can it handle a 400w without a heating problem? Or would I have to leave one of the doors open and put the fan in it? The fan has two settings, one to blow air in and the other is an exhaust. So during lighting cycle should the fan be blowing air in or out?

Alright So Its about The Start Of Week Nine And I Thought Id Take A
"Smoke Sample"....
Alright So Its Only Been 15min and i can already fell the headband making my mind and body feel like One!
This is a Very Uplifting Mind And Body Stone!
I Cant Wait Till Harvest!

Day 34 Straight 12/12 " Little Nutrient Burn" But I Flushed and Now there Fine!

I Got a Green Led light so i can work in the dark if i have to N thought id take a Pic with It! "Its Gonna Be Any Day Now" So far i got About 5% amber 75% Clear and About 20% All Rough Estaments Of Course:love:
I Think It Will Get To Hot In There Without Proper Ventilation!Any Other Opinions?

Hey sorry it took me so long to respond. I have so many journals that I try to keep up with. I did end up getting the 400w light. It puts out 50,000 lumens. I have it 10 inches above the plants. It does get warm so I leave the door open during light cycle but I also have the big fan posted in front of the door. Set on high so the ladies are swaying or shaking. The temp seems to stay between 78-80 with the humidity at 49. So, not having a heat problem at all...Just more like a kitty problem because when my cat gets in the same room with the plants he doesn't want to leave and he likes sniffing
nice score! you made out like a bandit, i had to spend allota ching to getup some shit, lucky you ;) haha thats awesome! good to see the items are being put to good use and not just stuffed in someones attic or something.. plants are looking fuckin spanktastic hahaha, keep up the good work.
Thanks PreProdigy And QueenToker For The Kind Words They Mean a Lot:circle-of-love:

And QueenToke, Im Glad You Got Your Light situation down and Thanks to you I know What light To through into the Mix..Cuz Im Not gona do any Ventaltion besides a fan and and window Because I cant Cut holes In My Walls!
Thanks PreProdigy And QueenToker For The Kind Words They Mean a Lot:circle-of-love:

And QueenToke, Im Glad You Got Your Light situation down and Thanks to you I know What light To through into the Mix..Cuz Im Not gona do any Ventaltion besides a fan and and window Because I cant Cut holes In My Walls!

No problem, Bud...Yeah about the light, I am in the same position as you as far as not being able to cut holes in the walls. The fan I have is big and powerful enough to keep the closet cool and with door open air is circulating. It gets the job done. Glad I was able to help you out with that, no doubt!!! :cheer: :high-five:
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