The Physicist's Indoor Soil Vanilla Frosting

Yeee I have a 0-50-32 and a 9-50-30 but i only use 0.175TSP each time I feed. It has a ton of micronutes in it too ranging from calcium to manganese to iron to boron etc etc
Good to know I had something while back that was crazy numbers think I definitely over killed it lol
Mine is 9-6-17 for the entire grow, I’ll end up using calmag as a supplement in flower.
For your outdoor penny ? Is that oscallte ?...I found organic cal mag stores in basement where cold cool all year . Think I might try to use it lol

finally got this started! Been swamped with real work now that covid 19 is basically over
Vanilla Frosting Day 35 Since 12/12 Flip

Here is some canopy pics and two lower bud site not seeing canopy light but good density non the less. Starting to see some leaf curling... not sure why really nothing has changed for environment or feeding/watering

I have 3 oscillating fans at soil level to circulate ground level air and two oscillating over the canopy but very lightly to keep the leaf temp -2F from ambient temperature. Its a very lightly breeze on the leaves wouldnt considered it rustling even
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