The sweet smell of success?


New Member
I saw someone saying on a recent bbc program the more weed smelled like cat piss the better the weed is? I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on it or experience.
I have Grapefruit Diesel growing right now and first thing in the morning befor the fans come on the smell is so strong it does smell like cat piss but after 5 minutes running, then it smells just like Grapefruit Peace

MV... :popcorn:

A lot of old time landrace Sativas had a pronounced cat piss aroma when they were flowering. It died off a bit with drying and curing,but it was still in the background. They were very potent when grown right.

Where I grew up is densely wooded and very humid. Smells carried a long way on the mist and wind. On late summer/early fall mornings cops and rippers would find pot patches simply by driving slowly down a country road with the window down waiting for that smell to pop up.

Once they got the wind direction down,the smell would lead them right to the weed.

That's why anyone with sense,planted at least a half mile off a public road and downwind of where the prevailing winds came from.
i recently heard that if you grow other scented plants, or add some sort of scent to your grow room while flowering, your buds will pick up some of the smell? kind of like how if you cure your bud with orange peels, you pick up and orange scent.

i know its a little off topic but this post reminded me of that. any one else heard that ?

killer looking bud by the way man! :grinjoint:
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