Three plants showing 3 different set of symptoms in same grow.

MJ 123

New Member
Hi all,

I'd love it if some you knowledgeable people could have a look at these photos and offer your opinions on what's going on with these plants.

They were donated after being grown from seeds. They were transferred to bigger pots when they were 3 to four inches tall and roots were beginning to appear in the drain holes. The plants have all received the same treatment but are showing different signs they may not be too happy in their new homes. One plant has developed light green spots on its leaves. The leaves also have a wrinkly appearance. Another plant has the same wrinkly appearance, also with leaves being slightly twisted/malformed but without the light green spots. The third plant has neither of these symptoms but its leaves are curling up slightly at the edges. This seems to be starting from the part of the leaf closest to the stem.

I'm wondering of enough feed has been given, or too much at an early stage in the plants development. The soil has been moist but not wet and not yet allowed to dry out. I wanted to let it dry more before watering a second time but was concerned the plants might be in need of more nutes, given the low level of fertiliser in the Lightmix. There might have been a slight improvement with the light green spots but I'll have to keep an eye on that to confirm.

All views gratefully received. Happy to post up with more info if needed.

Many thanks


Strain - Unknown

Light on for 18 hours a day

Stage — Early veg

Growing in soil in a spare room measuring 5x4m.

The light is a 600w SHPS and is suspended roughly 18 inches from the tops of the plants.

Growing medium — Plagron Lightmix

The pots are around 5 litres.

The room temperature is around the 25 - 27 degc mark.

The room is not air cooled.
PH and RH have not been measured.
There are no pests as far as I can see.
Humidity is 40 — 45

The plant food being used is Bio Bizz Grow.

I have cut and pasted below from the journal which was started when the plants arrived so you can see what's been happening. Also, please see photos at the bottom to illustrate.

June 19th
Acquired plants.

June 20th
Left out in sun. No water. Pots very moist.
Filled bigger pots and soaked. Left to dry.

June 21st
Transferred to bigger pots and brought inside.

June 22nd
18 hour light on.
Shared 2l of water mixed with 3ml Boi Bizz grow between all three plants.
Lifted light by 2 links.
Took photos.

June 23rd
Began LST on one plant.

June 24th
Began Fimming one plant. Will leave the other to grow naturally for now.Noticed some brown spots/blemishes appearing on some leaves of natural plant, maybe burn from splashes of water/feed mix.
Lifted light by 2 links

June 25th
Noticed light green spots appearing on some leaves of natural plant.
Natural and LSTplant showing signs of malformed/wrinkly leaves.
Fimmed plants leaves curling up slightly at edges. Took photos.
Moved LST plant to middle position under light.
Shared 3ml Bio Bizz grow in 2l water + 1l pure water between all 3 plants.

June 27th
Green spots on Natural seem less prominent...?
Took photos. Posted online re leaf issues.



I honestly think its looking pretty good, the slight discoloration I wouldn't worry about yet. Let them get settled in their new homes for a week or two. I would definitley let the soil dry out real good before watering again, give it a couple of waters with just water, then start the nutes again.
Hey go4, thanks for replying. The discolouration is worst in the plant in the top picture, and difficult to make out in the photo because of the way the light's being reflected by the leaf but if you look closely at the leaf in the top right quarter of that photo and the corresponding leaf on the other side of the main stem you can make out the light green spots spread over much of the leaf surface. You can also see some close to the stem on the leaf in the bottom half of that photo but these haven't spread to the rest of the leaf.

Thanks for the vote of confidence :) I've only seen one other grow so I don't have a lot to gauge this one by. Adding more nutes didn't seem to make things worse but you're probably right about holding off from using any more just yet. I think you're right about leaving them to dry out too, although this soil seems to hold on to moisture really well so they might not getting a drink for a week.

Thanks again :thumb:
The only reason I say hold off on water, is I read that leaves curling up is a sign of over watering. I would let the soil dry out real well, it is easier to fix an under water than an over water. I am not very familiar will all the deficiencies either, but I would start ph'ing the water, before you water the plant, and check it if you have runoff after you water. If your ph is out you will lock nutrients out of the plant.
Ok thanks. the plants seem to be doing ok for now. They still have the wrinkled appearence and curly edges but are growing quite well now they're settled in their new pots. They have just been watered so we'll see how they come on in the next few days.

The guy at the local grow shop says he doesn't stock anything for testing ph because no one round here bothers to test it. I guess the water in this area must be ok to use as it is and I'm not too worried about that just now but if further problems develop a decent digital tester will be in order.
Ok, Thanks Spimp, I didn't mention it but that's what's been happening with the water, although I did read somewhere that a little chlorine can help to keep harmful bacteria from growing in the soil.

These plants seem to be doing pretty well now. They still have the wrinkly appearance with edges curling in places but they're putting on lots of growth and there've been no more spots appearing. Maybe they were just sulking at being forced to move house. The wrinkly leaves is still a puzzle but perhaps this is due to these plants being of a different strain to the other grow I saw so they just look different...? You can see the wrinkles and curls quite clearly in some of these pics...



Some of that is "margain rolling". A common issue thats is not too bad. It can be caused by water,heat, or light stress. If it stays likeit is, I wouldnt worry too much at all. I think they are looking nice! :bravo:
May I suggest you start a grow journal so that more experienced growers can see your girls and offer advice? Heres a link on how to do it: How to start a grow journal

:goodluck: sir!!
May I suggest you start a grow journal How to start a grow journal

There was a record started of what has been done and when. I posted most of it in the initial comment here but perhaps this is not quite comprehensive enough to be considered a proper journal :) I'll have a look through the link and see if there's more that could be included though, thanks :)

Could you tell me what constitutes water stress? I'm presuming too little or too much water? If anything these plants are getting a more suitable water supply than the last ones did. The last ones were getting far too much and not being allowed to dry out very much in between. These plants are being left to dry over 3 - 5 days depending on how long it takes before being soaked to the point of run off appearing in the tray. Not sure if heat stress will be the cause tbh. The temp is 26-27 deg c, a couple of degrees higher than the first lot but not out of the plants comfort zone I didn't think.

Not too worried for now though. We'll see how they come on in the next week.

Most common water stress is overwatering. You should let them dry out fairly significantly, like 3-4 days, and feel the pot to see how light it is. That way you have a reference as to when to water. Improper PH is another form of water stress. As is too high of humidity.
Margin roll is a way that a MJ plant can try to transpire some of the excess moister. They sweat it out if you will.
But It also uses this as a way to expel heat.
Overwatering is a killer. Root rot can come on quickly and can be irreversible. But underwatering is fixed just by adding more water. :) Always err on the side of caution with these ladies and it will be a good run for ya. If you start a journal, let me know please. Id love to follow along for the ride! :thanks:
Yeah, I'll let you know. I just had a look through your latest. Looks to be going well. I'll keep an eye on that one.

Cheers :)
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