To any one with long hair

i burnt off my left eyelash lightin a j usin this funky ass jet lighter.....
Mine is long enough to throw behind my back so I generally don't get trouble. In some circumstances a bobble/hairtie works well.
I used to have real long hair and would light it a couple of times, and not even know it untill my wife said somethign about it. now i cut my hair and have short again. its alot easier to take care of and now im not so worried about catching on fire
I had my hair shaved off last year after burning it when I smoked. Its back to shoulder length and 9 out of 10 times still I manage to burn and singe it. I have had hair extensions too, they cost a bomb but they were long enough to tie back using only hair to tie it and that is the only time I have managed to get away with not singe my hair... the only problem was that it cost £300.00
yeah, i put my hair up if im smoking a bowl. but i have longer nails, that are always polished, and its a bitch to light a bowl, cuz my finger gets burnt. thats why pipes suck and joints are better.
I burned my beard once... once, now my beard is kept neat and trim.
On the other hand, I do burn of parts of my finger nails all the time, I play bass and like to nail pick so I let my nails grow out, it's freaky when they burn though. Once you take the charred part off, the edge is really sharp.
There is a piece of local lore about an incident in my early smoking days when I accidently lit up the front of my whitefro... two of my buddies pounced on me, slapping the flame out as I dropped the bowl in the confusion...
Someone said a minute later,
"You dropped the bowl, man!!....but.... your hair caught on fire, dude!"
i was layin in the bed with my wife watch tv and i used to flic my lighter at her and she'd jump and sometimes we'd, well i digress. Anyway, i did it behind her head, it was the 80's, she had hairspray in it. there was the prettiest colored blue flame climbing up the back of her head. i patted her on the head to put it out and she turned and smiled at me. i told her goodnite honey and went to sleep. she never knew until i told her. i don't even remember telling her about it. i musta been high. but we still laugh about it once in awhile and its been almost 30 yrs. :smokin:
I have hair as long as my arm, and I never light it on fire. My secret? I keep it tied back in a ponytail. My beard, on the other hand...
<<< raises left eyebrow......
^^ Because the other one is burnt off.
i aint got much hair left ha ha ,but i have fried my moustach a time or two with my dugout, makes you look pretty goofy
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