Torque05's Soil Grow - Barneys Farm Red Diesel 2010/11

Right ive taken your advice and gone for it. going to bend it over the fan, moved things around a little bit. With this one growing sideways itll need a longer vegging period too which should benefit the other diesel and cheese plants. This could be a rather interesting grow!

Pics up tomorrow... well today. Damn its late.:lot-o-toke:
Hi everyone, How are you all keeping? Sorry this updates been a long time coming, i wish i could give you and excuse as well but im just a pretty lazy person as it is and ive been playing Xbox :grinjoint:.

Right these are the pictures i was going to post but got distracted from doing...




Anyway lets get on with bussiness. Thanks to everyones advice ive started a form of LST.... the reason i call it a form of LST is because im pretty sure its a proper bodge job, however the big girl seems to be responding well so far and its giving the other two a chance to catch up as they are a little small at the moment...


The one i thought was going to die looks like shes going to pull through now which will be great. Then i have the little Big Buddah Cheese seedling also starting to sort itself out. Im thinking maybe two more weeks of veg then ill start flowering. Obviously depending on how this seedlings doing by then, but she should be fine. Anyway im sure you all want more pictures now as im just chatting about nothing...

The little one...



This is the larger plant...





If you can see in the last photograph, the plants leaning away from the camera and ive also tied up another two stalks to the side closest to the camera.. hopefully this will help it bush out even more... im just guessing really though, anyone have any thoughts on how it could be better? And how much longer do you think ill need to veg them for, well the two smaller ones, ill just keep bending the big one.

BlueDog, You will not be dissapointed when you taste that red diesel. Even though my last one was grown on even less budget than this it still blew my mind, as with all diesel the taste was amazing, so fruity. And i found the high to be very energising. Got to love the Sativa :yahoo:

Well thats all i got guys, thanks for looking again. Stay safe.

Thanks for the encouragement smokey and van diesel :) Hopefully the larger plant will turn out rather well at the moment. I can't wait to get that girl flowering. She's going to look lovely!

I've got a concern about the smaller plant that I need some help with. I've left it browning straight just by tieing it to small stick as it was going a bit sinker. It was then growing great but now the new growth has stopped. It looks like I've cut the top, obviously I havnt but two fan leaves sprouted but no other shoots, just a small black stump... Any ideas? I'll post a picture asap.

Here we go. Also i appologise for my spelling in the last post, was on the iphone and it has some crazy predictive text.

Looks topped to me. Maybe it got hit or snapped accidentally. Either that or you have a mutant that topped itself! What is strange to me is that there is no branch growth at that point just above the leaves.

Whatever happened, well I guess it happened and there is no going back. She's topped, but now those 2 shoots below that point will become your tops. Hopefully this doesn't stunt the growth of your main stem.
Here we go. Also i appologise for my spelling in the last post, was on the iphone and it has some crazy predictive text.

LOL, I was wondering, like what kinda crazy new slang is this guy busting out...I'm so behind the times...LMAO
Hi everyone!

Hahaha Sorry Van Diesel, i did confuse myself in that as well.

Im getting quite slow at updates and do appologise, this ones been a long time coming but last time i tried to do it i deleted everything i had wrote and therefore gave up for a bit! But thats all behind us now so here we go.

The seedlings doing quite well now, could almost call her a small plant now.


The one that has mysteriously topped itself is also doing pretty damn well considering my bodging! I left the stump like it was for a couple of days as i wasnt sure if it would sprout at all around it but it didnt so i went a bit mad. I cut both of the fan leaves off the plant to let the two smaller shoots below get some light and then tied them to the main stem. I must point out... i had no idea what i was doing in the slightest, but i think its gone pretty well if im honest! You guys be the judges.

Couple of days after tieing

most recent picture

Right then. So the bigger LST plant. Still going on stronger than i ever thought it would be, everytime i see it im more and more impressed with LST! I will definatly be using it in the future, hopefully more and more successfully as well. Unfortunatly i cant quite get to the plant on the far side due to the nature of my grow space so she has gone a little wild down one end. Still, shes a rather beefy lass compared to what im used to!

This picture was taken just after a heavy tieing session. She looks a bit boney here but she fills out very well...

Side View

Full glory

So thats how the plants are doing. I must admit a couple of those photo's were taken at least a week ago so theyve got a little bigger now.

Im now on day 1 of flowering. I gave the plants a 36hour dark period before switching to 12/12. This is just because i heard of people doing it and wanted to give it a try, see if i noticed any difference in the speed the plant began to flower.
The only reason ive started flowering now is that i cant let the main plant get any bigger. Its already probably going to take up most of the space in the tent by the end of its flowering cycle. Im a little concerned that its too early for the BB Cheese but i suppose we'll see what happens, its all about experimenting for me.



Oh and last bit, i will also be using BioBloom and TopMax nutrients from BioBizz for the flowering stage, got to love organics.

Cheers for reading ladys and gents. Enjoy yourselves.
Evening chaps. Thanks for the kind words as usual. I'm getting a bit concerned about how cold it's going to get in the loft in the coming months. I only have the cfl's for warmth and I'm pretty sure they arnt going to keep them that warm when the winter hits here. Any tips? I was thinking blankets over and on the gaps on the bottom of the tent?

Blue dog the two biggest plants are red diesel and the smallest is big buddah cheese. Hoping it is big enough to get some bud going on it. The lights go on at 12 tonight, I'll get some pictures up soon, hopefully some pistols to show as well.

Have a good one!
I'm going to be setting up something based on information from the Clowns, Skooter and Slappy. A thermastat and heater designed for reptile enclosures. I'll do some pictures when the parts are delivered tomorrow.

Fun grow you have going here.
I bought an oil-filled space heater for $37 at Meijer for the veg room.

I have about 20 100w cfls in the flower room, it gets really warm in there about 85 right now, with outside temps in the 50's. But I have another space heater for lights out time, and I may need it when the lights are on when winter hits. It gets cold here.

Can't wait to see what TwoTokes has cooking.
Hi Two Tokes, Thanks for dropping by, just had a quick look st your grow, looks very interesting. Lovin the LST. Will have to have a proper read of it soon.

Ill have a look into getting a small heater up there for when the lights arnt on or its really cold. cheers for the advice guys.
Hi guys, quick update. I have 2 female red diesel plants so far, the cheese isn't showing yet as it wasn't as mature at the other 2 but hopefully in the next week I'll have good news!

Merry Christmas one and all.

Hi Guys, sorry about the mssive wait for an update, ive been taking photo's almost every other day so ive had a few to look through and choose to put on here. Ive just had a look at my last update, i really have been leaving u guys in the dark here, sorry! So heres the story so far, its been a bloody cold winter and apart from my 2 125W CFLS there is nothing for heat up there, turns out they arnt suffering too much and my girls are still clinging on. Oh and yes, they are all girls for sure now :D i actually punched the air in joy when i saw the first pistols on the BBCheese plant.

Now the Cheese plant is understandable a bit behind in the grand scheme of things as she was planted slightly later and subjected to 12/12 a bit early due to the size of the other two and the lack of space in the grow room.
So here we are, shes blossomed a bit since last time and cant wait to see what yeild i get from this plant, even though ive done very little with it, it will be interesting to see the yeild from a] my first indica and b] such an immmature plant when it went into flowering.

Im not sure if you can tell in the pictures here but shes got a lot lot bigger, now covers the entire span of the pot at least. Its looking very healthy, im looking forward to smoking the cheese so much :D




Now the interesting Red Diesel at the back that has seemed to top itself. Its now doing pretty well, there is one clear main head and a secondary one thats trying to poke through. Im quite happy with this one as i always thought it was going to die or at least turn out male and id have to chop it down but through the odds, and my incessant clumsiness, shes come up trumps.

Id say in the end this plants probably going to be roughly the size of the first one i did. Maybe with less bud but still, im happy ive got any, here are the pics for you guys.








Now heres the one im proud of. THe LST Red Diesel, i lost a bit of control with the plant due to the fact i can only get into the grow space easily on one side so there is a main head developing on the plant with a lot of other ones growing around it.










That last canopy shot was taken about 5/6 days ago, the plants have now been in 12/12 for 30 days. on 4 and a half weeks left and we'll see what the big girl has to offer. No doubt the Big Buddah Cheese will have to stay in longer but im happy to spread my harvests.

Any ideas/crisitism/comments welcome guys, im here to learn :D

Hey Torque good to see you back in action, your plants look great!

I just germed my Red Diesel seed, hopefully she'll make it she has a helmet head at the moment. So anyhow I'm very interested in yours. Do both plants look alike to you?

I like that Cheese too, it's gonna have to go on my wish list. Keep us posted buddy and good luck down the stretch! :lot-o-toke:
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