Totally Indoor Grow 1st Time!

Updated pics. tonight!
What do you think?
How can I improve things, or should I just be patient?

IMG_20231017_011702408 (1).jpg

This is what's in this soil. Hopefully.

Ok, so just a plain soil mix, no added inputs to feed your plant. That means you have to supply them yourself.

Our sponsors have good products like Remo Nutrients, and Geoflora. Don't know about Remo but Geoflora would give you an organic grow.
Ok, so just a plain soil mix, no added inputs to feed your plant. That means you have to supply them yourself.

Our sponsors have good products like Remo Nutrients, and Geoflora. Don't know about Remo but Geoflora would give you an organic grow.
Thanks for the link.
Have another question for you or anyone in the group:
When can I move these little ladies to 5 gal. pots?


Thanks for the link.
Have another question for you or anyone in the group:
When can I move these little ladies to 5 gal. pots?


Good morning my friend.
I use clear cups underneath to see the roots.
But I usually wait for a decent root ball that can drain the cup of water in a day or so.
So now you want to build that root ball.
Watering the outside edges.
Looks good.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Have another question for you or anyone in the group:
When can I move these little ladies to 5 gal. pots?
Bill's got you covered. You want a well established plant with good roots before you uppot. It is much easier to not overwater in a small container like you have than it is in a 5 gallon pot, especially if the plant doesn't have a good root system first.
One week later. Slight growth change in number of leaves that is.
When can I add some "boost" to help these ladies grow up big and strong??


Plants are chemical reactors. You need a balance of light, temp, food, water and air. Too much or too little of any one will slow the reaction. At this stage they don't need much light, air or water so those are good. They are just starting to feed so 1/2 or 1/4 strength nutrient every other watering is plenty. That is most likely not the restrictive ingredient since your soil has compost. The plants have not had time to deplete the soils nitrogen. Did you get your temperature up to at least 25C? 28 is ideal. At 20C the plant can live but the reactions slow way down almost like hibernation. They can live and grow at 20C but vary, vary slowly.
Hi Sal :)

Welcome to the worst thread in the best weed forum!

Thank you!

One word @Carcass! I will link you to his journal. He changed the way I grow. It’s all in the training.

Are you a lady grower?

Plants are chemical reactors. You need a balance of light, temp, food, water and air. Too much or too little of any one will slow the reaction. At this stage they don't need much light, air or water so those are good. They are just starting to feed so 1/2 or 1/4 strength nutrient every other watering is plenty. That is most likely not the restrictive ingredient since your soil has compost. The plants have not had time to deplete the soils nitrogen. Did you get your temperature up to at least 25C? 28 is ideal. At 20C the plant can live but the reactions slow way down almost like hibernation. They can live and grow at 20C but vary, vary slowly.
First of all, thanks for the reply!
Been too warm in the house to put on the heat or even use a heater. It hit 80 degrees F here this week. Colder temps on the way. I will add heat when temps in the house decrease.
What brand of fertilizer do you recommend?

Do you prefer metric or US standard measurements? We keep shifting, lol. Seedlings want low/mid 80sF during the day and mid/upper 70sF at night. I am focused on temp because you posted a thermometer displaying mid60s F. You want an average 24hour temp of 80 not just a high of 80. The effect of low temps is slow growth. Slow growth is your current issue. I mat be misunderstanding but you see how it all seems to point to temp issues? I'm trying to wright in a clear way, without it coming across as harassment. Sorry if it did.

As for fertilizer. I am assuming you are looking for a liquid fert since you are borderline hydro with that medium. First you need a cal/mag (calcium/magnesium) mix. No liquid fert comes with those and they are the building blocks. After that is dissolved into the water you need a hydroponic fert with NPK around 10-3-6 area and includes micro nutrients. Any of the major brands will work, General hydroponics, floraGro, Fox Farm, Advanced nutrients. Others will chime in with the brands that are not coming to me right now. I use dyna-grow, foliage and bloom formulas. Ran out of General hydro mid grow so got dyna from green house down the road at a fraction of the price. Worked just as good. Been using it around 5 years now.

The absolute most important thing you need is a PH tester. Strips, drops, or meter anything will work. Test water going in and keep an eye on water PH running out. PH over 7 and under 5 the roots stop working.
Do you prefer metric or US standard measurements? We keep shifting, lol. Seedlings want low/mid 80sF during the day and mid/upper 70sF at night. I am focused on temp because you posted a thermometer displaying mid60s F. You want an average 24hour temp of 80 not just a high of 80. The effect of low temps is slow growth. Slow growth is your current issue. I mat be misunderstanding but you see how it all seems to point to temp issues? I'm trying to wright in a clear way, without it coming across as harassment. Sorry if it did.

As for fertilizer. I am assuming you are looking for a liquid fert since you are borderline hydro with that medium. First you need a cal/mag (calcium/magnesium) mix. No liquid fert comes with those and they are the building blocks. After that is dissolved into the water you need a hydroponic fert with NPK around 10-3-6 area and includes micro nutrients. Any of the major brands will work, General hydroponics, floraGro, Fox Farm, Advanced nutrients. Others will chime in with the brands that are not coming to me right now. I use dyna-grow, foliage and bloom formulas. Ran out of General hydro mid grow so got dyna from green house down the road at a fraction of the price. Worked just as good. Been using it around 5 years now.

The absolute most important thing you need is a PH tester. Strips, drops, or meter anything will work. Test water going in and keep an eye on water PH running out. PH over 7 and under 5 the roots stop working.
Thanks for the tips! I'll be sure to test the water and purchase fertilizer when needed.
Do you prefer metric or US standard measurements? We keep shifting, lol. Seedlings want low/mid 80sF during the day and mid/upper 70sF at night. I am focused on temp because you posted a thermometer displaying mid60s F. You want an average 24hour temp of 80 not just a high of 80. The effect of low temps is slow growth. Slow growth is your current issue. I mat be misunderstanding but you see how it all seems to point to temp issues? I'm trying to wright in a clear way, without it coming across as harassment. Sorry if it did.

As for fertilizer. I am assuming you are looking for a liquid fert since you are borderline hydro with that medium. First you need a cal/mag (calcium/magnesium) mix. No liquid fert comes with those and they are the building blocks. After that is dissolved into the water you need a hydroponic fert with NPK around 10-3-6 area and includes micro nutrients. Any of the major brands will work, General hydroponics, floraGro, Fox Farm, Advanced nutrients. Others will chime in with the brands that are not coming to me right now. I use dyna-grow, foliage and bloom formulas. Ran out of General hydro mid grow so got dyna from green house down the road at a fraction of the price. Worked just as good. Been using it around 5 years now.

The absolute most important thing you need is a PH tester. Strips, drops, or meter anything will work. Test water going in and keep an eye on water PH running out. PH over 7 and under 5 the roots stop working.
I prefer US standard but the frickin thing is only in Celsius.
How the heck can I get temp up to ,what 80? I have a small heater. Will this help. I can't leave it on though long time.
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