Transparent leaves - No pests - Help!


New Member
So these girls are my first grow. They were doing just great and im super today i might have gone a bit overboard...So first, im growing organic, indoors natural sun light, lots of air circulation, plus they have their outdoor time every day...So recently its been a bit hot here(hellish kind of hot) and paranoid me might of went a bit overboard with watering...Today i took them out for their daily sun bath, went to run some errands when this heat wave i come home to find them in normal condition but some tips here and there turned a bit dry, and it was only tonight that i noticed that some of the leaves turned slightly transparent and feel a bit like paper which kinda worries me...Could that be from my trigger happy watering and heat wave? and if so will they be okay?

Should also mention that i thoroughly inspected them and no signs of any critters, also checked the roots that are poking thru the drainage holes and they are white and look super healthy :)

Here are pics of my ladies, i will be grateful for any advice and opinion(ill try to get some pictures to show you the transparency i talked about when i get some daylight)




Edit: Also forgot to mention...on the last one, aka the biggest one i noticed a few brownish drops, not sure if tat means anything but i try to provide as much of info as possible :)

Thank you in advance for taking your time :)
Gata. Gatita? lol! Wsup Little Cat! Welcome to 420mag. Your plant doesn't seem too bad. Maybe just give it a little epsoms salt about 1/2 teaspoon to a whole teaspoon per gallon of water. Preferably R/O water. But wait until your container dries out almost completely. Pick up your pots and you'll get to know what they feel like when wet right after a good watering and when its dry, after anywhere from a day to day and a half, up to 3-5 days with larger pots. Lager pot, more dirt, more moisture, and so on. Get ahold of some worm castings. Put a layer over your soil about 2" deep, as you water it will add some mocrobial life too your soil. To go a step further hit it with some AACT Teas, There are many growers hear using them including myself. If not maybe try to look it up on "Blue Tube" not- they've got all kinds of different videos. But the most important thing is to just keep it simple, and keep it up. Keep up the research there are many good forums here as well as some Darn Good Journals. "The seed is already planted...." Good growing to you. Im out.

Thank you all for your thoughts and advice @ Deprivation Hmmm i think you gave me a really good clue to what is going on! You see...i never usually mist them, but i did so in panic yesterday because i thought heat exhausted them also for the same reason i have been watering them more frequently...So in away they started exhibiting signs of nute burn which makes no sense because i use organic soil that already has all the nutrients.
I spent almost whole night researching, and could not find all the symptoms...starting from the leaves that turn transparent,yellowing tips, some discoloration on the bottom leaves...looked with magnifying glass for all sorts of pests both on plant and soil...nothing...then i found a clue on the healthiest part of the plant...latter on i saw that the tops bent like a palm all the other symptoms made sense...luckily in my panic spree i also remembered to check the roots for rot and thank goodness all is good there, and this morning when water drained a bit tops went back up as they should be...Lesson learned...DO NOT OVER WATER EVEN IF YOU THINK THERE IS TOO MUCH HEAT!!!!

Now i dont have much experience with growing cannabis, but i did grow orchids and all sorts of other sensitive flowers, and i also noticed it works amazing for cannabis, so i thought of sharing it as an advice :) For the pest control, and prevention, you dont need to use chemicals, just dry out some egg shells and crush them with mortar and pestle into fine dust(can use fine grinder,like coffee one) and sprinkle that all around the dirt of your plant, can also mix some with small amount of water and spray directly on the plant once per week or two weeks...bugs hate it because it harms them but its good for your plant because it contains calcium :)
I promised better pictures, so here they are :)

Girl 1:


This is the palm tree effect i suspect is because of extra water:


Transparency i talked about, its not going yellow or drying, just became a bit see through:


And the back of one of the leaves:


Girl 2:


And the back side of the leaf:


Girl 3:


And the back side of the leaf:


Im correcting the over water issue, and sprinkling...Anything else i should feel concerned about? :)
Thanks a bunch again for all the help and advice :)
They look pretty great to me. They might benefit from a little more 'N', but no biggie. I'd leave well enough alone.
@ Major PITA Thank you, so i guess it was me being a bit paranoid ;) But im just trying to do my best in taking care of them, so i fixed the over watering, and added a tiny bit of calcium and nitrogen( went mad alchemist mode in my kitchen hahaha) to recover a bit lower leaves :)

Will also start my soon as i find the rest of the pictures and notes from when they were tiny :)
I'm glad you figured out the watering part. So many growers nearly drown their young ones.
@ Major PITA Its because so many people think about end result only, force flowering and reverting to veg,lollipopping and so many other ways to torture and stress the plant...and im not saying people should not do it or what ever, each to their own and i respect that, but to me...yes the end result is important, but so is the whole life cycle of the plant im growing, because i also find pleasure in watching it become strong, big and healthy ;)
@ Big Sparks Yes, but nutes get me greatly stressed because i have to get crafty and make my own and have to take it slow, because here i cant get any specific products for cannabis(not quite legal ;) ) but that also makes it fun :D

Thank you, i try my best to keep them happy ;) Likewise!!!
@ Deprivation: Oh you mean!!! ;D Are you just asking for a 50 shades of green joke hahaha Well bondage hmmm wont do it to a plant but....hahahahaha

Mhm eggshells work like a charm, just make sure you grind them super well for the mister...yeah...i clogged mine first time lol, as for soil its ok if its a bit rough :) What they do: When something goes on your plant or tries to get in soil for munchies dust gets on them and they cant fly, struggle and die, same goes for worms and such, as they move on the soil it stabs in them and they die(more SM action for you), and at the same time it feeds your plant ;)
@Deprivation: Ah my dear SM is for bugs only, if they plan on eating my plants i like to see them squirm :D As for bondage sometimes we all need it lol That reminds me...If you are in the mood sometimes to explain how do you make them more bushy, as i understood it has to do something with bending (or i have been told wrong?)
Well, i did have a nice garden when i lived in a house 2 years ago(hyacinths,roses,lilies,dahlias,blue and black orchids) and yeah i agree with you, trimming is not bad, just not sure how batshit crazy can i go with cannabis since some sorts of plants dont take it so well so i would prefer to give it time to make its own scar tissue before trimming, so yeah just depends on the sort and my experience with it ;)
@ Deprivation: Nice service you got there, i think that spider should have a name in that case :)

Thinking about that garden hurts just about like hitting your pinkie toe on the chair leg while you are stumbling in the dark on your night trip to the bathroom :( It was a project that my grandma started with me(she raised me) and when she passed i kept it going on my own for 9 years...Since i moved i could not just abandon it, so i made perfumes out of them to at lest keep them in some way :)

Ill give you a shout, and im really grateful you are willing to give me advice ;)

PS: I must now change my forum name to 50 shades because i have this creeping feeling you will haunt me with it LOL
@ Deprivation: Oh no, by no means i did not mean that you are creepy!!! I only meant that i have creepy FEELING that 50 shades joke will stick with me from now on :)
Its a good idea, not for perfume for obvious reasons lol but for essential oil, should try it, bet it has relaxing effect :D

Sadly no, never visited Canada...been to many places, moved around and such but never had a chance due to a fact i dont have friends there :/

Yeah i can vote with 50(see that number sticks with me lol) but i would not dare compete...if i somehow manage to smuggle a good strain to show off then maybe...Fun fact: I lived in Holland for 2 years, now im about to bang my head on the wall because i was stupid enough and didnt bring some nice quality seeds with me LOL
They are doing great, some nice sunny weather with pleasant breeze so they spent more time outside today,banned water for a while to let the soil dry, they also got to meet my dog, he sneaked out like 3 times to go sniff them LOL Will get some digital macro pics tomorrow when its daylight :)

OMG Caitlyn...i guess we shall see about those bannanas, balls or what ever surprise it has for purple ladyboy LOL
For the most part i had dobermans, after 14 years one of them passed, and the year latter the other one followed (Ajna and Jack). Now i got this little mix of jack russell and fox terrier. I actually didnt plan on having a dog just yet, but by chance i found it thrown away in a dumpster when he was only 1 month old, heard the crying and climbed in to get i took him with me to find him a new home, and after a week i just found that i dont have it in me to give him away :) He is super smart so i ended up training him and now he knows all sorts of crazy tricks and he even won a speed and agility obstacle competition. He takes off my socks at night(and sleeps on them LOL),brings toilet paper and a box of cigarettes on demand too hahahaha. I call him Frodo :)
Its just the damage from that overwater and sprinkle spree i had the other day, other than those no new damage and they perked up, no palm tree effect anymore :)

Yeah hes mad i tell you...Like hell im gonna ask him...Hey Thor...ummm whats the size of your hammer? hahahahaha i think he would look at me funny xD
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