Trimming buds after harvest


420 Member
I know it’s probably preference, but How extreme do you trim sugar leaves from buds , best method for doing it , manicure scissors, just to the surface of the bud, or pluck them by hand or tweezers to get in deep , photos please

Thanks kindly
I know it’s probably preference, but How extreme do you trim sugar leaves from buds , best method for doing it , manicure scissors, just to the surface of the bud, or pluck them by hand or tweezers to get in deep , photos please

Thanks kindly
From what I've seen (even in the Nug of the Month pics) this is a matter of personal taste. Mostly, I just use a large pair of scissors and contour to the shape of the bud. I throw out the trim, so I want to leave anything half-decent on the bud.
This is a freshly trimmed nug from my last harvest.
Hi Rich303! You're right that folks do it all kinds of ways. I try to take the big leaves off by hand first then get the scissors. I like a thin curved set. I take any trim I can easily get cut off and that's about it. Kind of ends up looking like Pantagruels pic ^^^.
Oh cool They're broken. Springs are for sale. I bought a package of 6 for very short money.

I follow my mentor's advice and clip the buds from the stem. The stem doesn't add anything other than time to dry. I just clip them and after I take the sugar leaves off I put them on a box top and turn them daily to monitor the progress. When they begin to approach crispy dry I throw them either in a baggie or lately into jars with sealing lids. I then burp and monitor by smell.

I have found, since I use a vaporizer that the buds don't need to be 100% crispy to vape. A little more moisture then you would for rolling joints makes for a much tastier smoke. And it also seems to help vaporizing the THC since I am using the lowest temp. YMMV
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