Twisting leaves, new growth

Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back. The twisting is definitely there but once the leaves started growing bigger they would untwist them selves for the most part. My new growth is still twisted. I’m having a weird problem now. It seems as though every time I water my plant it seems to droop like crazy about 15 to 30 minutes after. I only water every 2 to 3 days so it can’t be over watering and before I water the plant is almost perfect ( no drooping very perky ). It’s happened about twice now Ann takes a day-30 hrs For her to perk back up again. I made another video yesterday before the watering so you. Am see what I mean. I’ll put a link down.

Whats the temp of the water?
Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back. The twisting is definitely there but once the leaves started growing bigger they would untwist them selves for the most part. My new growth is still twisted. I’m having a weird problem now. It seems as though every time I water my plant it seems to droop like crazy about 15 to 30 minutes after. I only water every 2 to 3 days so it can’t be over watering and before I water the plant is almost perfect ( no drooping very perky ). It’s happened about twice now Ann takes a day-30 hrs For her to perk back up again. I made another video yesterday before the watering so you. Am see what I mean. I’ll put a link down.
Your good buddy i was just checking in on you to see how things are going?
He said it was good in the post!!! that it was back to normal..he hasnt wrote for over a week in i ask him . hey buddy whats up .and then boom there you are again same way with MDR thread
Where im mostly talking just like this thread where im mostly talking what a coincidence.. done with this goodbye.. geez whiz but i sure if 20 people wonders what is wrong and we all have a answer for something that the 20 of us dont know in then you say hey i have the answer them 20 people are gonna wanna say hey how you know this not that u been growing pot for 80 yrs.. i mean anybody on here would agree with me on this, most people when i ask them something about a problem they have basically all the other answers to the question and they say here in throw up a link on the thread. I dont think you read post maybe you just get so mad easily that you skim over it or something bc thats nothing like how i said it.. i mean i can say hey im known around the world and iv grown for 25 yrs just believe me.. ok gotcha
Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back. The twisting is definitely there but once the leaves started growing bigger they would untwist them selves for the most part. My new growth is still twisted. I’m having a weird problem now. It seems as though every time I water my plant it seems to droop like crazy about 15 to 30 minutes after. I only water every 2 to 3 days so it can’t be over watering and before I water the plant is almost perfect ( no drooping very perky ). It’s happened about twice now Ann takes a day-30 hrs For her to perk back up again. I made another video yesterday before the watering so you. Am see what I mean. I’ll put a link down
He said it was good in the post!!! that it was back to normal..he hasnt wrote for over a week in i ask him . hey buddy whats up .and then boom there you are again same way with MDR thread
Where im mostly talking just like this thread where im mostly talking what a coincidence.. done with this goodbye.. geez whiz but i sure if 20 people wonders what is wrong and we all have a answer for something that the 20 of us dont know in then you say hey i have the answer them 20 people are gonna wanna say hey how you know this not that u been growing pot for 80 yrs.. i mean anybody on here would agree with me on this, most people when i ask them something about a problem they have basically all the other answers to the question and they say here in throw up a link on the thread. I dont think you read post maybe you just get so mad easily that you skim over it or something bc thats nothing like how i said it.. i mean i can say hey im known around the world and iv grown for 25 yrs just believe me.. ok gotcha
Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back. The twisting is definitely there but once the leaves started growing bigger they would untwist them selves for the most part. My new growth is still twisted. I’m having a weird problem now. It seems as though every time I water my plant it seems to droop like crazy about 15 to 30 minutes after. I only water every 2 to 3 days so it can’t be over watering and before I water the plant is almost perfect ( no drooping very perky ). It’s happened about twice now Ann takes a day-30 hrs For her to perk back up again. I made another video yesterday before the watering so you. Am see what I mean. I’ll put a link down

What are your humidity levels, what temp is the water when your feeding?

Emilya mine did this to and i didnt water for 6 days to makesure it wasnt from over watering and i have air pots also.. the soil was dry i could pick up the pot with one finger with ease

I adjusted my humidity levels upward and raised the temp of my water and was cured after that this is like a re run of my grow..does not look like overwatering bc its only happening on the mid level of plant and upward
That is a drowning plant, a drowning flowering plant.
Could be. Pretty much everything in me says it’s not underwatering though because I’m using a 4 gal pot. I could have lifted the whole thing with my pinkys. I’ve heard of the lifting method but it was so light I was worried she would start showing signs of being under watered.
What are your humidity levels, what temp is the water when your feeding?

Emilya mine did this to and i didnt water for 6 days to makesure it wasnt from over watering and i have air pots also.. the soil was dry i could pick up the pot with one finger with ease

I adjusted my humidity levels upward and raised the temp of my water and was cured after that this is like a re run of my grow..does not look like overwatering bc its only happening on the mid level of plant and upward
Temps are 75-79 humidity is 40-50. Water temp is 70
all I can do is try... good luck. Let me know when you research out the signs of being underwatered.
All I said was that my gut was telling me it was not under watered. That response was a little dramatic. I’m a first time grower and A first time user of this website. I’m open to everyone’s ideas and opinions.
All I said was that my gut was telling me it was not under watered. That response was a little dramatic. I’m a first time grower and A first time user of this website. I’m open to everyone’s ideas and opinions.
I of course defer my decades of growing experience to your gut. I am just trying to help you pilgrim... and you tell me why you THINK I am wrong. You were not open to my idea. You are overwatering by watering too often and not giving your plants a clear wet/DRY cycle. I hope you figure this out before you lose your crop.
Also right before I watered it the leaves were practically flawless. No sign of overwatering

about 11 days ago
All I said was that my gut was telling me it was not under watered. That response was a little dramatic. I’m a first time grower and A first time user of this website. I’m open to everyone’s ideas and opinions.

She is a drama queen bro iv been dealing with her on other threads she wont stop trolling me.

Now onto your problem
I of course defer my decades of growing experience to your gut. I am just trying to help you pilgrim... and you tell me why you THINK I am wrong. You were not open to my idea. You are overwatering by watering too often and not giving your plants a clear wet/DRY cycle. I hope you figure this out before you lose your crop.

Are you fucking kidding me, he just said he hadnt watered for days and it was fine them 3 days ago, and its been happening since transplant im sure. if you would ask god damn questions instead of just being an asshole and claiming your the queen of growing cannabis, jesus christ your a very angry women you have serious problems. And to tell someone i hope you figure this out before your crop dies is the lowest you can possibly go..
Take your words of wisdom over to your own thread and relax a little geez you are a very emotional person and you flip the lid in 2 seconds

Ok everybody:yahoo: emilya is the queen of cannabis she is the master.. hell i think she created dirt and water at this point just waiting for when you say that you made the sun with your own hands also
I of course defer my decades of growing experience to your gut. I am just trying to help you pilgrim... and you tell me why you THINK I am wrong. You were not open to my idea. You are overwatering by watering too often and not giving your plants a clear wet/DRY cycle. I hope you figure this out before you lose your crop.
I think you’re mistaking “open to advice” with “following your advice”. I am completely open to anyone’s ideas. That doesn’t mean I’m going to immediately and blindly follow your advice and take it as my commandments while I grow. I don’t know you, but I will remember what you said and put it to the scientific method. I’ll test it because I always am looking to know more about growing. Once again try to be more pleasant. I don’t know you but you’re sounding arrogant. Congrats on your decade of growing. Maybe you can spend the next decade learing to be somewhat humble.
I think you’re mistaking “open to advice” with “following your advice”. I am completely open to anyone’s ideas. That doesn’t mean I’m going to immediately and blindly follow your advice and take it as my commandments while I grow. I don’t know you, but I will remember what you said and put it to the scientific method. I’ll test it because I always am looking to know more about growing. Once again try to be more pleasant. I don’t know you but you’re sounding arrogant. Congrats on your decade of growing. Maybe you can spend the next decade learing to be somewhat humble.
No im pretty sure you know how to water you have made it this far without overwatering and it looking just fine till now..
Transplant can cause this problem to.
Plants sometimes droop after watering regardless of any situation its perfectly normal in some situations but for occuring 30 hrs after then something is wrong and im not going to jump to conclusions and say hey do this do that and mess more up then what you have going on.

Give me some time to pull up your video and check out what u have buddy and see if we can get to the bottom of this before we start to do anything ok i just ran out the house for a lil bit in when i get back ill pull you up on youtube and watch it and see it more clearer
but other then this minor problem she is looking good and your really starting to get some flowering going on in that top. Good job buddy in dont lose your mind your not going to lose her bro she is gonna come back with a vengences
No im pretty sure you know how to water you have made it this far without overwatering and it looking just fine till now..
Transplant can cause this problem to.
Plants sometimes droop after watering regardless of any situation its perfectly normal in some situations but for occuring 30 hrs after then something is wrong and im not going to jump to conclusions and say hey do this do that and mess more up then what you have going on.

Give me some time to pull up your video and check out what u have buddy and see if we can get to the bottom of this before we start to do anything ok i just ran out the house for a lil bit in when i get back ill pull you up on youtube and watch it and see it more clearer
but other then this minor problem she is looking good and your really starting to get some flowering going on in that top. Good job buddy in dont lose your mind your not going to lose her bro she is gonna come back with a vengences
Good advice. Hah I kind of panicked. The plant is almost 80% back to normal. Maybe taking it out of the light for the watering and draining (took about 45 min) stresses her out?
Good advice. Hah I kind of panicked. The plant is almost 80% back to normal. Maybe taking it out of the light for the watering and draining (took about 45 min) stresses her out?
Yeah that shouldnt of bothered her by doing that if your 80% back to normal then already this time go 4 days without watering and when you do water do it slowly and not just poor the water in so quick when u did the transplant did you amend your soil with anything?
Get a turkey baster and start from the outside of pots rim and work your way to the middle in see if this helps take lil breaks in between as you go till you start to see water come out the bottom of the pot. Come back here tomorrow with new pics if you will please
Dont do 24/0 with autos they need a resting period. All plants need rest even when you grow at 24/0 they take there own resting period youll know to bc theyll droop for a lil bit and then the leafs will pray again.
Never go 24/0 with autos or photos.canna burn carbs during lights out and they get sugers moving around in the stock to supply energy for when lights come on she can focus her whole time on photosynthesis. Id go to 18/6 if i was you you wont regret it
I disagree but each to their own. 24/0 did my autos wonderfully and it helps keep my photos tightly stacked until flower. Not had any problems in that regard. The RQS website even suggests that 24h may be the best light schedule for autos.
On another note I dont see anything wrong with your girl Rrand. Am I correct that she's going into flower? Ive had twisted growth like that as they transition into flower its no big deal cuz. For the record I dont see any signs overwatering personnaly
Growth is less twisty today!!! Definitely nowhere near to being the way it was before but much better. The only problem now is that whatever happened also made the notes to grow unsymmetrical. It’s grows 1 fan leave at a time (instead of 2). Don’t know what this is called and if it is normal :/ hah 1 problem after the next
Again this is just part of flower my friend its nothing you did :D
Listen to @moderngroroom I may disagree with him on light schedule and one or 2 other things but they are the kinda things that are personal preference so theres no real wrong answer.
Like personally I wouldnt use miracle grow soil BUT it seems to have done you well so it doesnt matter what I think lol.
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