Typical cost of Cannabis across the world

I am for sure jealous of the people living in Britain! Cheapo!

I'm located in Northwest Alabama and a good price is hard to come by.
$10 a gram for some nasty ass Reggie. $25 Dank.
I live in Manchester UK and pay 10th British pounds for a gram and 200 pounds for a oz . but I try not buy a weed and grow it instead . :passitleft::passitleft:
We will always pay too much for Marijuana the way it stands now. Medical State or not we are paying rip off prices unless we grow our own.
Most dispensaries should be ashamed of themselves for what they charge medical patients to pay. These people have it hard enough already trying to keep a roof over there head and some food( I DON'T MEAN STEAK AND LOBSTER) on there dinner table. The Marijuana Dispensary Scene in Southern California is a complete joke. Why do some dispensaries advertise in smut rags??? What does MMJ have to do with these publications??? I personally have sat and watched what I'll call kids pull up in a car full of the same one kid jumps out and runs into the dispensary often not even being checked by a Security Guard and comes out to the car full of kids hollering out the windows , "What flavor did you cop?? and how much was it???" These people aren't sick and I'm sure that at least one has a MMJ card. Sadly you can buy one off the Internet and 10 minutes with a quack MD. The whole scene as it exists now needs to be cleaned up and until that is done prices will be set by how much they can sell and not by the proper MMJ patients receiving there medicine at a affordable set price.

RD :peace::peace::peace::420::420:
RD, the fiction of MJ being somehow toxic and dangerous has the biggest part of the blame. I don't mind kids toking up for joy in the slightest, so long as I don't have to be near them. Just like any other young person. If they drink, they then become a hazard, even while I'm dodging them.
Governments will squeeze every cent they can, without shame. They will try to shut down or up-front prevent home grows. Big Pharma's bribery assures that high-level cops, and majority of congress will stubbornly cling to their bullshit mantra.
I'll grow till I'm gone, and never ever respect my crooked-ass government(s), nor it's representatives, nor it's law enforcers. I do live with fear, but I live on my feet - not my knees. Let the clown show perform. You don't like SoCal dispenseries? Move to my state, there are none.
I am for sure jealous of the people living in Britain! Cheapo!

I'm located in Northwest Alabama and a good price is hard to come by.
$10 a gram for some nasty ass Reggie. $25 Dank.

Christ on a bad day I smoke a half ounce by myself (as embarrassing as it is to admit). That anybody can afford to pay that much for weed tells me how far off the edge of the Earth my ship of success has sailed. :(
On a brighter note, I could probably roll a pretty good size doob with this Bachelor's Degree parchment so keep posted on that one..... :joint:
A half ounce in a day? Interesting..... You either need to smoke till u literally can't function to get rid of extreme pain or u waste a lot of weed just smokin urself retarted for the he'll of it.... Ur lungs must feel like SHIT the next day heh

Here in my small town in Ontario Canada it's hard to find a decent dealer it seems... I'm stuck mostly buyin from kids around my age (21) who are more interested in buyin at the cheapest price n sellin at the highest... Most won't even give you a deal on a half o or ounce purchase....
Schwag goes for $10 a gram n anything thats even slightly above with the slightest kush smell they sell for $15 a gram...

My buddy's step bro was the only person in my town iv found with actual preemo ass stink ur whole house up like u jus smoked a joint in there cause u got 7gs under ur pillow.... Too bad he moved to BC

I Even had friends who bought off bud buddys website and were gettin so called "king kush" "master kush" "purple kush" "sour desiel" etc etc but the stuff never had a strong smell... It was definitely better then what we normally were smokin but nothing like my friends step bro had

I know in big cities it costs a lot less tho... I was payin $200 a half O for the dankest weed I ever smoked off my friends step brother when he lived here n now he can send me the same quality weed from Whistler BC for $200 an ounce.... Pretty retarted how I can get double the amount for the same price.... Shows how bad were gettin ripped here

Anyone who's got there own place n is 20 years or older is a fool to be buyin from dealers n not growin there own IMO...
You got one part right, TBayChronic. Got a smoker's hack from burning so much. But let's face it. Marijuana is a weak drug. It takes some of us a half ounce a day to get where the rest of you like to be at. I literally do not see how anybody could smoke a doob and be high a half hour later. Hell, anybody who's used to it can smoke all day and not have any problem with function. If people like spaces in between their highs through the day, that's cool. I don't. :lot-o-toke:
You got one part right, TBayChronic. Got a smoker's hack from burning so much. But let's face it. Marijuana is a weak drug. It takes some of us a half ounce a day to get where the rest of you like to be at. I literally do not see how anybody could smoke a doob and be high a half hour later. Hell, anybody who's used to it can smoke all day and not have any problem with function. If people like spaces in between their highs through the day, that's cool. I don't. :lot-o-toke:

fair point... your right i do like breaks inbetween.... mourning - after work - 2 hours before i go to bed
With the shitty weed I get round here half the time I'd be burnt out n sleeping half way through ur list heh... Some premo sativas I never burn out on tho but I think I would if I smoked that much heh... N I thought I Smoked a Lot lol
fair point... your right i do like breaks inbetween.... mourning - after work - 2 hours before i go to bed

Now when I smoke like that, then I get that feeling when I can't notice if I have a buzz or not (you've probably noticed it before if you've ever smoked dirtweed). If I smoke on a half hour to half hour basis it seems like there's enough of a cannibinoid intake there to notice the difference and keep feeling it. I don't know why it is, but I know it sucks. Man I got a callous on my lighter thumb that's so bad my skin splits and bleeds on the side of my thumbnail sometimes. I need to extract oils and mix it with espresso and drink that all day long or something to get away from smoking while I still have lungs that aren't artificial or somebody else's..... :)
It could be too that all my life I've never smoked killer, and even though some of it I've smoked through the years looked like superdank (like a lot of the weed you all grow on here) it was weak and everything I've grown so far has been weak too and I'm just judging from that. I'd have to quit if I was buying I know that.
Why don't you get a vapo n save ur lungs? It'll also get you high as f**k!
Why don't you get a vapo n save ur lungs? It'll also get you high as f**k!

The cheapest good ones I've seen in the head shops around these parts run in the neighborhood of $300.00. I need to get one of those hats with the two cups on top with straws that go down to your mouth like you see people wearing at ballgames and just fill them with butane extracted honey oil..... :idea:
:focus: Which is the cost around the world, not how much everyone around the world consumes..... It is really not hard to start a new/different thread.... :thanks:
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