Uneven growth


420 Member
Hey everyone
I have 2 plants in my tent one is an autoflower and the other is not the autoflower is older and is trying to bloom
The other one is younger and could still use some growth

my light cycle is still 6/18.
Should i change the lightcycle to 12/12 or is there no harm in giving the other plant 1 or 2 more weeks?
The autoflower will bloom under any cycle, so you should let the photoperiod plant control when you switch to 12/12.

That'll be nice because the autoflower will mature first, for an earlier harvest, while the photo continues to grow and bloom.
Bear in mind you are talking about reducing the light hours for an auto, which kind of defeats the purpose of an auto. (being able to continue to use and process 18+ hours of light to produce its' flowers)

Ideally, the longer you can let the auto have full hours the better result you will get from it. But by the same token, if you veg the photo for too long you'll end up with a christmas tree :D
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