Urgent help with pest issue

Hi guys.

Got a problem at probably the worst time, because I can't order anything in to fix it for a good few days.

I noticed a tiny fly type creature on one of my leaves and on closer inspection I can see a few chew marks, disaster!!

I'm not sure what they are but they looked to have wings and didn't look that small to me,I tried to get a pic of the bug but it ran away and I could only see the one on one plant.. so far :/

Does anyone know what caused this? What should I do now? There is 3 plants together in my 4x4 so I'm guessing it's going to spread to the others if it hasn't already.

The only things I have in for pest control are "Bio Protect" by Terra Aquatica, I was using that as a foilar spray but stopped well before flower.

From looking at pics it looks most like a fungus gnat to me but I'm not certain, it kinda looked like a small fly.

I've ordered some yellow sticky cards and Amazon is shipping for tomorrow for another few hours so I may still be able to purchase anything that would help

I just spent ages searching through the leaves to try and get a picture but I can't find any now, obviously the damage is present so they are there somewhere but I can't get a picture.

The top soil is dry 2 inches so it seems unlikely it's gnats? But that's what they look like to me so I don't know, the damage I saw from gnats online also didn't match these pictures.

I've panic-bought some neem oil, insecitial soap, some yellow fly catching cards and some cider vinegar so I can at least gauge how bad the issue is and start to kill some of them.
Hi guys.

Got a problem at probably the worst time, because I can't order anything in to fix it for a good few days.

I noticed a tiny fly type creature on one of my leaves and on closer inspection I can see a few chew marks, disaster!!

I'm not sure what they are but they looked to have wings and didn't look that small to me,I tried to get a pic of the bug but it ran away and I could only see the one on one plant.. so far :/

Does anyone know what caused this? What should I do now? There is 3 plants together in my 4x4 so I'm guessing it's going to spread to the others if it hasn't already.

The only things I have in for pest control are "Bio Protect" by Terra Aquatica, I was using that as a foilar spray but stopped well before flower.

From looking at pics it looks most like a fungus gnat to me but I'm not certain, it kinda looked like a small fly.

I've ordered some yellow sticky cards and Amazon is shipping for tomorrow for another few hours so I may still be able to purchase anything that would help

Fungus gnats don’t chew they’re mainly a pain in the rear but don’t cause much damage. Try using a fan on low + keeping surface soil dry. Sticky cards will thin them out to. CL🍀
Fungus gnats don’t chew they’re mainly a pain in the rear but don’t cause much damage. Try using a fan on low + keeping surface soil dry. Sticky cards will thin them out to. CL🍀
Thanks CL, I've got 2 fans circulating on medium strength the full time basically it's probably why I can't find them when I'm looking with my camera.

I'm confused because it doesn't seem to be any of the common pests I can find that attack plants on the websites... it definitely most resembles a normal fly but obviously smaller? The leaf damage is evident and the soil is super dry so I doubt it's fungus gnats after a little research :S
Thanks CL, I've got 2 fans circulating on medium strength the full time basically it's probably why I can't find them when I'm looking with my camera.

I'm confused because it doesn't seem to be any of the common pests I can find that attack plants on the websites... it definitely most resembles a normal fly but obviously smaller? The leaf damage is evident and the soil is super dry so I doubt it's fungus gnats after a little research :S
Maybe turn off your fans and try to get a picture, it’s impossible to help without knowing what your pest problem is. CL🍀
I don't know. The damage kind of looks man made? F gnats eat fungus in the pot so not likely. I see weird bugs that never show again on occasion. Is it just those few leaves?
Yeah it seems to be just these few leaves, the plant hasn't been touched though (No training for a week or so now) and I couldn't see this damage previously but I guess it's not exactly rampant. It does seem to be just this plant and these few leaves but I'll have a closer inspection and make sure.

The windows were open yesterday to allow some heat to escape so that's really the only way I can see anything getting into the room or tent.

I hope it's one weird rogue bug that would make my holidays :D Thanks Stone :))
Is it possible that it was a common house type fly and you’re seeing some normal wind damage and stretch tears and putting the two together? Its what it looks like to me - think @StoneOtter suggests the same? Leaves bend, twist, tear, split. Dunno. My 2 pennies.
Maybe turn off your fans and try to get a picture, it’s impossible to help without knowing what your pest problem is. CL🍀

Yeah I feel you, I tried for about ten minutes but couldn't see another one. I'll turn off the fans for ten and see if I can see anything pop up.
Is it possible that it was a common house type fly and you’re seeing some normal wind damage and stretch tears and putting the two together? Its what it looks like to me - think @StoneOtter suggests the same? Leaves bend, twist, tear, split. Dunno. My 2 pennies.
It is certainly possible it was a common house fly (a baby one). I did have the fans slightly too high I think (i turned them down by 2 a few days ago) so maybe your right mate, it could easily be environmental damage... I think you might be onto something and I'm hoping your right lol... crisis potentially averted with only a small dent in the wallet from panick buying remedies before post stops?

I hope so lol, gonna go monitor and see if I can see anything/get pics if so.

Your plants look proper healthy to my amateur eye. Individual leaves not necessarily q cause for concern. I dunno where you are in the world at this time of year and your setup I’d be surprised it was bugs. Just looks kinda like normal wear and tear.

Have a pre Christmas smoke and check again in the morning, I reckon. (Wrap presents before smoke 😂)
Your plants are looking good. Nice green and healthy so far. From what I can see so far there is not that much to worry about. As @StoneOtter mentions we can often see an insect show up and chew on a few leaves and then fly or walk away and never return. It has happened occasionally on my outdoor plants and indoor plants so all I do is watch what they do, maybe get a photograph for reference and not worry.

Fungus Gnats live and eat in the soil and not on the leaves. If what you saw was a gnat then most likely it was just a coincidence.

I've panic-bought some neem oil, insecitial soap, some yellow fly catching cards and some cider vinegar so I can at least gauge how bad the issue is and start to kill some of them.
Gotta love panic buying. Done it myself a time or two.

The Neem Oil could be used as a preventative. It is a contact insecticide so it might kill off small juvenile insects that get covered. It also helps to reduce the possibility of some mildews. Some people do not like using it in flower but you are still early in the flowering stage so if sprayed in the next week or so it should be gone well before harvest.

Some insecticidal soaps are highly recommended but we would have to know which one you ordered. Then the people who use them could make recommendations on what to use it for or whether to use it at all at this time.

The yellow cards come in handy. They catch a few insects and their actual purpose is to help the gardener know if a flying insect population is increasing.

The vinegar is good for spraying as a preventative for some mildews. Can't remember is it is helpful for insects though.

The bottom photograph shows a nice little 'smilie face'. Still have not figured out what it is doing there. Could be the top of a stick, maybe a small scarecrow? None the less, probably best to watch and keep track to see if the insects come back or the damage becomes really noticeable.

Your plants are looking good. Nice green and healthy so far. From what I can see so far there is not that much to worry about. As @StoneOtter mentions we can often see an insect show up and chew on a few leaves and then fly or walk away and never return. It has happened occasionally on my outdoor plants and indoor plants so all I do is watch what they do, maybe get a photograph for reference and not worry.

Fungus Gnats live and eat in the soil and not on the leaves. If what you saw was a gnat then most likely it was just a coincidence.

Gotta love panic buying. Done it myself a time or two.

The Neem Oil could be used as a preventative. It is a contact insecticide so it might kill off small juvenile insects that get covered. It also helps to reduce the possibility of some mildews. Some people do not like using it in flower but you are still early in the flowering stage so if sprayed in the next week or so it should be gone well before harvest.

Some insecticidal soaps are highly recommended but we would have to know which one you ordered. Then the people who use them could make recommendations on what to use it for or whether to use it at all at this time.

The yellow cards come in handy. They catch a few insects and their actual purpose is to help the gardener know if a flying insect population is increasing.

The vinegar is good for spraying as a preventative for some mildews. Can't remember is it is helpful for insects though.

The bottom photograph shows a nice little 'smilie face'. Still have not figured out what it is doing there. Could be the top of a stick, maybe a small scarecrow? None the less, probably best to watch and keep track to see if the insects come back or the damage becomes really noticeable.

Hey SmokingWings, thanks for the reply mate!

I think I have settled on everyone being correct, reducing panic and restoring my mental state back to happy holiday goer :D

I watched them for a further 10 minutes, no fans, no bugs/flying insects nothing. It was a rogue grinch insect and it appears as though it's gone now.

Thanks for the info regarding the neem oil and soap, the soap was from the same people who do the Neem oil on Amazon, don't think they are a proper brand or anything, the ingredients are:

I was worried about having to spray during flower so glad to hear those products would have been useable, thankfully it's not neccesary but it's definitely better to have them on hand ready. The yellow stickers I can use as an indicator if nothing else so no major dramas.

The vinegar I bought to use as an attractant but that's interesting it has other good uses for plants, some decent panic buys then I reckon :)

The smiley face is some gorilla tape wrapped around a cocktail stick, I don't blame it for smiling surrounded by all those developing buds :rofl:
Your plants look proper healthy to my amateur eye. Individual leaves not necessarily q cause for concern. I dunno where you are in the world at this time of year and your setup I’d be surprised it was bugs. Just looks kinda like normal wear and tear.

Have a pre Christmas smoke and check again in the morning, I reckon. (Wrap presents before smoke 😂)
Cheers mate, just a bit of holiday panic, thanks for your logical thinking and helping me calm back down lol.
The "Potassium Soap of Fatty Acids" is what I see some of the group recommend in soaps to be used or sprayed on plants. That should be OK and hopefully someone who uses those soaps stops by.
Yes, the true soaps have those psfa and they way they work is that they destroy the bugs exoskeleton and dry out and kill them. But they only work on bugs that are sprayed directly. A big landing on a freshly sprayed leaf will be largely unaffected.

So, if you're not seeing bugs, soaps like Safers Insect Killing Soap probably won't help as they're not a preventative.
Perfect, thanks a lot @SmokingWings and @Azimuth

These are in the emergency "Do not break unless in pest emergency" cabinet so hopefully they never need to be used. But really good to know they will be useful if needed <3
Good catch.

I kept looking at my posting and thinking something was wrong with the wording but couldn't figure out what it was.
It's all good. I do that a lot! Thank God for the edit feature (at least for 420 minutes). I still see posts I wish I edited long ago, but oh well.

I just wanted to clarify so anyone not familiar and reading a label was looking for the right thing.
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