Very strange growth at week 5 of flower - Please help!


420 Member
Hi, this is my 5th or 6th grow and i feel i have had every problem in the book, spider mites, too much heat, fans that make my room sound like an airport, to name a few. But there was always all the answers i needed on here to help me fix the problem. But I've been looking on the internet for about an hour now and cant find anything even close so I thought I would try a tread of my own.

Due to heat problems a couple of months ago 3 of my 4 Barneys farm critical kush died so there is only 1 left under a 400w led light. Soil grow
she got big fast as soon as i put her in for flower with all that light to herself and was looking perfect up until about a week ago.
I've been battling spider mites and as most my plants died from the heat epidemic it was a lot easier to get them under control. I noticed just a few on her so i treated her with SMC 'spider might control' 3 times 3 days apart. with the last treatment yesterday. (i only mention this on the of chance it was the cause)
now 7 days ago she was just starting to bud perfectly but then all the bud areas started growing really weird sort of like reverting back to veg but not (I've had that problem in the past). All the stems at the bus sights stretched a bit and then went really fat and really pale almost white in some places and looked like they are full of water and these sort of growths were also where the nodes join the stems. sorry about the low quality pictures i will try and take some better ones soon.

Any help or advice appreciated. Thanks

Hi, I cut a lower branch off this morning so i could get a decent picture of it. in the first pic you can see its completely normal up until the first node then the stem becomes very fat, wrinkled and pale and to be honest it looks worse since i checked it last night. I really need help cus i dont want to lose her. I had such high hopes for her.
hey, thank you so much for the reply

all measurements are per 10l. i am giving her 5l every two days

canna terraflors 30ml
cannazym 15ml
AN sensi cal-mag 10ml
AN big bud 20ml (up untill end of week 4)
PK 13/14 15ml (only for week 5)

coming to think of it, the strange growth only started after i was adding pk 13/14 (even though ive used it before with no problems) but the last feed with bigbud (last day of week 4) i put some pk13/14 to give it a start on next weeks feed schedule

Would you recommend that i give her a full flush as an immediate precaution? and do you think she can be saved?
The Cal-Mag is unnecessary & contains extra Nitrogen.

The PK 13/14 along with the Big Bud may have kickstarted some strange growing behaviour.

Flushing seems an extreme measure and could cause other issues.

I would just leave all the supplements for a while and see how see progresses.
Looks like you have over fertilized. Also ive seen growth like that with too much heat. Canna terraflores is a crappy base nutrient. Try using ionic soil bloom, its cheap and it works well. Do your feed by EC/PPM not by the bottle instructions. I bet 3ml/l of terraflores plus calmag has put your EC through the roof for soil. Do you have aN EC/PPM meter. Are you located in Europe or America? I can help advise what to use better depending on what is available to you.
hi thanks for the reply. the heat has been fully under control for about 2 weeks and as she was the only one to survive my heat problem so i dont think its that. with the terraflores it recomends 5ml per liter on the bottle and i was giving her 2.5ml per liter but she was showing no signs of nute burn and growing fast so i upped it to 3ml per liter. as for the calmag i was told i would need it when using the canna line as calcium deficiencies are common when using their products but again only half recomended. I've been wanting a ppm meter for a while now and will look into getting one asap! I live in Europe and have access to a average-good hydro store. I have florakleen by general hydroponics for when i flush if that helps. I really hope i can save her! thanks again for all the help
pmsl:bravo: it took you the same amount of time to reply as it did for me to skin up. loving the response time with this site but seriously thank you so much for the help. im just going to give her ph water tonight and through out the rest of her cycle and hope she makes it. will deffo get a ec/ppm meter and look into the ionic range. ps i wrote this earlier but forgot to send it lol
hey guys just an update. Ive started to notice the same growth on my small seedlings (50 quids worth of seeds i might add) and they have only had ph'd water since the beginning. the only thing i did was spray them a little bit with SMC spider mite control while i was doing my flower room so my only conclusion is that it was the shitty spider mite spray. I live in south east europe so my choice of products is limited, I ordered some mighty wash before which cost me loads in shipping and took 3 weeks to arrive but it worked perfectly the first time but since then i'm finding it impossible to get some more ordered. After the first time I got rid of them I put a chive plant in each room and didn't see a single one all up until my heat went crazy and killed my chive plants (amoung several weed plants). after that they came back rather fast and now the new chive plant isnt working because they are already in there. on top of all this ive started to notice some tiny black flies hovering around and hanging out on the soil so i would like to get rid of them too. If you guys know any links for home made spider mite cures or of a product that you know to work please let me know and also for the tiny flies cus i cant seem to get straight answer from the internet. My god this shit is starting to drive me crazy. Now im going to do a full clean and bleach over the next couple of days and basically start from scratch again. but right now im going for a joint! Thanks again for any and all help and advice!
killermite works the best of everything ive used. i suggest emptying grow space completely then spray every inch of the space. then vacum and wipe down. then when you start next batch allow them to veg, before uou flip remove the bottom 1/3 of plant growth then spray rest of plant with killermite. You shouldnt need to repeat this again during flower. Then after each crop repeat the process.
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